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Everything posted by Klokinator

  1. Me too. And if they can't, I'll make them. Part two of chapter three: The pain truly begins. [spoiler=The easy part lol] That spoiler title is a lie. This was ass. This chapter was FUCKING ASS. Took 1.5 hours to beat. First off, this mother fucker. He's one hell of a conundrum. With the steel axe equipped, he has 74 AVO. Without it equipped, he has 80 AVO. My highest hitrate was 106, but that was Hayden who couldn't even damage this piece of filth. The only unit who could both damage him, not waste a shitton of magic uses, and have a hitrate in the double digits was Seth wielding an Iron Sword. A slim sword might have worked too, but I was only dealing 4 damage at first with 29 hitrate. I could have had higher hitrate via WTA, but then he'd have an axe to attack back with his godlike stats and Seth would have died. So instead, I ran him out of weapon uses by spamming summons (Which also gave a bunch of shitty levels to THE BOULDER YAY) and then slowwwwwwwly rng-abusing 29% 4 damage hits on the boss with Seth until I finally killed him. The nice part though was that Seth got some geat levels out of it, so that's nice! I'll probably be AAing him to 20/20 if possible. I get the distinct impression that later enemies and bosses will be EVEN WORSE UGH. Unless... arena enemies are also buffed... FML. And let's not forget Seth can't gain any more HP so THAT'S JUST FUCKING GREAT. We start the chapter with Seth and this guy trading blows for two turns. The enemies are already beginning to FAR outstrip my unit's potential. Grinding Seth will likely be mandatory and this is literally going to be his solo adventure along with THE BOULDER'S summons, who are actually pretty darn good thanks to leveling with their summoner.) Move TEH KWEEN up top so her highness can recruit whoever appears up there. A pirate appears. Probably some nasty scruffy ruffian. ...or not. It's Innes! The queen recruits the prince, how fitting lol. This sumbitch has actual HP, STR, SPD, and DEF stats?! ENDGAME UNIT! So long as his growths hold up of course, but seriously he's pretty awesome, he wrecks shit in this chapter. Seth kills off that bandit for a GOD LEVEL. I decide to have THE BOULDER and YOUR HINNES grab the chests with the iron lance and Javelin. The queen contributes little or nothing during the chapter, except killing that thief and the merc. I could have had Seth do it but I was hoping she'd get a level. She did not. Her STR and SPD are freaking pitiful too, she sucks so bad. I was originally going to kill Knoll off, but it seems he has one use: Destroying walls without wasting weapon uses. HE HAS A PURPOSE YAAAAY ISMEAR's this guy all over the wall. (The puns won't stop) You need to do better. A lot better. Turns out she killed one bandit, this thief, and a mercenary and still didn't get a level. I miss FE7CM Guy where a knight can get great EXP. Makes them so much more useful. Going from FE7CM knights to vanilla FE8 knights exposes how bad knights really are. Seth before we fight the boss. Let the 50 turn nightmare... BEGIN! These summons can't do shit vs the boss. Their stats are actually not bad though, in all seriousness. THE BOULDER showing us his useless manly levels. YOU NEED SPEED, FUCKER. GET SOME SPEED GROWTHS. By the end of grinding the boss's weapon durability down, this is how much the summon has improved. Not bad in all fairness! Seth does better with the boss having an axe equipped damage and hitrate wise, but he cannot survive even a single round of combat. Compare this to the second image, showing his damage and hitrate once the weapons are gone. Compare Seth to everyone else, you see why Seth was the only candidate. I could have used THE BOULDER too but that Nosferatu is waaaay too precious to waste. Normally 99 EXP sucks, but since missing in combat gives me exactly 1 EXP, I was able to grind a better level off this with missing and rng abuse. Tada! In retrospect, more SKL would have been better. Finally we've killed the fucker and we can end the chapter. LOL 80+ FUCKING TURNS GODDAMNIT DUDE I AM THE GREATEST LTCER OF ALL TIME! But seriously, I bet Dondon could beat the entirety of FE7 in the number of turns it took me to beat this one chapter, with plenty of change left over. [spoiler=GROWTHS N SHIT] Growths: HP: 45% POW: 55% SKL: 10% SPD: 105% LUK: 0% DEF: 85% RES: 0% Comments: HOLY SHIT! Yeah okay, not amazing HP growth, and the inability to hit anything will suck later on, but that HP/STR/SPD/DEF combo isn't too bad! And best of all promoting her to a General means I can finally have an actual tank! And a fast one at that! Klok rates: 7/10. Growths: HP: 75% POW: 0% SKL: 60% SPD: 0% LUK: 45% DEF: 70% RES: 0% Comments: I'm so disappointed. He had the bases to become a godlike unit, but in the end his growths suck shit. 0% STR/SPD, really nigga? I don't mind the RES since every character up to like chapter 2 has stupid good RES, but why did your bases have to imply good growths? Fuck you. The irony is that Ismaire is now my Est and this guy, while first appearing good, will suck shit within one or two chapters. Klok rates: 4-5/10.
