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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. i hate the boss fight so much wacky workbench is another stage i don't like tbh
  2. Happy Birthday bro!

  3. anyone willing to trade a blazikenite? if only there was way to get it other then the event.
  4. ah yeah. sorry for being so late. i was really unwell. sore throat then fever ;/ whew i did bad this match. uh Fin use your brave lance on mareeta
  5. alrighty! that's awesome. thanks~ Ah, yeah. thanks!
  6. oh yeah the pokebank. I gotta download that. I'm guessing friend safari is open after you beat the E4?
  7. nice to hear everything is good bro indeed it is and sure! My FC is in my Sig i been getting really lucky with wonder trade lol
  8. I haven't really been on sf for while. school and work are taking up all my time haha so how's everything going for you guys? anything new? I'm late but i finally got pokemon x lol

  10. Happy Birthday!

  11. happy birthday bro!

    1. Zak Something

      Zak Something

      Thanks Ice Sage! :)

  12. Fuck the hulk hogan i break his arm camel clutch old country way [spoiler=Iron Sheik's twitter always makes me laugh lol]
  13. I can see that. he kinda does The Sheik! LEGEND I need to watch more old episodes :D
  14. mhm Knuckles man what happened relaxing bro. the good old days of wrestling :D I agree. that match was amazing. I was watching some old matches yesterday lol glad to hear all is well! Oh Fre! if you get an ice pokemon can you name it after me?
  15. yup all i could say was wtf did they do to Knuckles and Sonic Tails and Amy looked cool though
  16. NIGHTMARE yooo bro what's up also Buenos churros everyone Haha I know how you feel bro. I like watching bad movies for some reason.
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