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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. Nightmare said it best! I also like that he's very fun to use in UMVC3 Honourable mentions: Joker, And Magneto
  2. Your april fools joke was the best~! :)

    1. eCut


      Hehe, thanks! I'm glad you liked it . :)

  3. Vash is Exile D: WHAT TEAM TO SUPPORT NOW
  4. I can help you with that when i get my manaphy
  5. why? lol ah, I really need to keep up with the fe4thread lol glad to hear! Its the same old with me. Just School and friends haha
  6. aha Folder update~ Generation 5 now eh? cool~
  7. hello! haha Not me. how are things going?
  8. I can't stop listening to call your name help Hi Tang
  9. Oh Vash whenever you want the rotom just message me~ anything else you want?
  10. I was gonna write something but Boron said it right. you hurt someone with that comment. my friend. that comment was insensitive
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