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Everything posted by GrandeRampel

  1. However, tome Eirika was the first alt of its kind (or did horse Chrom come first?) which means people didn't know how to take it and were angry. Plus, it came in the MIDDLE of CYL2, which meant that we didn't have the time to get over it. Meanwhile, Adrift Camilla came after a lot of non-seasonal alts like Nino, Olivia and Reinhardt, and we were used to it. Plus it came months BEFORE CYL3 which gave us time to get over the irrational hate. That time might have saved Eirika.
  2. As someone who likes both Eirika and Camilla, I can say that there is one difference. Think about Marth. Think about how people were on the warpath about making him win, but after legendary Marth, they calmed down a little. Many people value seasonal randumb alts and serious alts, grounded in the lore of the characters, differently. A legendary alt may satisfy the desire for a CYL alt, but no amount of seasonals will satisfy that desire. Camilla is a bit unique in the sense that two of her alts are "serious", and grounded in her world. They are Camilla in Hoshido and Camilla in Valla. But Camilla in a different kingdom isn't what people want from the CYL version. We want Camilla with Bolverk, or Siegfried. If we had gotten a legendary alt that was exactly that perhaps less people would care to get a CYL Camilla.
  3. Because Donnel was in 10th place or something for males in the first CYL. We were talking about how doing well in CYL doesn't mean you'll get an alt.
  4. You may also think that all the love for the Elibe lords, 3/4 having already won, and the fourth in 3rd place might make IS consider doing something about FE6 and FE7... and yet... This is not to rain on your parade. I'm just telling you to not raise your expectations too high.
  5. You are forgetting something. The results of CYL isn't what manages to influence IS' decisions. It's actually the results of CYL vs what they expected the results to be that does that. For example they called the results of CYL 2 "unexpected" what I think they meant are two things: 1. They weren't expecting the beasts to be so popular. If we assume that they had 0 plans to include them and they started to work on them right after CYL2 it makes sense to me. Some people may say that "it took a f*cking year" but honestly, if we consider that the standard is to work on a banner six months before its release, it makes sense they would need a year of work for Laguz since it's the usual 6 + whatever number of months they needed to figure out how to make a new weapon type. And they were already working ob Colorless breath and colored bows, so they probably needed to finish working on those first. 2. They weren't expecting OC to be so popular. With multiple OCs in the top 20. And would you look at that, after some months to process what happened they made more OCs available and they gave them alts. Do you know what they probably didn't surprise them? Reinhardt in top 5. They knew he was popular and were already planning alts for him. Also Celica winning probably expected, and they were already convinced Echoes wasn't a priority even if she is popular. As of this CYL3 I don't think Camilla doing well will make them change their plans for the rest of the year. They probably were aware she would do well regardless. Same thing for Alm. He is doing well, the rest of Valentia is not, which is probably why they aren't planning Echoes banners right now. You wanna know what I think will surprise them? 2 Jugdral characters besides Reinhardt in the top 20. I think will convince them to give a bit more priority to Legendary Sigurd. Or if we are extremely lucky some Jugrdal alts this summer/fall. Of course, if 0 characters from Fates and Awakening made the top 20 that would have also surpised them A LOT and probably made them change every banner they hadn't commisioned the art for already. But let's face it, that was never gonna happen, and they knew. Which is why I think the relative success of Fateswakening won't change their plans one bit, but the relative success of Jugdral will.
  6. Well if part of the outside influence is people who know nothing about FEH voting Camilla and the other part is people who know nothing about FEH voting Robin, they even each other out. ... Or they would, if Robin was already 2nd, but she is 3rd. As I see it Micaiah will be the biggest victim of CYL history.
  7. I hope to Elise, but probably they will just end up all over the place.
  8. One thing to consider is that maybe the actual "minority" is people who take this contest so seriously they talk about it for 45 pages. Us, basically. Perhaps over 50% of the voters are more casual and just put their vote in and MAYBE share it on twitter with the function already on the vote site, before going on with their day as usual. Anyway, I voted for Camilla again today.
