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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. A reason to throw in a no hang vote would be to prevent the mafia from having one of their members blitzing someone to hang at the last minute. Of course I doubt that was Rein's reasoning behind his vote. ... Isn't wifom incredible? Clearly, the doctor would protect the better players. But the mafia should know that, and target someone else. But the doctor should know that, and protect the less skilled players. But the mafia should know that as well, and then, target the more skilled players. Which is why the doctor should protect the more skilled players. And so on and so forth :)
  2. Here you are. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=12259
  3. Gimme a bit. I think we made backstories for the FE11 cast a while ago.
  4. I would like to see these notes as well. Remember that scene in The Princess Bride where Vizzini and The Man in Black have those two wine glasses, and Vizzini is engaging in a match of infinite reverse-psychology? I think its kind of like that (if I refer to it in the future, it will be as Wine in Front of Me, shortened to WIFOM).
  5. Am I the fucking coroner or something?
  6. I'm not gonna tell you. I'd rather not be responsible for staring a grudge and I can't recall offhand and don't feel like checking. If that person wants to come forward then he can.
  7. Oh, right. My RP name is Blas. I'm apparently close to Sara, Kayla, and Sophie.
  8. So because somebody died last night, we just went out and killed someone today? We should all be killed for having a part in this senseless slaughter.
  9. I'm Christian (Luthern, actually).
  10. This is the way I interpreted it as well. Though whether godfather would be passive or active, I do not know. It could be either, really.
  11. Alright, so here's what I've got >_> ...passive (roles that require no further actions to work) or active (roles that are used when chosen). Note that the Bronze roles are determined based on their special ability, not on their Bronze night killing - so they are not all active. This basically means that the people with active roles are going to be sending orders in at night. These people have passive roles: Alakazam BK-201 Ether Dracohon Reinfleche These people have active roles: Core Lux Aeterna Admiral Lifey Crunch Big Daddy Balcerzak Ratatosk Pride WeaponsofMassConstruction Isaac55 Ninji messy mike Robin Mask cheezperson I later asked Bizz which category I fell into. She said I fell into the passive category. In any event, you've only my word to take for this, as I could have faked the list though if I faked it I wouldn't have so many active roles on it Get used to disappointment.
  12. Oh, okay. Do you mind if we bring up your Hitmonchan and the elemental punches argument again?
  13. Should be fine. Bizz's round has only just started, and Lord R doesn't even have the sign-ups up yet. It should definitely be past April 13th by then.
  14. In any event, no info to go off of means that I'm voting no hang.
  15. If you don't know what this game is, you can check the other mafia threads in the Forum Games. This round will start AFTER BIZZ'S AND LORD R'S ROUNDS FINISH. I would like people to only sign-up if they will be able to be online at least once every 24 hours. If you are interested in playing, feel free to sign-up here. BOLD YOUR NAME IF YOU ARE SIGNING UP. THIS MAKES IT MUCH EASIER FOR ME WHEN I GO THROUGH HERE AND GET THE LIST OF PLAYERS. There is no limit to the number of players in the game. In fact, the more the merrier. What will be different in round five Some changes to the ways roles are distributed Some changes to the way that doc saves and stuff are said to the town Possibly adding a cult
  16. I've an important question I'd like answered, involving whether or not it is acceptable for me to copypaste the crapload of info I got in my Role PM. I'm waiting for Bizz's response on it, even though there isn't a rule against it.
  17. The TOWN wins! Mafia Lux Aeterna (Godfather) Pride (Hooker) cheezperson (Goon) Core (Goon) Town Special Roles Isaac55 (Miller) Bizz (Vigilante) messy mike (Doctor) Mordecai (Cop) Ninji (Watcher) Something of Note Ninji did watch cheezperson kill Admiral Lifey Crunch, but he lied at the end about watching Core kill Balcerzak.
  18. Day 7 Results As the day draws to a close, Ninji beats Core the Mafia Goon to death with his fake report.
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