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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Well that sucks. Maybe somebody with power to fix this would take notice if most of Australia had a strike everyday of the week until it was fixed.
  2. And it was fucking helpful. At least in later games you could press a button to have weapon stats and stuff displayed, like weight. Not so in this game, you have to memorize the fucking weapon weights.
  3. How does that work? You guys are closer to Japan than Europe, damnit. Wait...nah. I thought I might be missing something, but I guess not.
  4. Wtf does this have to do with Fire Emblem? I think that translation sucks. Can we get a professional?
  5. No, I mean on the information screen. You know on the top screen, where stats and inventories are displayed? AS isn't shown on that screen, and I remember that it was in FE3. It doesn't help that you can't bring up the 'help' in that unit's inventory so that you can look at the weight of the weapon they're holding.
  6. And how is AS not being displayed on a units information screen "a good thing", espcially when it WAS IN A PAST VERSION OF THIS GAME!?
  7. Shiva disagrees. Have you seen the stunts that this ability allows him to pull off?
  8. All they really do is look pretty. They rarely have IVs, natures, abilities, egg moves, etc. suited for battle. So, they look pretty. Unless its a shiny Garchomp or Regice. Then it just sparkles, and that's it.
  9. I wasn't exactly refering to Shadow Dragon. Of course, he's still a good unit.
  10. Where are these designer's notes and stuff that people are pulling random backstory facts from? Edit: Oh look, there's a designer's notes section on the main site. Why don't I try there? Damnit, its Japanese hell.
  11. Wait, that's what TC's text brick is saying? But isn't that a spoiler, because it, you know, ? Oh yeah, before we say anything else... Okay, we should be good now.
  12. Kashim next? We already know quite a bit about him, compared to most of the cast. He's fighting with pirates to get money for his sick mother, and it seems like Sheeda and him have known eachother for awhile. Childhood friends, maybe?
  13. I just realized that I'd like to know the answer to this question.
  14. Isn't this, you know, actually released in North America? And Europe before that for whatever reason?
  15. That's stupid. The game is supposed to be as close to an updated remake, and IS pulls crap like this. Oh, next I suppose that the Weapon Level stat will be replaced with levels for each weapon, mounted units will always be mounted, blizzard won't do bonus damage to fire dragons, AS won't be displayed when you look at a unit's stats, you can forge weapons, and that Boa looks like a dumbass.
  16. I don't know why it'd be changed. Then again, I don't know why it become "sphere". Geosphere is a pretty crappy name, imo.
  17. I see the point now, so that things like this don't happen and to distance ourselves from gamefaqs
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