  2. I still wanna know what was in those chests...
  3. I just re-read the first post, and a certain image sent a chill down my spine. How did we not see it before. Mother of god.
  4. Privately, I think to myself... this hack... this is my own personal ragefest... and how enraged it makes me feel. why does nobody ever sub to my topics :(
  5. 1. I have no idea, but I did make sure not to tick balanced stats. I like having 0% stats, it's pretty funny :P 2. No, curse you and I'll even kill Knoll on this chapter just cuz I can :P Chapter 3 mini-update: part 1. The last thing I'll post until later today after work. [spoiler=Why god, why.] Buy myself some hand axes because having two range is essential for my party of aspberger sufferers to survive. I skip the javelin since there's one in a chest here and it's not useful against earlygame axe users. Looks like Neimi is replaced by a knight. Who could it be? Ismaire! The redheaded knight... with fairly normal knighty-stats. I hope her growths are good because I could use a solid tank character. That STR is abysmal but with good growths, it could easily become top tier. 19 HP is the worst part though, against all these axe users, it's a death sentence. The enemies are all pretty tough, and most start at around 9 SPD on this chapter. I can assume their stats will only rocket upwards as I go on. Again, no idea if this hack is even beatable. I'll likely be arena abusing a bit unless I don't get a healer. ... ... ... ..................
  6. Yus, THIS is the FE8 Chaos Mode hack! Mwahahahaha notreally And now for chapter 2! [spoiler=Beginnings of the fix patch effects] Two new units gained right off the bat. Rennac, who is clearly superior to Ewan in every way... except that fucking atrocious MAG stat. Throughout this chapter he scores a whopping 0-2 damage using the Fire tome but luckily Thunder doesn't slow him down, he has good SPD, and it patches up his damage a little. And his growths? We'll see. Oh yeah AND HOLY SHIT 10 DEFENSE LIKE GODDAMN ARE YOU KIDDING ME Seth comes out with a bang! Same class as vanilla, but a tier lower wut wut! Good CON, obviously good weapon levels like all units so far (Seriously though, Otaku, you need to make that not happen), and pretty balanced stats. 6 SPD isn't amazing but at least we can buy a sword on this chapter! As for his growths, we'll have to wait and see. The only thing getting nailed today is YOU, fools! THE BOULDER will show you how a foe gets nailed! And here we see Ross straining to take the biggest dump of his life, while daddy watches in approval. Fire Emblem is messed up. First big fix patch edit: Ross's character will start off with full HP now. The replaced character pretty much always died so I felt it was necessary. There's still some big luck based elements, but significantly less so now. No flying units. No brigands. Let's hope they can hold out, because the best I can do is send over some phantoms. First up is Hayden as a monk! We now have almost the entire weapon and magic triangles! We're only missing bows and a staff user! Pretty balanced for a randomized run, that's for sure! Maybe we'll get the other types next chapter? In any case, Hayden is............... aight. Unless he has good growths, he's not very impressive. Knoll fucking sucks. Worst monster weapon, 2 SPD, and his only redeeming factor is decent defenses and decent HP. I should mention now I never actually know what a character's growths are until I type them out at the end of an LP when I go to look them up, so I'm just as surprised as the rest of you. I can only hope he's my Est. COME ON BAYBEY! I skipped a few boring turns, and now Seth has an iron sword, and he's fighti- wait, he's a GIRL? Seth confirmed rename to Seth Jenner. Hayden holds his own against this enemy, but unfortunately... Captain dumbshit runs over and attacks this guy instead of standing still. He gets doubled, he gets rekked. Only 9 HP. I was gonna try and pull some phantom+rng attacking shenanigans... ...but the phantom only deals 7 damage out of 12, and has a 26% hitrate. Fuck that. Restart. After the restart, things go VERY well and Hayden critkills this guy, saving me tons of trouble! This one thing made the chapter like 60% easier. This guy has a 61% AVO while standing on a mountain. They ALL do. FML. Archer in the corner can double literally everyone on my team except Seth and Rennac, my two fucking badasses. Bone is pretty scary, but I end up just killing him at range with my three magic users. Rennac using that deadly magic on an enemy. Ewan AKA BEST LORD EVER gets another shitty goddamn level up. Thanks to that shop on this chapter, Artur no longer has AS loss, and Ross still is at only 1 AS. Killed this guy. Nothing special happened. THE BOULDER does not understand the meaning of 'hitrates'. Where he comes from, you just smash your head on the dirt until someone walks in between the two of you. Come on, Rennac! No joke, these phantoms save my ass, and they're dodgy little fucks too. Despite all those growths, Artur will currently die to anything stronger than a twig falling on his head. BUT WHEN HE DOES GET A LEVEL... Seth also gets good levels wao Who