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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. Happy Birthday eCut :D

  2. Yeah i really like Megaman and Lucina in this game! I gotta practice more lol hope we can play again another time!
  3. Vash is amazing. I always have great conversations with her. especially when its attack on titan or dragon age~ really nice :) I wish her all the best!
  4. indeed bro! we gotta play later its mad fun lol I really like the Marth vs Lucina battles lol that was mad fun :)
  5. that was some close matches! i won 2-1 against jedi fun matches bro :)
  6. Lumi is awesome. an amazing artist. also have the same fav assassin's creed game brotherhood da best
  7. yeah yo that was fun. hope we can play again Added you! i'll make room lol we shall see :P
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