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Mariah the Magician

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About Mariah the Magician

  • Birthday 02/21/1994


  • Member Title
    Foolish fool who foolishly dreams of foolish dreams

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. How come Shinon is on none of these lists? He is the King of Douchebags, but ya gotta love it xP Heres some perfect Douchebags Desmond (FE7) Valter (FE8) Caellach (FE8) Black Knight (FE9/10) Lekain (FE9/10) Naesala (FE9/10) Shinon (FE9/10) Petrine (FE9) Izuka (FE9/10) Gangrel (FE13) and every single bandit (FE)
  2. Originally I had that Leila hack idea that I asked for the Female Rogue sprite of yours.. well that idea is toast but I'm gonna use it in this FE6 Rebalance deal i'm doing if you don't mind :D

  3. Lonely Topic huh, I guess I'll enter.
  4. I guess I'll be the first to post one (on the day it ends) :o
  5. Halpy sounds silly =D And I like silly~

    But anyway, happy birthday!!

  6. Happy, rather. I can't spell. XD

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