are these people? Why are they tinted a shade of sepia?! PRO MLG 6 TURN TAKTIKS [spoiler=Growths!] Rennac's Growths: HP: 0% POW: 50% SKL: 10% SPD: 20% LUK: 75% DEF: 30% RES: 55% Comments: So long as you don't want to hit anything, dodge anything, or gain a single point of HP, this sumbitch is great! I'll probably keep him a while but I'm praying for better units eventually. Klok Rates: 5/10. Seth's Growths: HP: 0% POW: 75% SKL: 20% SPD: 50% LUK: 55% DEF: 60% RES: 50% Comments: HOLY SHIT! Now that's what I call a good unit! Seth's Solo Adventure indeed! Well, no HP growth... but I'd rather give HIM my robes than any of these other crappy units! His SKL isn't too hot but out of 7 stats, 5 are at 50% or higher! In this hack, that's phenomenal! Definitely endgame material, providing he can get HP. Klok Rates: 8/10! Hayden's Growths: HP: 50% POW: 80% SKL: 75% SPD: 0% LUK: 40% DEF: 0% RES: 70% Comments: In all honesty, while he has no SPD or DEF, he will make a great healer and a good unit VS the undead hordes if I promote him quickly for stave access. If only his base SPD were a few points higher, that'd be great. Klok Rates: 6/10. Knoll's Growths: HP: 0% POW: 10% SKL: 30% SPD: 15% LUK: 130% DEF: 70% RES: 30% Comments: Go fuck yourself. Klok Rates: 2/10.
  7. WElp. I have discovered the shittiness of a mouse with a button that goes back a page. I'll have to retype up this post. YAY. Gutter trash?! THE BOULDER resents that remark! Real men train their bodies to withstand all attacks! THE BOULDER is as hard as a rock, and I mean that in both ways. Eh, 1 DEF, 13 HP, 2 SPD, he's just fantastic. OK, time once again for chapter 1! [spoiler=Axes out the Ass] It begins. THE BOULDER devises a brilliant tactical maneuver designed to test the enemy's mettle! And it determines... these enemies are on par with summons right now. That's sad. The summon and enemy trade blows and both hit. I was planning to have Ewan move up and finish the axeman off, but that didn't work out so well. So instead I just sheepishly move Ewan down here. The enemies are certainly new and improved. Soldiers are buffed from vanilla, and both classes have 6 movement. I wonder if I'll get a playable soldier myself? Breguet is 1-range locked and has shitty RES. Looks like a job for either Ewan or THE BOULDER! Unless I get other ranged units on this chapter. Oh a real shit talker, huh? That's THE BOULDER you maggot, and he's here to smash you to bits! Methinks you misspelled pain and torture, friend! Man, Nosferatu is NosferaTOO GOOD TO NOT USE! The boulder chugs those uses down like alcohol after his failed marriage! No woman can satisfy him, only his beloved pectorals stand a chance of such a thing! Aaaaand new units! ...both are axe wielders. Maaaaan... So... not only did I get a journeyman... it had to be Ross. WONDERFUL! And his stats suck, of course. What's up with that random 9 RES? I hope I can fight against magic users soon because I am prepared as fuck! Also did I mention his Steel Axe slows him down by 7 points? He's -4 AS. WOOOOO! Man, what is up with these weapon levels? All my units so far are A level. Camtech's randomizer never had this problem! But seriously now, Artur is better in pretty much every way. Even with that 11 CON though, he still loses -4 AS with his lightest weapon so GG ME for having the slowest turtle team in the history of the universe! Let's hope both these guys have good growths. Please. More nosferatu slurping of blood, yes. THE BOULDER shows you that vampires are the only salvation! These two tag-team the soldier, with Ross taking damage he'll have to heal off. Thankfully soldiers aren't good enough to double me yet, so that's nice. 1. Ross gains EXP absurdly fast, just like Ewan. 2. SHIN LEVELS CONFIRMED. Let's try having this unit with only 4 LUK attack with a devil axe! What could go WHAT A SURPRISE THAT WAS and then I RNG abused to make it not kill him For the final guy, THE BOULDER once again demonstrates his genius tactics for baiting his opponents into a bad spot! Blows are traded, and the guy actually misses a hit on the phantom. A few minutes of grinding hits later... Ewan is literally the only person who can handle this boss. Everyone else has the accuracy of a musket from 1776. Two shitty levels later... AND THIS CHAPTER'S BEEN 12 TURNED LIKE A PRO! [spoiler=Growths for the two axeholes] Ross's Growths: HP: 30% POW: 45% SKL: 90% SPD: 45% LUK: 5% DEF: 30% RES: 35% Comments: Well, at least he has fairly universal stat growth! LUK sucks who needs it! And ALL OF THE SKILL! Too bad his defenses will be shity and even his SPD/POW will be lackluster. Klok Rates: 4/10. Artur's Growths: HP: 0% POW: 55% SKL: 40% SPD: 60% LUK: 20% DEF: 45% RES: 75% Comments: Holy shit! No HP growth but everything else is pretty good! You'll need like, every single robe under the sun BUT YOU'RE ACTUALLY A GOOD UNIT! That RES stat is so weird though. Everyone has either stupid high RES bases or stupid high RES growths. Lyon is gonna be rekt. Klok Rates: 7/10! And soon, chapter 2! Featuring... 4 new characters! Huzzah!
  8. I've started up a new FE8 LP. You might just love it. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=56218

