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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Night 1 Results Just as dawn was beginning to break, someone shot at Pride while he was milking his cow. The shot startled the animal, which ran to the other end of the barn. Pride's vest stopped the bullet from doing any damage to him, though the vest itself was ruined, and his attacker fled. Unfortunatly for Pride, another person came along and shot at him. His vest was unable to stop another bullet, and Pride the Bulletproof was dead. Day 1 Begins Got milk? Not anymore, with your milkman dead.
  2. Yes, I do happen to have a "Kill Me" sign on my back. The trouble is I can't seem to reach it to pull it off.
  3. And yes Russel, the mafia totally killed their own member night one without knowing that there is a revival role. It makes perfect sense. We should all bow down to your godly logic.
  4. Good god, I think that several of you need to go to bed.
  5. I just realized that I'm a confirmed town now. Protective role, please take note.
  6. Oh, I thought that was common knowledge >_> @Bizz
  7. However, I suppose Russel could have, if he was mafia, had one of those two killed so that he could go "Oh! The mafia is trying to frame me!" and we'd go "Oh, you must be town." But that could also be the conclusion the mafia expected us to come to, etc.
  8. As Fayt has said, there's aome wiseguy who calls himself a serial killer running around.
  9. Is it because both of the kills are lurkers?
  10. Made a quick change to the way anonymous messages work. They can be sent during night phase as well as day phase, but will still be sent at the end of the phase. I will not wait for the agent or the spy to tell me if they are sending messages during a phase before I end it.
  11. Also, the jailed will know that they were jailed. Since roles have been distributed, you can PM me any actions now. Also, keep in mind the small size of the town when you choose if you're lynching and stuff.
  12. I have put that message out in the open so that if they wish, the spy can fake being hit, or the serial killer can counter claim another player's hit when its down to 3 or 4 players. If they want.
  13. This is the message that will be given to bulletproofs that are hit: A bullet hits your vest. You cannot survive another hit.
  14. Night 1 Begins Roles are being distributed.
  16. This is the official Mafia game thread where all discussions/game play/voting will take place. For those playing, all game-related posts should go here. If you are dead or not playing, do not post in this thread. If you're dead, you're dead. I can't stop you from talking about the game outside of the forum, but by the honor system, please don't. It'll only ruin the fun of the game for others. Gameplay/Rules Each game day consists of the Day Phase and the Night Phase. Since my schedule is fairly busy and not perfect, there will not be a 100% set schedule for this. There will, however, be a minimum time limit of 24 hours per day phase. So from the time of my most recent update, you have at least 24 hours to post your votes. Once that time has passed, someone will be hung and the night phase will begin. Once I post that the night phase has begun, ya'll can start PM'ing me. I will post the results once all actions are submitted (or at least 24 hours have passed, in case people forget). This may cause the game to run a little slowly, but it also gives more time for forum discussion, strategy stuff, etc. Additionally, I would ask that you do not change your name while playing the game. Also, only edit your post if you are changing a vote. To edit your post for any other reason goes against the spirit of the game. Day Phase The Day Phase is when everyone decides to cast a vote to hang someone (or hang no one, if you decide). You do not have to vote. For this game, votes will be cast publicly on the forum. Votes must be bolded and obvious. If I miss a vote because you implied it or forgot to make it obvious, that's your fault, not mine. If you change your vote and make a new post with a vote, unbold your old one. If you change your vote and forget to unbold your first one, I'll ignore your attempt of change because, well, because I can. Remember, everyone (save for those who are dead) participates in voting if they decide to. Night Phase The Night Phase is for those with special abilities (certain villagers have these, as do the Mafia). The most notable part of this phase is who the Mafia kill. To do your actions, send me a PM on this forum. Make it 100% clear who you are performing your action to. In the subject, put the Day # in there somewhere. For example, the mafia will PM me who they kill each night, if there's a doctor then he will protect someone, etc. Special Roles Everyone will receive their role in a PM. For this round (yes, we'll have more rounds later), I will be posting the approximate number of mafia members and what special roles there are. All roles are distributed randomly. No, it's not rigged, and no, I am not going to change the results for friends. I want to hold true to the randomness of the game. So, theoretically, the same person could be mafia 5 rounds in a row. Town Roles Bulletproof This player can survive one attempt to kill