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Posts posted by Crysta

  1. Luke fon Fabre then.

    If he turns out to be a townie, I don't think it incriminates anyone on that alone. It's not like I have a great lynching record myself.

  2. I'd keep an eye on CATS, but at this point it's a little useless to change my vote. Nailing the godfather first on a whim was also very unlikely, but apparently not impossible.

  3. This country is far, far too insistent on being politically correct in my opinion.

    I'm not going to seriously entertain the idea of moving because some politician was a douche. Oh woe. I don't think he'd seriously opt to nuke Japan again.

  4. I'm not getting what you're trying to say. I voted for inactive people because I actually wanted to have a reason to vote for someone.

    I picked Lux because of inactivity. I'm not sure why you'd go for someone else under the same reasoning, is my point, unless there was something more incriminating about the other inactive person. Was there anything?

    Voting cheezperson.

  5. Since Japan brought us tentacle pr0n, I can't say I haven't jokingly made similar sentiments known.

    I wanna find his Facebook page and friend him.

  6. lol awesome. doubly for me. >____>;

    I have an idea of who to vote for next, but I'll wait until day phase.

    EDIT: Actually, in case I die, I'd vote for cheez. I have no idea why you would go after another person if you wanna kill inactive people, since we can't kill two of 'em on one day phase. You need some sort of miniature bandwagon.

  7. Drr... was there someone other than CATS I could vote for in the last day phase? Cuz I didn't want to kill him, either, and it seemed to be the doc versus him.

    I don't think anything is going to come up. No clues means we have to sift through post content and voting records, and most logic gleaned from that will be nebulous.

    That said, I'll go for someone who hasn't posted in spite of visiting today (apparently).

    Lux Aeterna

    I wish I could say I have thorough, irrefutable evidence showing he is mafia... but I don't and likely never will. It's about as solid as a cloud.

  8. Now I don't know about Truman, but when you look at John F. Kennedy's views on politics, he was much more of a Conservative than a Liberal by today's standards. Hell, if he was here today, he'd probably be a Republican, not a Democrat.

    I don't recall JFK being in a war, unless you include Vietnam, which he did inherit.

    I'm curious, though. Which "politics" moves him from moderate Democrat to Republican?

    Kennedy called his domestic program the "New Frontier". It ambitiously promised federal funding for education, medical care for the elderly, economic aid to rural regions, and government intervention to halt the recession.


    Kennedy ended a period of tight fiscal policies, loosening monetary policy to keep interest rates down and encourage growth of the economy. Kennedy presided over the first government budget to top the $100 billion mark, in 1962, and his first budget in 1961 led to the country's first non-war, non-recession deficit.

    Are you sure you want to say this guy is on your team?

    Though yes, liberal and conservative have only recently been exclusive to Democrat or Republican. Though you still have conservative Democrats or liberal Republicans, they're like unicorns now.

    Also, do note that Lyndon B. Johnson, the man infamous for being in office for most of Vietnam, was a democrat too- and was loathed by liberals. It wasn't until recently that "liberal" and "Democrat" became synonymous in the US, like "Conservative" and "Republican". Oh, yeah, and we entered Vietnam under Kennedy, too.
    The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, the Vietnam Conflict or the American War [12], was a Cold War military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from September 26, 1959[1] to April 30, 1975.


    Eisenhower was president from 1953 until 1961.

    History. It's awesome.

    Kennedy and LBJ escalated the war, which actually goes against this notion that Democrats/Liberals are pussies, even if they completely bungled it. Kennedy and LBJ were very much like the hawks today, and "cutting and running" a lot sooner doesn't look like it would have been such a bad idea in hindsight.

    I guess a better claim would be "we won more" instead of "we win all the time".

    When it comes to this country, what I care about things is whether or not it's constitutional (which it's not) and that it gives everyone their own free will (which doesn't do and isn't that why it's unconstitutional anywayz?) Well there's usually more to it but those are what are the two largest factors for me.

    You are not free to do whatever you want. You never have been. You're given rights, but there's also laws you must act within.

    So... yeah... I do like how this healthcare will help my grandparents a lot, but I do not like how it forces us to get healthcare without our choice and I am not too fond of the extra taxes either.

    This is really the only argument I've heard in this thread that's legitimate, tbh. Even if it strikes me as unwise to go without healthcare just because you're not sick YET. I don't see how the Constitution guarantees you a "choice", though; there are plenty of things you will not have a choice about. Whether or not this should be one of them, however, is very debatable.

    I didn't say it was better. I was pointing out a minor difference.

    It was implied (I'm not sure if it was by you, though) we were in a better position than they were, otherwise I'm not sure why Greece was even brought up.

    Putting all our finances into the military wasn't what I was pointing out either. I was suggesting, that democrats, liberals, progressives, left wing, whatever, aren't as concerned about black projects, and military dominance as the right wing is.

    What's "black projects"?

    Yes, the liberals are generally less concerned about scaring our perceived enemies. I don't think FDR ever used the term "axis of evil", believe it or not, because everyone pretty much knew who they were.

    But this:

    Liberals tell our enemies we come in peace, while the conservative line up shots. If the liberals can't get peace and trade going, the conservatives take the shot. Stupid metaphor but it's true.

