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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. I had been thinking of shoving a Granny on the train for some time now. I suppose I could give the mafia another member of some sort, give the Engineer investigation immunity from the cop as well, and give the town a cop. I'll think of a third party of some sort and something else for the town. EDIT: Have decided against Granny.
  2. General Spoon

    Mafia HQ

    Oh yeah. Mafia should usually cc the cop, unless there's another reason that they shouldn't.
  3. General Spoon

    Mafia HQ

    Follow the cop games are boring. Have you tried Epic Mafia's favorite setup, Politics as Usual? And Minesweeper isn't THAT high up there.
  4. Comments/Suggestions are welcome.
  5. You still have 24 hours, yes. I was saying that I had made some big changes to the OP in the Round 6 Sign up thread (check it out, btw), but then I realized that this was the wrong topic after I posted.
  6. I've made some BIG changes in the OP, and am liking where this is going. This isn't just some little role update (though that's part of it). Its a new concept.
  7. General Spoon Pascal's role fits like a glove.
  8. Update to OP with some new ideas and stuff.
  9. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=starcraft%202%20release%20date&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=nws:1&source=og&sa=N&tab=wn&fp=a86c207b1c79523e
  10. I forfeit ownership of the Shoddy Ground Gym. Instead, I will run the Shoddy Normal Gym. My ownership of the Shoddy Poison Gym is unaffected by this.
  11. If only that focus blast had hit, I would have won >_>
  12. Clarification. If a yak uses his powers, he dies, no matter the end result (unless saved).
  13. Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Self-KO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause Vanguard Raven sent out Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?). GeneralSpoon sent out Crobat (lvl 100 Crobat ?). Crobat used Taunt. Swampert fell for the taunt! Swampert can't use Stealth Rock after the taunt! --- Vanguard Raven switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?). Gyarados's Intimidate cut Crobat's attack! Crobat used Brave Bird. Gyarados lost 37% of its health. Crobat was hit by recoil! Crobat lost 12% of its health. Crobat's leftovers restored its health a little! Crobat restored 6% of its health. --- Crobat used U-turn. It's not very effective... A critical hit! Gyarados lost 21% of its health. GeneralSpoon switched in Weezing (lvl 100 Weezing ?). Gyarados used Dragon Dance. Gyarados's attack was raised. Gyarados's speed was raised. --- Gyarados used Aqua Tail. Weezing lost 46% of its health. Weezing used Thunderbolt. It's super effective! Gyarados lost 86% of its health. Vanguard Raven's Gyarados fainted. Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little! Weezing restored 6% of its health. --- GeneralSpoon: :) Vanguard Raven switched in Kingdra (lvl 100 Kingdra ?). Kingdra used Toxic. Weezing used Will-o-wisp. Kingdra was burned! Kingdra was hurt by its burn! Kingdra lost 12% of its health. Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little! Weezing restored 6% of its health. --- GeneralSpoon: Is not poisoned Kingdra used Draco Meteor. Weezing lost 68% of its health. GeneralSpoon's Weezing fainted. Kingdra's special attack was harshly lowered. Kingdra's leftovers restored its health a little! Kingdra restored 6% of its health. Kingdra was hurt by its burn! Kingdra lost 12% of its health. --- GeneralSpoon switched in Gengar (lvl 100 Gengar ?). Vanguard Raven switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?). Gengar used Substitute. Gengar lost 25% of its health. Gengar made a substitute! Gengar's leftovers restored its health a little! Gengar restored 6% of its health. --- Gengar used Shadow Ball. Swampert lost 30% of its health. Swampert's special defence was lowered. Swampert used Stealth Rock. Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team! Gengar's leftovers restored its health a little! Gengar restored 6% of its health. --- Gengar used Shadow Ball. Swampert lost 51% of its health. Swampert's special defence was lowered. Swampert used Stealth Rock. But it failed! Gengar's leftovers restored its health a little! Gengar restored 6% of its health. --- GeneralSpoon: ? Vanguard Raven: sleep claus has screwed me over GeneralSpoon: why use stealth rock again? GeneralSpoon: aslo GeneralSpoon: sleep cluase GeneralSpoon: is a standard thing to turn on GeneralSpoon: otherwise GeneralSpoon: it'll become GeneralSpoon: who can sleep GeneralSpoon: the oppenent GeneralSpoon: better Swampert used Protect. Swampert protected itself! Gengar used Shadow Ball. Swampert protected itself! Gengar's leftovers restored its health a little! Gengar restored 6% of its health. --- Gengar used Shadow Ball. Swampert lost 67% of its health. Vanguard Raven's Swampert fainted. Gengar's leftovers restored its health a little! Gengar restored 6% of its health. --- Vanguard Raven switched in Kingdra (lvl 100 Kingdra ?). Gengar used Shadow Ball. Kingdra lost 37% of its health. Kingdra's special defence was lowered. Kingdra used Toxic. But it failed! Kingdra's leftovers restored its health a little! Kingdra restored 6% of its health. Kingdra was hurt by its burn! Kingdra lost 12% of its health. --- GeneralSpoon: and you can't toxic poison types GeneralSpoon: they can't be poisoned GeneralSpoon: also Vanguard Raven: ah. makes sense GeneralSpoon: there wa a sub in the way GeneralSpoon: of that toxic GeneralSpoon: so even if gengar wasn't a poison type GeneralSpoon: it'd have failed Vanguard Raven: aha, well i'm screwed Gengar used Shadow Ball. Kingdra lost 62% of its health. Vanguard Raven's Kingdra fainted. --- GeneralSpoon: yep Vanguard Raven: gg. need to redo stuff
  14. Night 6 Results As soon as night began, Crysta and WeaponsofMassConstruction the townies were shot to death. Day 6 Begins That was fast.
  15. I'm in team ubers now, and am also team building atm.
  16. Day 5 Results Bizz the stalker is now lifeless. Night 6 Begins MASSIVE DAMAGE!
  17. He committed suicide. Read the description.
  18. I beat Red about 1 1/2 weeks ago. My team was: Lv68 Pinsir (Lead) -X-Scissor -Brick Break -Rock Slide -Earthquake Lv68 Feraligator -Ice Fang -Waterfall -Crunch -Slash Lv68 Dragonite -Surf -Outrage -Dragon Claw -Aerial Ace Lv68 Magmortar -Flamethrower -Thunderbolt -Focus Blast -Psychic Lv67 Noctowl -Fly -Air Slash -Extrasensory -Shadow Ball Lv28 Sandslash -Rock Climb -Cut -Rock Smash -Strength
  19. Night 1 Results As dawn broke, it become apparent that: 1. Ether the townie was lying dead in a pool of his own blood 2. Lightning the yakuza had committed seppuku and was dead 3. It was day Day 1 Begins As a reminder, no PMs are to be sent. This day phase will last 48 hours, so please take the time to talk and stuff like that, as there is no rush.
