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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. Yeah, definitely this. Shin is amazing. I wish him all the best in the future :)
  2. alright! I got Lucina by beating classic mode with marth. did it on 2.0 Got Ganon by beating it with Link. i did it on 5.0 Doc mario by beating it with Mario. 5.0 and wario by beating 100 man melee
  3. Relaxing! bout to download smash at midnight lol. how's everything going for you bro? amazing theme~
  4. lol Nightmare. SOTN is still my Favorite! how bout yours? Hey Breezy!
  5. Jedi is a great friend. Really Kind and i can't wait to play smash with him.
  6. ZM's a bro. great friend and I wish him all the best in the Future.
  7. Recruitment Theme: FE4's for sure. Map Theme: Endless Battle FE12 Preparations Theme: Comfort's Call FE10 Battle Theme: Ally Attack FE4 Arena Theme: FE6 Final Map Theme: Id (Purpose) FE13 Enemy Phase: Dark Bishops FE5 Event Music: Theme of Love FE3/12 Boss Theme: Veld's theme FE5
  8. I'll be playing Mega Man in Classic mode and then try out my old Mains Link, and Sonic. Unlock Lucina and and try her out as well. Might Main her too
  9. For Lucina, I see Cherche for 3rd alt, Cordelia for 4th, Tiki 5th, Tharja 7th, and Sumia 8th dunno for 2 and 6 2 is maybe Nowi?
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