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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Actually, I think I know who I want to lynch today.
  2. @Fayt: Can somebody say that they are either Doctor/Cop/Vigilante, or would that still be a role claim?
  3. Tables, do you believe there may be a cop alive? If so, do you know if there is a cop alive?
  4. In any event, I'm going to go reread the topic (thanks Hika and Russell for several worthless pages >_>). As of right now, I'm leaning to a Dracohon lynch, but notice I haven't bolded his name. EDIT: Maybe Ether now.
  5. I think as long as you don't say "I am X role" you'll be fine, as far as rules go.
  6. How would you know you were hooked?
  7. By report, I mean if you know of someone's innocence or guilt.
  8. Tables, if you have reports, outting them would be nice. Probably.
  9. Here's what I have to add. Don't ask me to elaborate on some certain things, as those would involve role claiming, which we can't do. Mordecai: Former serial killer. He has been reformed, and is a regular town now. Completely innocent. cheezperson: If he's mafia, he'll commit suicide tonight. +1 means I've edited out my post.
  10. So basically, Bizz isn't the doctor.
  11. Oh yeah, this is also important. No PMs will be allowed (except for the mafia), and people who were yakked at night be converted at the end of the night, and will not know their partner until the day ends. Also, the doctor CAN save a yakuza on the night he goes off, and his conversion will still go through.
  12. This will also likely be the last time that I use an EM setup on the fourms, as those seem to work much better when played in realtime chat.
  13. This round will use Epic Mafia's "Don't Lose Yo Village!" setup. I would like 15 people to signup, and 9 of them will be randomly selected to play. Please bold you name if you signup. The game is setup as follows: 1 Townie 1 Doctor 1 Tracker 2 Bulletproofs 1 Hunter (shoots someone when lynched) 1 Shrink (Shrinks someone at night, the shrunk can't be converted that night) 2 Yakuza (Mafia, can sacrifice self to convert a player into a vanilla mafia)
  14. General Spoon

    Mafia HQ

    Mini Mafia Round 1 Mini Mafia Round 2
  15. He can talk while he's in jail. Whether or not the rest of us can hear him, however, is debatable.
  16. Roles have been distributed. Night 1 Begins Please PM me your orders.
  17. Roles are being distributed, please wait. Also, this will be a night start.
  18. This is the official Mini Mafia game thread where all discussions/game play/voting will take place. For those playing, all game-related posts should go here. If you are dead or not playing, do not post in this thread. If you're dead, you're dead. I can't stop you from talking about the game outside of the forum, but by the honor system, please don't. It'll only ruin the fun of the game for others. Gameplay/Rules Each game day consists of the Day Phase and the Night Phase. Since my schedule is fairly busy and not perfect, there will not be a 100% set schedule for this. There will, however, be a minimum time limit of 24 hours per day phase. So from the time of my most recent update, you have at least 24 hours to post your votes. Once that time has passed, someone will be hung and the night phase will begin. Once I post that the night phase has begun, ya'll can start PM'ing me. I will post the results once all actions are submitted (or at least 24 hours have passed, in case people forget). This may cause the game to run a little slowly, but it also gives more time for forum discussion, strategy stuff, etc. Additionally, I would ask that you do not change your name while playing the game. Also, only edit your post if you are changing a vote. To edit your post for any other reason goes against the spirit of the game. Day Phase The Day Phase is when everyone decides to cast a vote to hang someone (or hang no one, if you decide). You do not have to vote. For this game, votes will be cast publicly on the forum. Votes must be bolded and obvious. If I miss a vote because you implied it or forgot to make it obvious, that's your fault, not mine. If you change your vote and make a new post with a vote, unbold your old one. If you change your vote and forget to unbold your first one, I'll ignore your attempt of change because, well, because I can. Remember, everyone (save for those who are dead) participates in voting if they decide to. You cannot vote for yourself. Night Phase The Night Phase is for those with special abilities (certain villagers have these, as do the Mafia). The most notable part of this phase is who the Mafia kill. To do your actions, send me a PM on this forum. Make it 100% clear who you are performing your action to. In the subject, put the Day # in there somewhere. For example, the mafia will PM me who they kill each night, if there's a doctor then he will protect someone, etc. Special Roles Everyone will receive their role in a PM. For this round (yes, we'll have more rounds later), I will be posting the approximate number of mafia members and what special roles there are. All roles are distributed randomly. No, it's not rigged, and no, I am not going to change the results for friends. I want to hold true to the randomness of the game. So, theoretically, the same person could be mafia 5 rounds in a row. Town Roles Townie (what this role does shown here, actual Townie PMs just say that you're a townie) Tracker The tracker can follow another player at night. The tracker will know who the person he tracked visited. Doctor Every night phase, this player can protect one person. Protecting blocks all killing actions done on that person that night phase. A doctor cannot protect himself. Vigilante At night, this player can take actions into their own hands and kill someone. Mafia Roles Vanilla Regular mafia guy. Participates in the mafia's discussion and stuff. The Cult Cult Leader The cult leader recruits players into the cult by visiting them at night. Once recruited, a player becomes a cultist. If there are two cultists alive, the cult leader does not have to visit to recruit. If the Cult Leader dies, the whole cult commits suicide. The cult can only recruit one player a night. Cultist A player who has been recruited into the cult. The role the player had at the start of the game is replaced with this role when recruited into the cult. Visits other players at night to recruit them. The cult can only recruit one player a night. 3rd Party Roles Traitor The traitor has turned his back on the town, and wants the mafia to win. He has no abilities, and must try to throw the town off track in order to win. Wins if the mafia wins. He counts toward the mafia victory (meaning, for if the mafia outnumbers everyone else) Questions, Comments, Concerns If you have an questions, post it in the mafia sign-up thread. If I forgot to mention something here, feel free to post about it there too. Winning Conditions The town wins if the mafia and cult are dead. The mafia wins if they outnumber everyone else (traitor is counted as mafia for this purpose). The cult wins if they outnumber everyone else. The traitor wins if the mafia wins. We have 13 players this game. There are/is: 1 Tracker 1 Doctor 1 Vigilante 6 Townies 2 Vanilla 1 Cult Leader 1 Traitor Player Status Hikarusa -Alive (Culted Vanilla) King Russell -Dead- Night 3- Killed (Culted Townie) Pride -Dead- Day 1- Fish (Townie) I Eat Tables -Dead- Night 1- Died (Traitor) Fayt Zelpher -Alive (Townie) CATS -Dead- Day 2- Noose (Vigilante) WeaponsofMassConstruction -Alive (Culted Townie) Crysta -Dead- Night 2- Owned by a soliloquy (Townie) Balcerzak -Alive (Culted Doctor) Ninji -Dead- Day 3- Fate? (Townie) cheezperson -Alive (Vanilla) Bizz -Alive (Cult Leader) Trompe le Monde -Dead- Night 4- Bullets (Tracker)
  19. General Spoon

    Mafia HQ

    I'm about to start Mini Mafia Round 2.
  20. Okay, that rule has been added.
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