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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Are you sure you didn't pass it down to, oh say, Corple? :D :D :D
  2. That's the whole point. This topic is here just so that specifically you don't get it.
  3. That series was, looking back, pretty damn dark. >_>
  4. I think that the Pokewalker could help you with that.
  5. Day 6 Begins Fun fact time. Next Friday, I audition for my school's spring play. We're going to be performing "And Then There Were None."
  6. Night 6 Results Bizz and some other guy step out of a carriage in the middle of the night. Bizz then immediately discovers that she has an arrow protruding from her chest. She then dies.
  7. I've decided to present my reply to you in the following way. My point Your head
  8. Do none of you uncultured boors guys know about Achmed the Dead Terrorist?
  9. Excuse me. This poll is missing the superior option, manga.
  10. You're not the farthest. I know someone who beat the game in the first 24 hours. He took down Red with a Lv55 Raikou that used Calm Mind six times.
  11. Night 6 Begins Hot potato!
  12. Day 5 Results When someone utters the powerful phrase "We have found a witch, may we burn her?", everyone immediately agrees that Lychees should burn. So she's tied to the stake and burned. From the way her ashes settle on the ground, everyone can just tell that she was MAFIA. Voting Results: Lychees (4 votes) Core (1 vote) Pride (1 vote) No hang (1 vote)
  13. Who the fuck is GARcher? I can usually figure out who you've given to stupid nicknames to after a few minutes of pondering, but this one has me stumped.
  14. Update time! 3 Badges Lv21 Croconaw Lv20 Noctowl Lv21 Pinser Lv16 Dratini 2 HM whores Comments: Pinser learns Brick Break at Lv21. Miltank didn't stand a chance.
  15. Its a fucking awesome manga and should be a required reading. That's my take on it.
  16. Day 5 Begins The Werewolf hunt is over. Time to go Mafia hunting!
  17. Night 5 Results After a long day at town square, messy mike arrives home exhausted. He opens the door, steps inside, and promptly falls into the basement. It seems that someone removed the floor. Thud! Later that night, CATS and another individual step out of a carriage. Moments later, CATS's head is moving away from his body at 45 m/s As day breaks, it becomes apparent that Thor has transformed Hikarusa into a vending machine. The fur covered soda cans it dispenses can only mean that he was a WEREWOLF.
  18. You're handwaving the argument that I presented. It wasn't even that difficult to address it. You could've said something about graphics enhancing gameplay or something, but you just handwaved my point. Perhaps I should present it a different way. What do graphics have to do with the worth of a game?
  19. I apologize for taking on the persona of Captain Obvious, but Bugsy is a male.
  20. >_> I'll give it 24 more hours (though I guess, it'll be 27 or so, since I won't be on exactly at 24 hours >_>) Sorry about this guys. EDIT: Screw that. Update is coming in about 2 hours from now, one way or another.
  21. Dratini is buyable at the Goldenrod Gamecorner. You should probably include it in the list.
  22. Yes, Bugsy has been buffed. Like, a lot.
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