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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. love tidal tempest music so much. as for a water level i like i guess launch octopus? don't really know if people really dislike that stage lol I didn't mind great bay as well oh yeah dkc had fun water levels! music was really nice too
  2. i'm glad Christian whitehead made spindash like it was in sonic 2. and yay Japanese soundtrack! i like both, but man JP is so good. JP and sonic adventure 1 have my fav soundtracks
  3. aw yeah this is gonna be great. love fe10 whoa nice levels for both edward and micaiah
  4. 1) Where would you put fe3 in your fav to least fav fe list now? 2) ever gonna try a 0% growths run in the future?
  5. this is pretty cool! the green ranger would be awesome. I don't know who i would put in my roster. dante would be there for sure lol
  6. SHIN 1. What did you think of smash brothers subspace emissary? 2. Favorite foods? 3. Artist impression? 4. What killed the dinosaurs?
  7. Which FE are you looking forward the most to Ironman? Do you prefer Book 2 to 1? or vice versa what do you think of the soundtrack? Do you like FE3 more than 11 and 12?
  8. Yo! I'm late but hope this helps! Like Raven and Refa said, try to be more energetic.Its tough when it is just one person, but if you sound more lively it'll get the watchers hype and wanting more. When it comes to Youtube tags maybe add more? it should help more with searching results. You've been really consistent on when it comes to uploads so that's great. Keep watching your vids after you're done recording them. If you ever feel the need to add, fix, change something, don't be afraid to do it! You've been doing a great job so far and shown a lot of effort into making vids that both you and viewers can enjoy =)
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