  9. Good morning everyone, and welcome to a brand new let's play of FE8! This is a randomized run using Otaku's randomizer! "But wait" I hear you say "What about your youtube??? WHAT ABOUT MANRIKLASS?" and I say............. maybe later. In the meantime, this is going to be a great LP. I previewed a bit of it, and it's AMAZING. First off, I randomized FE8 with these settings: Having tried a bunch of variants, this is the most reasonable one I've found to date. I don't randomize weapons because it usually ends up stupid and broken, and I only randomize characters because the bases can be interesting. All in all, over multiple tries, this always ends up most balanced. Also, enemies get buffed, which makes FE8 finally hard again. Note that character growths have variance of 45, which means they can get anywhere from -45% to +45% on their original growth % totals. This tends to work out against me but who knows, maybe I'll get useful characters with good growths and not too many shitty ones? This run will also help me focus down issues with my FE8 Fix Patch I'm working on. So without further ado, let's get started! [spoiler=Prologue] Hard mode, always. I'm no wimp. Even if the enemy growths ARE buffed up to a 100% increase, how hard can it possibly be? Huh. King Fado sure surrounds himself with a lot of magic users. Let's hope they never try a coup, or his RES is being destroyed! I wonder what our first three character classes will be... Valter confirmed assassin. Oh my god that is such a perfect reclass for him. The fact he doesn't 2HKO me here with a double is a total mercy move. And Valter shows nobody any mercy. Uhhhh, "Seth", you know I can't use that, right? I'm apparently a Pupil now. Huh. He doesn't look so bad. Ewan replaces Eirika in this mode, so maybe he will turn out awesome? His only good stat appears to be Resistance, but curiously he has 5 movement. Don't forget, movement among the classes will be anywhere from 4-8! In this case, 5 is a pretty good number, and considering he's a Tier 0, that's great! But what about his growths? You'll have to wait and see. THE BOULDER once again returns! This time he's a goddamn summoner with RES out the ass. I will have nothing to fear from mages! Note the 6 movement, expected for a T2 magic user. His SPD and Ewan's spd are pretty bad. Maybe growths will fix it. I... I wonder how they compare to this chapter's enemies? T-THE BOULDER DOES NOT FEAR YOU! Yes, the enemy stats are already higher than vanilla, those 0-100% growth boosts are already kicking in and lemme tell you, that shit is gonna be huge later on down the line. In all honesty, I have no guarantees I'll be able to beat this hack. None at all. Hahaha! Gotta love how the summon has better stats than the summoner! Sure, no DEF, but that's a good SKL/LUK rating, plus he makes for a good meatshield/distraction! As a final bonus, summons can fly, so he can get past barriers easily. Finally, every time THE BOULDER summons, he gains 10 EXP. That might be needed later on down the line for EXP grinding. Couple turns later, after using summons to weaken the enemies and some attacks on them, Ewan gains his first level! It's shitty. Moving the summon to the mountain, I create a target to draw the first enemy in, shielding Ewan with my Nosferatushield just in case. The summon has better hitrates than the enemy... wow XD More summoning to draw the boss in and see how I fare... the hitrates suck. I'll have to get him away from the forest. Moulder gains his first level via summon