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Posts posted by Crysta

  1. And I thought I might be helpful as detective...

    Before I died,I got

    Night 1:Sync(Guilty)

    Night 2:Fayt(Innocent)

    I was hoping to be a bit more subtle due to the hooker and not out myself as the detective,but either the mafia caught on,or got a lucky shot.

    I love how,as Leila,I discovered Ephidel by accident,used Ephidel in my death flavour because I figured it'd be more appropriate,and then turned out that I actually got Ephidel :awesome:

    Ah well.

    Well... I'm not sure where to go with this. I regret staying on that bandwagon I think.

    Lets kill Ether, I guess. Maybe they'll think that's too obvious lol. With Sync/Ephidel.

    I'll use my druid powers to protect Raymond, though I'm not sure if there's any active killing roles on the other side. >_>

    Have Sync also track Furetchen, if we're allowed to decide what he does while he's gone. :awesome:

    I just chose you because you were active. There was a good chance you were a role, but I didn't know which. :awesome:

  2. I think stalker may have been our most powerful role, really. It helped us prioritize our kills so by the time Ray was the only one left only the SK could outright kill him and the village already had the impression that he was unlynchable.

    Though I guess Fayt could have swapped him around and made him eat his own bullet.

  3. Good job, Ray. He carried most of this win. Well, that and having a good role set. 8|

    And he was the one successfully protected by Quintessence, btw. So in a normal game he probably would have died first among us lol. Not that I'm complaining; the odds were made more even and it made for some more tense last rounds.

  4. I'll vote Raymond, I suppose. He did seem a little adamant about getting Core lynched.

    I'm still wary of Sync, but I guess I'm not a big enough ass to lynch him right when he gets back. At least not yet. >_>

  5. I dunno. Earth's solidness and your ability to sculpt it may be more versatile than people are giving it credit for. It's not like you can build as many things with the other elements. Are you ever gonna make a fire pyramid?

    Wind, on the other hand, strikes me as epically boring and is mostly used to just throw stuff around and cut through shit. A gust of wind isn't what I would call visually exciting, either.

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