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Owain Dark

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Everything posted by Owain Dark

  1. On a side note, the official german FE fb page revealed Reaper today. https://m.facebook.com/FireEmblemDE/photos/a.595776657281512/1076667219192451/?type=3 Guess the advertising starts slowly now...
  2. I hope there's a barbershop somewhere in the Monastery, Lorenz and Ignatius need a hair cut, like right in the start of the game.
  3. Because it's a fantasy setting and in a fantasy setting, everything can happen. Wouldn't be surprised if pegasi would puke rainbows in FE
  4. And the blonde dude on the left reminds me of Ryuji and Owain/Odin somehow
  5. Yeah. I think Kira Buckland may be Edelgard now, since they're kinda friends or something. As for Robbie, it's weird that he had to delete his tweet, since he didn't mention what character he voices. Erica and Max had to delete tweets too, but I'm not sure if those were FE16 related.
  6. Apparently, the Voice Director/s kicked Cristina in real auditions. I've asked her and that's what Cristina answered me: Now we can wonder in what direction they pushed Edelgard..
  7. No one knows. Even Cristina said she has zero knowledge of who the new Edelgard VA is
  8. Where do you see an eyepatch? I can't see anything in the green image
  9. I agree, her work is awesome. Makes me wonder who voices Edelgard now... I swear to God, if it's Erica Lindbeck, I'll bench Futaba
  10. Don't forget the artwork section in bowts game guide also showed the main boss. But yeah, I think the art book will show every story character. As for that Screenshot of the art book with Rhea and Claude, I've figured it's probably Sothis, Byleth, Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude and Rhea standing next to each other.
  11. I want to see a few playable characters from outside of the Monastery finally...
  12. Aight, thanks. Yeah than it's the protags/important charas on that page of the art book. Btw does anyone know what kind of USB the stick is (ie 2, 3, micro, type c..)?
  13. Are sure it's the protags and not just some characters? And I don't think Edelgard is that much smaller than Claude.
  14. Seems the main theme from the first trailer is on the soundtrack, good. I'm so happy that I've managed to preodered the limited edition, didn't had luck with fates and Echoes back then
  15. I mean, a remake no. But a remaster I could totally see. Just graphics a bit updated and maybe real supports in RD. But as for remakes, they should really do at least Genealogy first
  16. I can see Moustachio as a dark/mage. Alois probably cav. Cathrine merc. Manuela is confirmed to be a cleric. Setes I can see as a soldier/knight, since he's Rheas bodyguard dude
  17. The spoilery character is Lysthea and she got revealed already.... Unless Thani is wrong with the person.
  18. That doesn't mean much. In P5, Chase was kinda the famous VA and he only announced the subway lol But we'll see
  19. Let's hope Swordmasters are back in the first place, I have the feel, that they go the Gaiden Echoes route with myrm promotions.
  20. Aaaaaaaaaalritooooooo Shapeshifter from the ocean and prehistoric Let's see what you're making out of those haha
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