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Everything posted by Rhoda

  1. Yeah, almost daily. I don't think I've ever been targeted, though, which this sounds like. Reminds me of public school, actually. In an environment so overwhelmingly hostile that pointing out abuse only further entrenches it, and so all that's left is to fly under the radar, absolutely, I agree that what I've proposed would only make that situation worse. But that's a borderline Kobayashi Maru, and if it described SF, I imagine we'd be having this discussion on FE Universe or reddit. I just looked it up. Invision doesn't seem to offer any of these features, nor plan to. RIP. Maybe the real mod log was the friends we made along the way.
  2. Shoot, fair enough. Drama sucks. But disagree on public administrative records; I know of at least one website where their use never produced any dorky swagger, though the userbase was pretty chill to begin with.
  3. Scarlet letters would of course be tacky, but conducting major and maybe even minor moderation more or less openly would be useful 1. to let users know when the discourse has been adjusted (in addition to Anon's practical problems, I find the idea that my conversations are being policed without my awareness kinda distasteful, and certainly more distasteful than the possibility of others finding out what my dumb ass already earned), and 2. to provide a concrete record of what gets the stick, which in the long run makes the guidelines easier to follow and hopefully reduces the incidence of the whole awful process. Accountability is also nice, though SF isn't hurting for it. So, this being a public forum, I post (out loud, for everyone to see) something that's goofy enough to blow past courtesy and warrant a disciplinary response, and the response is the dirty part? What do I get from hiding the punishment if the cringe is already plain? Pretty much. Others' convenience is easily worth the indignity(?) inflicted on the guy who has by definition exhausted grace. So that's Anon, Florete, and I complaining about it right now, so n=3, and most forums I visit (automotive) mark banned users as such right over their avatars, so if that counts I guess like n>>100,000.
  4. Captain Falcon The guy on the front of Dimahoo I think his name was Solo i win don't @ me i'm no longer monitoring this thread
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