    Is wrong. Sure, they may not get a testosterone high and barrel through with guns blazing like you guys, but I'm not sure why you consider that a good thing. At all. But that mentality may explain why we severely underestimated Vietnam and Iraq; neither of which were conventional wars in any sense.

    But hey, we may be behind everyone in health care... BUT AT LEAST WE HAVE BIG GUNS!

    (Guns don't stop suicide bombers.)

    The two world wars were managed by democrats? No wonder we lost thousands of servicemen!

    Are you implying it would have been different with a conservative? Lol. It's called a WORLD War for a reason.

    People wanna complain about Bush Junior losing three thousand soldiers in Iraq when the dems lost an untold number more. That's typical.

    Are you suggesting Iraq is comparable to two wars that involved several equally-equipped countries?

    And do you seriously think Bush's casualties would be any lower, especially given how terribly he's handled Iraq, and how he half-assed it? There's plenty of reasons why you should criticize him.

    Just because someone can order a strike against thousands of innocent civilians and slaughter them all at once doesn't mean they know how to fight a war. It just means you know how to bring someone back to the negotiating table.

    And just because the conservatives pump so much money in the military doesn't mean they know how to fight them, either. It means they have shinier guns. Bush is a good example of how this doesn't always translate into results. Mission hasn't been accomplished yet.

    But hey, at least there was a negotiation table, otherwise we may not have so many of our beloved anime shows.

    That's a legal matter. Anyone who finds a cure for disease that can't be marketed is usually silenced and has their license taken away. It's a smart tactic.


    Does anyone else wanna take this one?


  9. Can Genghis really be a nomad? Aren't they stuck with 2/2 range bows? Chances are he uses something more awesome like an axe or something.

    This is totally relevant to the topic at hand.

    Cavaliers/paladins always make the front line of my armies.

  10. That's not bankruptcy. We're more likely to have an economic collapse, than to actually go bankrupt.

    Assuming this is a heckuvalot better than not officially being in an abyss of debt and having no real solution to get out of it, what about the other countries besides Greece, whose problems mostly revolve around their politicians being dickheads and getting nothing done? Which I don't think is a fair cry from what we've been doing for awhile, to be honest.

    Conservatives protect military power especially. If they didn't, then Russia would have just swept us under the rug during the Cold War.

    Russia killed itself. Our pissing contest with them was just that... a pissing contest. And we can't say putting everything into the military is more financially sound than putting it to healthcare, especially when you consider how splendidly we've been managing our wars as of late.

    They're too busy figuring out better ways to lie, to actually research a new way to kill our enemies.

    Or... they're not as susceptible to scare-tactics lol. Saying they're incompetent at war is just silly; the two World Wars were managed by Democratic administrations.

    Liberals tell our enemies we come in peace, while the conservative line up shots. If the liberals can't get peace and trade going, the conservatives take the shot. Stupid metaphor but it's true.

    You know who nuked Japan? Truman.

    Not just once.

    Guess what? He was a Democrat.

    I'm not sure how the fuck we managed to let the conservatives get away with saying they're the only ones good at war lol. History doesn't really show that.

    Just because doctors say there's no cure for aids or cancer... doesn't mean it's true.


    There's a cure for AIDS and cancer that we've found yet?

  11. It violates the tenth amendment in various areas. Namely, there's a tax in it that taxes people just for living.

    If you live, you will pay taxes. This isn't anything new. Why are we suggesting it is? There's nothing indicating it's a tax different from the taxes you have to pay now.

    Since the Federal Government can only tax commerce, and some guy who does nothing but sit in his house all day...

    You pay for the house. I think it's called a property tax.

    Unless it's a tree house. Are you living in the wild?

    Yes, because the other industialized nations in Europe are doing so well. Oh, wait, they're even worse off.

    ROFL. Are you one of those guys who thinks the U.S. is still #1 at everything? They're hurting, too, but they're better than us in some areas and they're by no means a poor place to live.

    What's "worse off" in your book, eh?

    Are you kidding me? EVERYONE who's actually looked at this thing knows it's an economic disaster.

    Did you read what I said? No one's contending that it won't. It's a necessary cost for some, though. Certainly better than what we HAVE been spending money on for the past eight years.

    Don't call bullshit on something you obviously don't know enough about.

    lol by the sounds of it I know a lot more about this than you. What's your only counter to what I'm presenting? "Obviously my sources are more correct than yours... because I said so."

    Like Greece, with a very similar healthcare system to what we have now, is in perfect economic shape. Oh, wait, the whole damn country is bankrupt.

    Does Greece have a national debt of 11.4 trillion?

    Because repeating bullshit always wins arguments. Right.

    FactCheck.org isn't bullshit, but if that's all you can counter with, no wonder it's getting increasingly harder for me to take you seriously.

    The job of a conservative is protect the good a country already has. Not add to it.

    Good thing we have progressives, then, otherwise we wouldn't get anywhere better. I'd hate to still be living in the 1800's, personally, but that's just me.

    I like the old health care plan of "don't get sick."

    Going to the doctor and having good healthcare (or healthcare period) is a good way to avoid it, if you ask me. Unless you've unlocked the secret to eternal youth; then by all means share.

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