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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. He's the one wearing the glasses. Yes, he's really in there somewhere.
  2. Ibuprofen for me. I always feel better when I've taken an ibuprofen. It makes my family more bearable.
  3. We should send Al Gore to North Korea, and have him talk about global warming until they abandon their nuclear program.
  4. It was nice that it was Black Knight season? Troll or not, the staff shouldn't specificly hunt down any member. EDIT: Well, there is KoS, I suppose.
  5. "If it's too good, nerf the hell out of it."
  6. Funny. I said banned only a few minutes ago. At least, I hope it did. I don't want to have eye surgey. True. But without this thread, poor Blue would still be banned. http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu281/G...sm_detector.jpg
  7. I haven't seen any of those, ever. When did this happen you old fart? Anyways, I don't think anyone would have a problem with usergroups going away. There are no special features for usergroups anymore, so why have non-staff usergroups anymore?
  8. http://www.sc2forums.com/ That's an example of what I mean.
  9. Yes, Lilina does join later, and she does have a worse joining situation. So she isn't easier to train.
  10. If they were able to keep repeating it like that, THEN we would have an incompetent staff.
  11. A rep system would fail miserably here. I'd rather see a karma system here before a rep system.
  12. I heard this I doubt that this is true, though I'd really like it to be. Does anyone know if there's any truth here? EDIT: Likely, this is one of those things that sounds too good to be true...
  13. This has been a life lesson brought to you today by Miror B. Bring on the dancing Ludicolos!
  14. The unit might not have a good sword rank either.
  15. I never thought about it that way before.
  16. But the laugh tracks ARE Scooby Doo!
  17. Well that, and there's something else that people probably shouldn't know about right now.
  18. Can we ask for tickets to stay private?
  19. Isn't it more commonly known as canned laughter? Anyways, it depends on the situation. Also, I hate it when there's a female laugh that's really long and annoying. You might know what I'm talking about.
  20. Yes, this news is a bit late. But in this case, what are a few more days anyways?
  21. Chapter20xB is one of those reasons. Fake bosses on fake thrones, and its random which is the real boss on the real throne.
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