  20. Grit, Colin, Hachi. All 3 of them are from Advance Wars, and together they make up the broken trio.
  21. It should start eventually...
  22. Yes, I'm also thinking we should have a rule where we don't use our mooks. And when they're roared or whirlwinded out, the opponent MUST kill them right away. Sound good? Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause GeneralSpoon sent out Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?). TM sent out Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w). Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm! A sandstorm brewed! TM: Rematch TM: no mooks GeneralSpoon: I was in the middle of team building, you know TM: Eh sorry >_> Rotom-w used Hydro Pump. It's super effective! A critical hit! Tyranitar lost 98% of its health. Tyranitar used Substitute. But it failed! The sandstorm rages. Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm! Rotom-w lost 6% of its health. Tyranitar's leftovers restored its health a little! Tyranitar restored 6% of its health. --- TM: you could've just rejected this GeneralSpoon: gosh damn critical hit Life Admiral has entered the room. Life Admiral: Yo boys GeneralSpoon: its was a critical hit GeneralSpoon: it sucks GeneralSpoon: anyways GeneralSpoon: lets see how well this pokemon can take it Life Admiral: Spoon, I revamped the team GeneralSpoon switched in Rhyperior (lvl 100 Rhyperior ?). Rotom-w used Thunderbolt. It doesn't affect Rhyperior... The sandstorm rages. Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm! Rotom-w lost 6% of its health. --- Life Admiral: It'll probably still suck GeneralSpoon: okay GeneralSpoon: well GeneralSpoon: that works too Rotom-w used Hydro Pump. It's super effective! Rhyperior lost 81% of its health. Rhyperior used Stone Edge. Rotom-w lost 65% of its health. The sandstorm rages. Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm! Rotom-w lost 6% of its health. Rhyperior's leftovers restored its health a little! Rhyperior restored 6% of its health. --- Cynthia has entered the room. Cynthia has left the room. Rotom-w used Shadow Ball. Rhyperior lost 23% of its health. Rhyperior used Stone Edge. Rotom-w lost 16% of its health. TM's Rotom-w fainted. The sandstorm rages. Rhyperior's leftovers restored its health a little! Rhyperior restored 6% of its health. --- Life Admiral has left the room. TM: Wut TM switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos). Zapdos is exerting its pressure! GeneralSpoon: really? TM: Oh what the... GeneralSpoon: inb4 HPice Zapdos used Heat Wave. It's not very effective... Rhyperior lost 9% of its health. GeneralSpoon's Rhyperior fainted. The sandstorm rages. Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm! Zapdos lost 6% of its health. Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little! Zapdos restored 6% of its health. --- GeneralSpoon: or...not GeneralSpoon switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?). Life Admiral has entered the room. TM: .. TM: isn't that your 4th pokemon? TM: it's supposed to be 3 GeneralSpoon: no Life Admiral: Come on Thunderman! GeneralSpoon: that's 3 GeneralSpoon: I haven't sent out any others Gliscor used Stone Edge. Gliscor's attack missed! Zapdos used Heat Wave. Gliscor lost 42% of its health. The sandstorm rages. Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm! Zapdos lost 6% of its health. Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little! Zapdos restored 6% of its health. --- Gliscor used Stone Edge. It's super effective! Zapdos lost 51% of its health. Gliscor lost 10% of its health. Zapdos used Heat Wave. Zapdos's attack missed! The sandstorm rages. Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm! Zapdos lost 6% of its health. Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little! Zapdos restored 6% of its health. --- TM: Right my bad Gliscor used Stone Edge. It's super effective! Zapdos lost 49% of its health. TM's Zapdos fainted. Gliscor lost 10% of its health. The sandstorm rages. --- TM switched in Electivire (lvl 100 Electivire ?). GeneralSpoon: that however GeneralSpoon: is four of yours TM: What? GeneralSpoon: and that one isn't even a mook GeneralSpoon: rotom washer TM: I've only used Rotom, Zapdos and Electivire GeneralSpoon: vire GeneralSpoon: zapados GeneralSpoon: oh GeneralSpoon: now I miscounted GeneralSpoon: lol Life Admiral: Hey Spoon, I wanna fight you next GeneralSpoon: fine TM: My mooks are Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise TM: all at level 1 Gliscor used Earthquake. It's super effective! Electivire lost 100% of its health. TM's Electivire fainted. Gliscor lost 10% of its health. The sandstorm rages. --- TM: Knew it Life Admiral: And that's game TM: That's why I have ice punch on Vire GeneralSpoon: yep TM: but damn Speed GeneralSpoon: lol GeneralSpoon: too bad it was outsped TM: Right
  23. Also, I would like to sign up for the poison gym on Shoddy.
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