  9. You see, there is one fundamental problem. Let's pretend that Camilla fans finally got tired of her and she placed #231. How would that change anything in regards of getting more alts from Archanea and Jugdral? What would happen is that Micaiah and F!Robin (who have multiple alts. Because Yune-posessed-Micaih is already in the making, I would bet my house on it) would win instead. Or depending on who gets the votes from Camilla fans, maybe Eirika and Azura (who have multiple alts). If the point you are trying to make is that units with alts should not get votes and people who vote for them are being selfish, then you gotta complain about the entire top 20 minus Anna and Louise. It's not fair to single Camilla out as if she disappeared from the list all problems would be solved.
  10. I refuse. IS made this mess and they will have to properly explain it one day. I won't allow them to simply retcon him out of existing.
  11. Okay, but you ignored my point about Priam. How do you explain him if a Groom Ike never existed. Do you think Ike had him with a random prostitute in Valm and then abandoned the continent? But Priam has Ragnell with him, so that means Ike recognized him as an heir. Which means he recognized that he impregnated the woman, which means they absolutely had a shotgun wedding, because Ike wouldn't be a coward that escapes from his responabilities. Unless the woman died of childbirth... IS can you put Priam in the game already, so we can have some actual answers?
  12. Yes, because Sanaki and Lyn have canonical spouses. Also if you do LynXEliwood Ninian has no one to marry, so... Honestly Caeda, Marth, Tharja and Cordelia are the only ones with a canonical reason to be on that banner. And the latter two just because Noire and Severa have to come from somewhere. And speaking of that, Priam also needs to come from somewhere which means Ike eventually got married. Ike has better reasoning for being on a wedding banner than Ninian, Lyn, Sanaki and Charlotte.
  13. Forget #FE! Why the f*ck are Cipher characters not in the poll? They were in Echoes, an official, mainline, Fire Emblem game! Why do you hate Cipher so much, Heroes devs? Is it because they are the better crossover game?
  14. Honestly you are being a bit pessimistic. Since Fates we have gotten Warriors, Echoes and Heroes. Echoes didn't have much fanservice, in Heroes we waited almost a year before we got Loki, and we had no other fanservice heavy character. Warriors has some fanservice, mainly with the costumes but nothing too terrible. And the two female character we saw in 3Houses were dressed modestly (granted, one is a little girl). Honestly if Fates and Camilla's popularity means we get a token character obsessed with the MC (Faye, and Sharena can be pretty obsessed with Kiran at times) and a token seductress (Loki, Nuibaba) with each new game, I say no big deal. It's just two characters out of a cast of probably 100. They won't ruin the entire game for people. And if you are upset about the skirts Pegasus Knights always wear and how skimpy the Dark Mages' robes are I get it, but it wasn't Fates that started either of these. And I won't worry about driving the female fans away. They know how to throw them a bone. Look at how much official merchandise Leo and Takumi STILL get.
  15. Okay, I met with my friends who also play heroes, and while most of them were chill, one of them, who voted for Awakening Anna was REALLY salty. Like his body was 99.9% salt. He bitched a lot about Camilla. A LOT. He was even mad at me for voting her. He said that he wants to switch to F!Robin and take over Micaiah because "If I'm gonna be miserable, then I will bring Micaiah's fans down with me, so we can all be miserable together!!" Honestly, he is not a bad guy, but he can be very passionate and loud sometimes. I believe tomorrow he will be over it and probably will switch to Bruno or even Ranulf just to make a favor to our other friend. But talking with him made me remember that the first day is always the worst. People need time to process stuff, and on the heat of the moment we can say nasty things. Perhaps even the trolls, the Camilla haters and the toxic supporters will become less obnoxious in a couple of days.
  16. Nonono, don't feel bad about promoting the character you love the most. This topic lives thanks to people like you. You are no more annoying than me with Tanith, Fire Emblem Fan with Brom, Cute Chao with Kent and... I forgot the name... That one guy who likes Galle. Honestly I really hope to see more regular banners for Fates. There are siomany popular characters to add.
  17. Such things happen all the time in the gaming industry. But we are lucky they are telling us this. Plus, in the meantime they could make a cheap port of the Trilogy for Switch? Come on Nintendo, it's easy money.