them at night (only works once per game). This protection does not apply to lynching. If the spy and serial killer each attempt to kill this player at night, then one of the attacks will be stopped but the other will succeed. If this player is hit, he will receive a message that says he was hit, and cannot survive another hit. Generally, the town would like to know that you are hit, so don't horde this information >_> Jailer If the town chooses to no lynch, then the jailer can jail one person that night. The jailed cannot perform actions during that night, and cannot have actions done to him. The jailed will know that he was jailed. Wins with the town. Agent The agent can send anonymous messages to the serial killer. He will want to try and get the serial killer to reveal himself by pretending to be the spy. Wins with the town. Mafia Roles Spy The spy can send anonymous messages to the serial killer. He will want to make sure the serial killer doesn't shoot him, that he doesn't shoot the serial killer, and to coordinate kills with him. The spy can choose to kill one person at night. 3rd Party Roles Serial Killer The serial killer must kill one person each night. (I know I posted a serial killer variant in another thread that had bulletproof protection. This version doesn't have bulletproof protection. If he's shot, he'll die. Just for clarification.) Anonymous Messages Once the phase has ended, all anonymous messages sent that phase will be given to the serial killer in the order that I (the game moderator) received them. Questions, Comments, Concerns If you have an questions, post it in the mafia sign-up thread. If I forgot to mention something here, feel free to post about it there too. Winning Conditions The town wins if the spy and serial killer both dead. The mafia wins if the spy is one of the last two people standing, or everyone else is dead. The serial killer wins if he is one of the last two people standing, or everyone else is dead. We have 7 players this game. There are/is: 3 Bulletproofs 1 Jailer 1 Agent 1 Spy 1 Serial Killer Reinfleche -Dead- Night 3- Shot (Agent) King Russell -Dead- Day 2- Lynched (Spy) Dracohon -Dead- Night 2- Just desserts (Jailer) Pride -Dead- Night 1- Doubleshot (Bulletproof) I Eat Tables -Alive (Serial Killer, winner) Mordecai -Alive (Bulletproof) Ether -Dead- Day 1- Somehow lynched (Bulletproof)
  17. Oh, what the heck. This can start today :)
  18. Coco's Epic Setup, yep :) And that's about as close as I can get to EM's jailer. and there's no way that disguiser can be used >_>
  19. Alright, so I'm starting to think I won't use the cult idea. So you can probably expect something different.
  20. As the title suggests, this will be a small round of mafia. The first 7 players to signup will be the ones who play. Please signup by bolding your name. Only signup if you will be able to be on at least once every 24 hours. This round, since it is small, shouldn't interfere with the schedules of the larger mafia games. This round should start on Saturday. The setup for this round is: Town 3 Bulletproofs 1 Jailer 1 Agent Mafia 1 Spy 3rd Party 1 Serial Killer The town wins if the spy and serial killer are dead. Bulletproofs have the ability to survive one night kill. If a bulletproof is attacked at night, he will be told that he cannot survive another hit. Wins with the town. If the town chooses to no lynch, then the jailer can jail one person that night. The jailed cannot perform actions during that night, and cannont have actions done to him. Wins with the town. The agent can send anonymous messages to the serial killer. He will want to try and get the serial killer to reveal himself. Wins with the town. The spy can send anonymous messages to the serial killer. He will want to make sure the serial killer doesn't shoot him, that he doesn't shoot the serial killer, and to coordinate kills with him. The spy can choose to kill one person at night. He wins if he's one of the last two people standing. The serial killer must kill one person each night. He wins if he's one of the last two people standing. NO PMS BETWEEN PLAYERS WILL BE ALLOWED. Anonymous messages can only be sent during the day phase, and will be received at the same time the day phase ends.
  21. Yes, it is longer than 1 minute. Deal with it. And it nicely sums up the plot of Hamlet.
  22. Hmm...I should make a setup sometime where there are a lot of bulletproofs, a serial killer, and a spy and agent (spy and agent can anonymously contact third party roles). The spy would try and coordinate kills with the serial killer, and the agent would try to get the serial killer to reveal himself. It would be a rather small game, with maybe 10 people max.
  23. Well, the cult has an awful lot riding on their leader. If their second leader kicked the bucket, so do they. So the cult leaders have a lot riding on them. Hmm...I'm considering instead of giving the cult a second chance, the leader can elect to pass his leader position to another cultist while alive, and he'll become a regular cultist. Here's what I'm thinking. If the cult leader is night killed, then the cult can pick one new leader once. However, if the cult leader is lynched, the whole cult goes down as well.
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