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Posts posted by Crysta

  1. No one's really a 'confirmed' anything besides the dead people at this point. If I was mafia, I certainly wouldn't mind claiming Paranoid, especially since people would be just a little reluctant to visit me and try to confirm or disprove this.

    Then again, if I was genuinely Paranoid, I wouldn't have any qualms openly admitting it because of that too. Though I might have preferred they unknowingly suicided on you. It's not likely to be a long game.

  2. The Chosen of Mana is a townie? That's... unusual. Even if she sucks.

    Isn't this the part where we brood over whether or not we wanna lynch someone? Though given how quickly we're gonna die... :mellow:

    I'll go with Lightning because I'm a sucker for tradition. :newyears:

  3. This is a dumb idea lol (as if we need any tier list arguing in MAFIA now), but I think my position is fine... even if it's probably partially due to me lynching the thread starter for the lulz. :awesome:

    I like Spoon, CATS, Hika, Weapons, and Bal. Proto was cool too. Of course I like them all for different reasons, some of which may not altogether be tied to actual skill.

    Life's not the worst even if I find him very annoying sometimes. I think his ego should be a separate entity, imo, and put it in fail tier. He himself is probably at the bottom of high... because I haven't seen many of his gambits actually work besides killing Mordie before he went down lol.

    Though if I were to choose between someone who is too aggressive over someone who unvotes a dozen times per day phase, I'm choosing the former any day of the week.

  4. Considering that he is a central figure in their religion, yes.

    Oh noes.

    Idolatry is the problem, which is forbidden in just about every religion I have cared to notice, and no sane person is going to worship ink and paper. Everyone seems to be forgetting this important fact, and instead are concerned about offending a sect of people who have little to actually be offended about.

    It's not an assault on Islam, it's an assault on a stupid idea.

    If you're okay with stupid ideas espoused by religion, fine, I doubt that's uncommon... it doesn't make it any less absurd.

  5. I cannot be sympathetic to people who are willing to murder over a silly cartoon, so go for it, I'd say. It's a protest against that sort of stupidity.

    Maybe I'll actually draw something for this.

    EDIT: lol already posted it.

  6. His general idea is correct, though I haven't seen a game where I thought "gee that Cap'n guy sure is brilliant!", so I'd take the rest of that with a grain of salt lol.

    If everyone needs a special power to feel integral to the game, I think we may be playing it wrong...

  7. Townies are underrated lol. You're not completely useless; you can be a meat shield for one night and don't disrupt the balance of power for your side when you die. If you're lynched... well... that sucks, I guess, but it's still a lot less embarrassing for the town than lynching the detective or bodyguard.

    I've only been lynched once and I have a tendency to die right before the late game, which is when things start getting desperate, so I can die with at least knowing the mafia just wasted their bullet. I've actually had more fun being a nobody than being a Doctor/Seer/Mist because I die a lot faster because I have less pressure riding on my shoulders.

  8. These games are getting too bogged down with roles lol.

    Don't we usually have 20 players or something? When the role count goes over half the players playing I sort of get turned off.

  9. Since I get one post-death post...

    I lol'd.

    Here I was thinking I would get at least one more night because I kept my mouth shut and maybe Fayt would have found me suspicious enough to investigate, but that seems to have epically backfired.

    And I was active every night phase so...


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