  18. That's right. Winning first place means you will get lots of alts in the following year. Which is exactly why Ike and Celica have... oh wait... Honestly the amount of alts you get seem to be unrelated to wheter you win CYL or not. The only winners with lots of alts are Lyn, Lucina and Hector, and they probably would have gotten the same treatment even if they ended in 4th place. I get your argument about main lords, but at the same time I don't... Yeah lords are probably gonna get atleast a Legendary sooner or later, but can you really expect people to not prioritize lords? Main characters are always more popular than minor characters with a fanbase (unless you are Reinhardt. Reinhardt can do anything). Let's pretend the mid-term results are final. Even the two winners who aren't lords, Camilla and Veronica, are respectively the sister of a main lord, and the Main Antagonist Lord of the game (characters like Lyon and Ashnard are Main Antagonist Lords). Lords will ALWAYS win. In fact I'm expecting Eliwood, Eirika and two lords from 3Houses to win CYL 4.
  19. First of all, sorry for the "boobs" comment. Reading your post again it's clear you meant the troll voters, but everytime I hear about people giving votes to Camilla even if they aren't fans of her, my mind instantly goes to the countless arguments about being fans of her body, not her. And yes, if people like Robin and Eirika and they wanna vote for her that's fine, but among those who said exactly that, others just said they will switch to Robin to take out Camilla, while others IN THIS VERY TOPIC said "don't vote Eirika, she won't take down Camilla. Vote for Robin and Micaiah instead" without even asking if they liked Micaiah and Robin. What should I think of these guys? And I really hope you are exagerrating about the amount of troll votes... for humanity's sake. But even if you are not, remember that trolls are more likely to explicitly tell you who they voted for, because they crave attention. So it's possible nobody outside of the comments you saw voted her just to troll... I mean she's got lots of votes even in CYL and CYL2 so the majority of her voters can't be trolls...
  20. It doesn't matter. They choose the most popular male and female characters who aren't playable in the game yet. If the top 100 were all units already playable, but places 101 to 104 were new units, they would pick them.
  21. Something I feel should be brought up is that a CYL alt can not possibly have the same value as a seasonal alt. A seasonal alt is random whatever, while a CYL alt, just like Leg. alts, has a more serious connotation. It's grounded in who a character is and what relationships they have. Camilla with Garon's armor and Axe, Camilla with Beruka's armor, maybe even Camilla with an horse using Leo's tome since she knows her fair share of magic. I personally would sacrifice all of Camilla's alts except Adrift and New Year, for a CYL version or a Leg. But the Leg. Is impossible since Xander and Corrin have more priority, so CYL it is.
  22. Obviously I don't condone people who vote just to spread the salt. That's a shitty thing to do. The difference here is that I haven't seen anyone here say they vote Camilla just for the memes. Only that on twitter some people do that. But I have seen with my own eyes people in this very topic say they are switching to Robin and Eirika just to screw over (and they will probably screw over Micaiah instead). I give less importance to what some random trolls do compared to what Serious Fans on the most Serious Site about FE do. Plus, I really feel for people like Ana who said she feels like the only legitimate Robin supporter, while others vote for her only out of hate for Camilla. Finally I have absolutely 0 intention of taking that bait about people voting for the boobs. People who do that probably won't read the comments, so all the hate goes to the actual fans of the character who care enough to read.
  23. Honestly, even if I joked about this happening, the fact it actually happened, and you can see it so strongly on SF which is usually a chill place (seriously, I'm scared of what I'm gonna find on social media) is making me feel sad. Like REALLY sad. I gave humanity too much credit. It's one thing to be upset about Camilla winning. It's one thing to even berate the character. But it's another thing entirely to attack her fans, call them "disgusting", or "selfish", or worse. And then start voting against her instad of voting for who you like. Ike is watching you all, and he has this to say "You disgust me beyond words". Ephraim agrees and Sigurd said that you are "dastards". On the bright side, this helps me understand who doesn't like Fates but is still a civil person, and who is a garbage can I don't want to interact with. Needless to say, I'm voting Camilla for the first time, and will continue to the end. I don't want this kind of """""fans""""" to "win" and feel validated. They don't deserve it.
  24. Well... I resisted a whole two days... But I'm really not the one to vote a single character over and over again. My third vote went to Jeanne, so yeah... It will probably be whatever from now on. Perhaps I will throw a vote to Reinhardt for the memes.
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