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Everything posted by Stedar

  1. Who is "Cordelia 2.0"? Aside from Faye who's the other new character? Conrad?
  2. If you want this make sure to hit up your local Gamestop, though their online page for the game says sold out they are still (currently) taking pre-orders. Good luck! (Remember, only $5 down to pre-order in store, not a Gamestop shill, promise, just letting those of you on limited funds know)
  3. Did anyone else get 3 blank levels for Raigh right off the bat? My friend and I both did.
  4. My friend and I have both had a very similar situation with Raigh.. I wanted to like him but ours are awful. THREE blank level ups. Then +1 Def, next level +1 Res, + Res, +1 Res, then an actually decent level.. the dude is literally a fetus in my army at this point after no growth
  5. I really don't get what all the butt hurt and "if only it wasn't so sexy" is about. I think they chose an awesome character and did a great job. I would be completely interested in owning it (and I don't usually buy this sort of dust collecting junk). I'm hoping the price will drop after a bit though. It's interesting to hear how many of you would be embarrassed to own this or that your parents would have a field day with it. I'm 20, personally, and wouldn't mind having this in my apartment at college. I guess I could see how it might be a little weird around your parents, or younger siblings, but then just put it away until you're on your own? I don't think anyone's going to take the time to pick it up, rotate it, and realize how amazingly well crafted and sexual it is. And if they ask, why do I care? I liked it, it's a fantastic work of art, and it's from a game I really enjoyed. I can see how it might be awkward having women in your room to examine it, but if it's on a shelf somewhere do you really think they're going to jump over to it and pick it up? I think you can easily rotate it so her butt is facing the wall. You guys are too insecure.
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