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About Wolfric

  • Birthday 04/09/1990

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. How come it has been almost a decade since this released and the names still haven't been updated?
  2. Has anyone tried the above method? Wish something like that existed for a rooted S5. I'm nust anout to unroot my phone due to this error...
  3. Happy birthday!

    1. Wolfric


      Thank you kindly!

  4. Is this list up-to-date with the latest patches? I know this is happening, and this one (Which is supposed to be the most updated released FE4 translations patch(?)) was released a while ago, but I see no mention of it.
  5. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  6. What I said was that there's the option of emulating. Good for you. Opinions. Keep them to yourself and just do as the thread-maker asked: Recommend FE games, not diss them.
  7. Get Dolphin EMU and download the ISOs. Games work flawlessly on that Emu. :P Radiant Dawn isn't worth the money is selling for ($60+) and Path of Radiance is around the same prize for being an old gem. PoR is worth it, though. Anyways, welcome!
  8. Huh, might as well show my list... Unchained Alistar/Riot Girl Tristana/Commando Garen = Free. Riot Graves/Riot Blitzcrank/Arcade Hecarim/Championship Thresh = Free codes. Ghost Bride Morgana = Free (Transfer from NA>LAN). Traditional Sejuani, Trundle and Karma = Free. Victorious Elise = Season 3 reward. I made the decision (Some weeks ago, when I decided to sum up how much money I've put on LOL, which is about 210$+) of not buying any more RP other than for a few on Xmas, and Akali/Katarina's soccer season Skins. Too much money spent on a free game. -__-;;
  9. It does not. Animations doesn't vary depending on weapon, as it tends to do in sprited games. Nope. Nope. It would be good to have it for before December 10 though, so I can work on the moveset during the holydays. Correct. I would like to get the animations from Swordmaster (If possible)/Trueblade classes specifically (Meaning: You can record Lucia, as well, since they share animations and have nearly the same body). That way I can re-create them for the moveset. You do not need to video edit a lot, just the battle scenes. I'll type down the exact minute the animation I need happens at and use it as reference. Don't be afraid to repeat the same animations over and over, either. I'll spot what I need, so long as all is there. :P We'd really appreciate this! :D
  10. Oh man, a reply! Hopefully you are still around... The video showed her dodging/attacking in every way possible. That's basically what I need: All of her movement animations. I'd be pretty grateful if you could get this for me!
  11. I'll be using Marth. I need this to make a video showcasing my upcoming model import over Marth. Anyone willing to help me? D:
  12. Watched the first minute. This looks promising! I need to view the different dodges, too, though. Hopefully they are there too. I'll view it when I'm back. Regardless, I'd love if anyone could assist me with the required codes to achieve the stats/skills above.
  13. http://legendarysmashteam.blogspot.no/2013/07/lsteam-presents-i-reckon-thats-wishblade.html
  14. Yeah, realized this. To my first reply on his/her latest video, I got "anal length btw heha" as reponse, followed up by "anal girth btw lmoollaomao" for my second reply. This is the oddest thing I've found on Youtube in a while. o_O Oh well, guess I'll just scrap that idea. I DID, however, somehow retrieve that Mia video's description: Could I get some help setting up these codes set up? I'd just make the video myself until I get every animation I need. I really appreciate you guys helping me through.
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