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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. Nicee bro. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOOOOOO LET'S PLAY 1048-8056-7132
  2. that lucina vs sheik got me nervous at the end lol watching you play sheik made me want to pick her up. she is super fun
  3. ggs pklucas won 2-0 that was fun you got really good with these characters you can do this! make it to the grand finals!
  4. Yeah, Sonic got a pretty big buff this game. I remember him being pretty bad in brawl. I'd say he's like in the top 10 best characters in this game tbh. his mixup games are really good
  5. good games fox! my friends hate sonic as well lol that last match got me nervous haha
  6. From what i played, the 3DS version was fun. stage design was nice and i liked the characters heard a lot of negative things about the wii u version tho
  7. using ike yesterday against my friend was pretty fun. i like the air games with ike. also seeing ryuga wreck with him was awesome. i might pick him up again
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FigpUS799EA&spfreload=10
  9. sorry for the wait Void i'm ready now! added you mine is 1048-8056-7132
  10. yeah this! PKL is the best smash player i faced. I always love playing against him. its so much fun.
  11. yeah i'm available today. added you. mine is 1048-8056-7132 pm whenever you're ready~
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