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Julian Solo

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Everything posted by Julian Solo

  1. He cleared Duscurs name and improves foreign relations. All the lords improve foreign affairs plus his default friends with Claude. An Edelgard doesn't end a caste system because three houses never had a caste system. There are nobles without crests and crests are even referenced to be dying out. Nobles are forced to be generals too.Where do people see a caste system? Plus Sylvain ending makes people give up on crests anyway. He also gives the poor food and gives them power in goverment. That's not the status quo he actively makes the King weaker well the others endings do not. Azure Moon is the only route where all of the Slitherers leaders die in the story and there's no reference to them coming back or a war with them like GD an CF. The nukes are Thales spell like Solon dark portal spell without him there's no evidence they can use the nukes.
  2. Lmao what? I am not allowed to talk about comparing the main characters of the game in a thread about one of the main lords? Also your assuming I can't handle what? I don't see how that comment was called for. Unless of course this wasn't aimed at me then I apologize
  3. When the story written by the same person tells me Dimitri needs to suffer for being a punisher and Edelgard gets off free for starting the war. Plus potentially wiping out Rhea's entire species yes. I brought up Claude in my orginal point to how he actively comes back after GDS ending to help Fodlan. It got ignored. To focus on Dimitri because being a vigilante apparently puts you on the level of a cultural destroying conquer. Which is like comparing Ted Bundy to Stalin. Inconsistent moral themes bug the shit out of me. Specially when nothing Cluade and Dimitri did compare to the horror of a world war and there life ends up being shittier.
  4. Nope because he doesn't he runs off alone and her men kill him in GD. That's a part of his character actually.
  5. No it doesn't it merely hits at it from her supports that she was tortured. She doesn't explain anything till later and the other routes do nothing shade light on her motives. @Crysta No nothing Dimitri did comes close to starting a world war. Killing her step brother and uncle. Wiping out potentially an entire species. Plus forcefully invading and conquer nations where her classmates lived. He also worked till the day he dies well Edelgard retires. She does this with her mental state stable as well.
  6. She also tries to say her stepping down is her redemption for being a conquer. When it literally takes her years to do and half her endings implies she doesn't ever really step down. Well Dimitri does far less and is forced to work to death for redemption. Claude comes back when ever Byleth needs help. Her being the one to start the world war on every route makes putting her morally on the same level as the other impossible. Specially when she never faces true retribution. The story falls flat in her route because they try paint her on the same level as the other three lords and the justification falls flat. Then you play the other routes and learn she was 99% wrong about the history of Fodlan. She be a much better character ironically if her route didn't exist.
  7. I agree but like he still showed enough sense to at least ask for help and redemption
  8. What did he do that was that dumb in CF or Silver Snow? The dumbest thing he did in Blue Lions was ignore Byleth warning of attacking the bandits without a plan. Which for some reason Claude whose smarter then Byleth also does and Seteth. Without so much a word of protest from Byleth in those routes. The reason in the story why BL Dimitri is crazier then BE routes Dimitri is
  9. In Silver Snow he sends Gilbert to ask for the professor aid. In CF his mostly sane as Dedous alive and In his own route Byleth had the opposite effect on him then on Edelgard that's a fact. Gilbert and Byleth still are allowed to try to talk to Claude. In GD he shows up no one knows his alive attacks everyone then dies in a exposition dump. No consistent reason why for this. His far worse on GD for no explainable reason. Edelgard was litterally Edelgard own inner conflict gets over looked. Her views are so extreme she doesn't even listen to anyone else out side of CF. It's why Claude sides with Rhea over her. Hell in CF she even
  10. Umm she waits till after the ritual fails to even try. Then was more interest in the crest stones and lost a general. She gives away the element of surprise herself only got lucky it took the knights to long to get back to defend the monastery.
  11. It's litterally said in Silver Snow she stretched her resources to thin after capturing Rhea. The Alliance is actively neutral in the war because Lorenz dad supports the empire and several lords are religious and hate Claude. If where talking hypothetical scenarios. Claude could ask Lorenz to have his dad support him like Lorenz mentions in his recruitment dialgue. Plus ask for aid from Amalyria with Judith and the empires done for. Even with the knights and Byleth gone in the other routes not hers she is stuck. The game does everything it can from keeping Cluade the quote "ultimate tactician" occupied with obstacles he can easily overcome if pushed. Heck they even nerf him further in Silver Snow by If people in the Kingdom are resisting her and that place is a diaster post time skip I don't see how she had any chance of actually winning.
  12. Only in GD where Dimitri is completely incoherent for no consistent reason. Yeah but Edelgards own mental insanity is shockingly over looked. She starts a world war without enough resources to finish it. Causing it to be prolonged for five years. Claude and Dimitri both find her completely extreme. Only is CF Rhea considered more, so it's why Claude sides with Rhea and Dimitri over her in every other route.
  13. This is way to smart for Fire Emblem but trauma is hereditary.
  14. That's something the person the ability came from said. It's an actual limitation on the ability. Why they didn't write Byleth using it every 5 minutes and failing. I don't know maybe they just thought that get repetitive and boring to watch.
  15. Sothis says you straight up can't change fate and the curse litterally warped time and space to send Byleth to another dimension. It's not a Jojo Stand level of hacks. How can you be 100% sure it could have worked in those scenarios?
  16. The turn will never actually had the power to see the future though only rewind time. Where are you getting the fact Mila controls the future? Because dragons in the Kaga games randomly choose heroes? Which is
  17. Hour 28 minutes Alms chapter 4 ends with him getting stuck by necrodragons if you do his chapter 4 first. The idea is Celica sacrifices herself to save him.
  18. The point of Gaiden story was that Alm was the flawed one that screwed up and got captured. Celica was supposed to save Alm but Echoes screwed this up baffling badly. Doubt the next remake will have 100% faithful story anyway.
  19. Well that's wrong clearly wrong as its said Byleth changes things anyway in every route. @Landmaster they weren't humans they where homunculus who all failed to become real people accept Byleths mother. Who begged Rhea to save Byleth. Rhea has basically done nothing wrong out of CF and seeing how bad Marriane family was treated when there family wasn't whitewashed yeah. She killed a few prinonsers who tried to kill her without a trail so evlols.
  20. Umm TMS encore is a spin off technically. Also probably an Fe Warriors 2 if it's not a remake.
  21. Where outside of CF is Rhea presented as a lunatic? She's mental scared for sure but she never harmed anyone who didn't try to kill her? Creepy and being insane are not the same. In fact she's far more reasonable then they present Edelgard. Who refuses to talk to anyone else or accept comprises of anyone but the empire controlling the continent. Like I love Edelgard as a character but she is presented as extreme as hell compared to anyone else in the story.
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