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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. Shiny Venusaur Timid Nature with Chlorophyll 252 Speed/252SpA/4 SpD Sludge Bomb, Solarbeam, Hidden power fire, Leech seed Shiny Staraptor Adamant Nature 252 Attack/252 Speed/ 4 HP Brave Bird, Double-edge, Close Combat, U-turn Shiny Ninetales Modest Nature with drought 252 SpA/252 Speed/ 4 SpD Solarbeam, Fire Blast, Hidden power Ice, Nasty Plot Shiny Rayquaza Mild Nature 252 SpA/252 Speed/ 4 SpD Draco meteor, Fire Blast, Air slash, Dragon pulse And lastly level 1 Shiny Eevee Modest Nature 252 HP/252 SpA/ 4 SpD this is for sylveon lol
  2. fanta is amazing and mountain dew too
  3. Happy Birthday bro!

  4. woo Integ! and yeah it probably will I can't believe goldie made that much. just wow lol
  5. I think it was her. looks like she got banned again jesus like 67 alts now lol
  6. Gonna have to say Marvel! I just like their superheroes more. Spider-Man, Captain America, X-men, and Iron man And they got some awesome villains as well. Magneto, Dr.Doom etc The movies are great!
  7. Family reunions! saaamme haha that is cute indeed
  8. lol after what we found out in chapter 56 I can't wait for the next one!
  9. Haha, yeah that was great. armin was hilarious
  10. oh sweet! what was your favorite part? eren was too funny
  11. haha Shin! you're too funny :D Also Vash did you see the abridge on titan. I forgot if you did
  12. Thanks~ I didn't know scald did that. learn something new everyday! lol charizard Y is so good for solorbeam Yep SL won!
  13. I was like "wow it happen again!" but then scald lol I should've used mega charizard but he would've gotten wrecked lol
  14. Ah, sorry to hear that TE :< Nah talking about Attack on Titan
  15. haha Oh cool. Shiny politoad looks amazing
  16. Levi is just too good lol Mikasa was my favorite, But I like levi more now
  17. good to hear bruh! :D I got you bro! I'll get to it once I get the shiny honedge! with my luck it shouldn't take that much lol
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