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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. Red da best!

    1. Refa


      Redhead the best! I mean Raquna! I thought you were me for a second haha.

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      haha, I finally Played EOU! shes my favorite in the game so I had to put it lol

  2. Ah, I see. I'll check that vid soon. haha, yeah its just too funny. "you hear me pressing the buttons!" "I'm holding back Laging!"
  3. "what do i use souls for" lmao this has to be my favorite one as well I've still yet to see This is how you don't play Dark Souls 2 Did you ever see him complain about fighting games Kelsper
  4. Nice Avatar bro~

    1. LuxSpes


      Thanks ^^ FMA is pretty much the favorite manga I read(and Brotherhood was a great anime adaptation)

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      Its great~! I really like FMA and AoT a lot lol

  5. Hey SL! do you have skype? also I got a question in the pm lol

    1. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Yeah, I have Skype , but I haven't used it in so long that I forgot my password. I'll let you know what it is once I have it opened.

  6. I love how it took him like what 29 parts just to put the suppressor on the mk22 and then the fight with The End jesus
  7. Yeah, I love Sonic Heroes. over 99 hours I played that game to death when I was younger lol. I don't know why people hated it so much. I guess people didn't really like having to do 4 Playthroughs to get the final story? I don't like that either, but it didn't ruin the game for me
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