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Posts posted by Hauke

  1. 14 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Conquering his neighbors certainly seems something that older Dimitri would do. Also the color is a little bit different from Fergus which could indeed imply conquest.


    The colour is different because the countries outside of Fodlan have a darker colour on the map and the blue colour is only an overlay.

  2. Everything in the news sounds great. Especially the world building stuff in the bits:


    Yokota: The My Castle system was interesting because you could build it up yourself. But the ambitions we had with the Monastery were much larger and harder to achieve using a similar system. We wanted to give this feeling of shared life; while you created your own My Castle from scratch, in Three Houses, it is already established. The characters have lived there for years and, for them, it’s a place of life that they can call home. So it was designed this way to create that kind of mood.


    Kasukihara: Thanks to the improved technical capabilities and screen resolution over the Nintendo 3DS, we could add more visual elements. For example, the use of battalions that support each unit–this was not possible beforehand. That said, there is another perhaps surprising side effect from switching to Nintendo Switch. As there’s a full HD screen, it was nice that we could show more text, like putting the names of each combatant on the screen. In addition, as we have more space for text, we could add pages that delve into the backstories of the characters, to enrich the game’s lore.


  3. 6 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Is there any work on Fire Emblem or games in general these two would be known for? That would help in deciding whether its a good thing if they're involved or not. 

    Genki Yokota was Director/Co-Director of all the newer FE games. Awakening, Fates, Echoes. And also for Xenoblade Chronicles 1/2, supervisor of Last Story, the Smash games etc.

  4. 1 hour ago, LSM said:

    In the E3 Treehouse footage we also saw the Flame Emperor wielding an Axe. If Jeritza  is a fencing instructor [and is it definitely fencing, as in swords, or is that a translation thing where it could apply to duelling with any weapon?] then the Axe seems... inelegant for him.   

    That's exactly why I don't think he will be the Flame Emperor.

  5. 7 hours ago, Matroska said:

    To be fair to you, typo refers to accidentally pressing the wrong key on your keyboard, creating a spelling mistake, like writing "Saturday" as "Satrday" or something like that. It's short for "typographical error". You don't use it to refer to something that's totally incorrect, like saying "Paris is the capital of Japan" isn't a typo, it's a total factual error. I had a similar misunderstanding to you, I thought OP was saying that he spelt Edelgard wrong not that it was totally the wrong name. 

    Anyway, this sounds really good. Very RPGish to have your stats matter in things outside of battle. Is this the first time the series has done that?


    The correct term here would be "Edelgard [sic]" I think. Which means 'the source wrotes Edelgard but obviously means somebody else'

  6. 6 hours ago, Matroska said:

    Does the Switch ever do extra download stuff like that? Or even other consoles? I have about 40-50 games on PS4 and none of them do that, although I can imagine it being more common in games like CoD or FIFA and I don't buy those. That said, there is of course DLC. That's been confirmed for TH. 

    Yes there are games like that. FFX/X2 for exemple. You have to download X2 seperately. And there are some games which are only halfly on the cartridge and require additional downloads. They had a very big banner on the physical for that.

  7. 8 hours ago, Siskan said:

    Well, in my unpopular opinion all the English dubs range from bad to disastrous as well. I'm happy we get to pick the original dub this time around.

    The English dubs are great compared to the Euro dub in RD. Trust me. There are some good voices in the German one but in General... no. Just no. I would like a game with a GOOD euro dub


    2 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Considering there was no censorship in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, yes, it is a change of heart. 

    And yeah, Mythra was covered up in Smash Ultimate but Ultimate is an E10+ game. 

    Huh, that's pretty interesting. I guess it really is a matter of compression then.

    Also Mythra and Camilla were censored in Japanese Smash Ultimate too because of the CERO age rating in Japan. So nothing changed by the localization. As far as I know there is no censored Switch game by Nintendo itself up to this point, or did I miss something?

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