spam. It's actually worse than Ewan's. Ewan gains another level! It sucks. I'm beginning to detect a pattern here. Turns taken: 16. WHAT A GREAT START. [spoiler=Growths for characters] Ewan's Growths: HP: 20% POW: 100% SKL: 35% SPD: 0% LUK: 0% DEF: 35% RES: 50% Comments: WHY GOD HAVE YOU FORSAKEN MEEEE?! Almost no HP, absolutely no SPD or LUK, but stupid high POW gaining! He'll hit like a truck and be locked to 2 SPD for the rest of the game. What a great character! Klok Rates: 2/10! THE BOULDER'S Growths: HP: 135% POW: 0% SKL: 50% SPD: 5% LUK: 0% DEF: 25% RES: 50% As usual THE BOULDER fails to disappoint! On top of having summoning skills, this badass has relegated his POW/SPD/LUK stats to the nether, forsaking them in favor of RAW DEFENSIVE POWERRRR! Also lots of SKL, because YOU NEED TO HIT THINGS TO STAY ALIVE! Klok Rates: 2/10. OH BOY I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT CHAPTER 1 WILL BRING US!
  10. wow, lmao. I forgot to update. Thanks! Edit: Wow, what a huge difference that makes.
  11. Question: For the FE8 fix patch, I'm trying to make Ross and whoever replaces him when randomized less prone to dying on turn 1. I'd prefer changing it so he doesn't start the chapter with low HP and thusly die on turn one before anyone can get to him. Sometimes even RNG abuse doesn't cut it. What do I cut out of here to make his HP not start out low? http://puu.sh/jc0ew/6389d43a71.txt
  12. Part 2 is up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8_94nEyK0Q
  13. If you randomized character starting positions and he replaced Amelia and happened to become a knight, that's the explanation. Otherwise idk.
  14. Easy way to pick colors. 1. Open up paint. 2. Go here: Click the Edit colors option. 3. Pick a color, set a desired brightness level. Then look down at the bottom right. See the Red/Green/Blue stuff down there? Round those to the nearest multiple of 8, and then use the export buttons when all done to export your palette to the rom.
  15. It's funny because I've successfully made poison lances activate a flinch reflex in Moniker's cranial structure. Trolling success right there.
  16. FE8 will never have random palettes. It's difficult to explain to non-romhackers and I'm pretty tired so I won't bother, but let's just say only FE6 and FE7 ever will be able to do this due to how palettes are structured in the rom. Coincidentally, FE8 is also vastly superior at how it handles palettes in non-randomizer situations. I wish FE6 and FE7 did this. I leave you with this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/3dd23j/every_fe7_palette_possible_when_using_the/
  17. w-why aren't you just hex editing the rom with nightmare you realize that would be 20x easier right
  18. I reported that bug, it was actually in 1.0. FE8, right? Or was it also FE6/7?
  19. Yeah tbh I'd wait two weeks if it meant getting a goddamnsqawlhack for ragefest. It's like Christmas, but in summer! and we all know what you can do with a hack in a week
  20. Greatest video on the internet. A must-see.

    1. Sentacotus


      Thanks for that if you like that check this out.

    2. Klokinator


      I love this guy. I'm subbed to him. One of the biggest reasons people don't like me in the FE community is because I don't censor myself much. I hate thin skinned wimps.

    3. Sentacotus


      Ehh don't worry its the Internet its bound to happen anywhere.

  21. And the new one works with FE8. It even makes the game more balanced :)
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