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Posts posted by Benice

  1. 7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

    loads of worker cooperates

    I have no idea what this is...

    8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    This brief convo has reminded me that I recently discovered Conservapedia, and it's like, the funniest website in the entire internet.

    Conservapedia? What's-




    This might be the best thing I've ever seen.

    5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

    I mean, if you weren't enjoying, restarting won't help i think

    Infact will hurt the experience more

    Nonono, I enjoy the game, I just don't remember much of it.

    5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Oh yeah, this weekend I'll also start Three Houses proper.

    Nice! I can't remember if you picked your house yet, though.

  2. 1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



    1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    Ngl, since you're in Ch.6, I also kinda struggle to see what you mean that the plot is "inconsequential" too. The only chapter that most people agree is probably filler is Ch.4. Ch.1, 2, 3, 5 and onwards all have big traditional "plot moving" moments

    Maybe I'm forgetting something, but IIRC not much has happened aside from us sauntering around to different titans. 

    ...Maybe I should restart my playthrough, but I'm already, like, 65 hours in...

    1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    can't see it as by characterized outside the main story when a lot of it is in the story

    A lot of it may be in the story, but... Well, I'm thinking it might be a little off-topic if the meat of the story takes 65 hours to reach. Maybe it's because I've mostly been reading books instead of playing games lately, but I still strenuously believe that, in comparison to even a play like A Raisin in the Sun (which everyone should watch) or the other JRPG I've played, it really could have done better at developing the cast with the story as opposed to alongside it.

    ...Or is this a Sky FC thing where I've absolutely maimed the game beyond recognition with my play-style?

    1 hour ago, Armagon said:



    Well, I know Nia is a Blade even though I'm certainly not supposed to.

    It was worth the spoiler though, those ears are very cool.


    1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    Ehhhh it does depend on the plot/character ratio. 

    Maybe I live under a rock, but off the top of my head, I can't really think of any stories where the plot and characters are highly distinct from one another. Dramas are super popular, and they're almost all driven mostly by characters. Maybe sit-coms and, like, super action-y stuff like John Wick (never watched either of that type of show) bypass that?

    1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    Canada probably has more trains than the US.


  3. 9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Dahlia's like, a masterpiece of bad character design

    Which one is she? I don't think I've seen her...

    9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Besides I thought you were Canadian, which is like, the cooler US, you've gotta have trains.

    We've got the one going across the country, and then Vancouver and Toronto have them...

    I think that's about it, though.

    8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Though seriously, it's really not that big of a deal here. Well, perhaps in Puebla proper, but ultimately it's not that significant. To us, at least.

    Huh. My Abuelita's from Puebla (Pueblan?), so it's a pretty big deal to her.

    2 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

    Tyranny at it's finest.


    Another one of my favorite things about 1984 is that the American press basically received as "the DEFINITVE proof that communism is bad" and Orwell contacted them to tell them that they missed the point.

    3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

    Writing a story for a video game is harder than people give it credit for. Since you can't really have long dialogue heavy scenes uninterrupted by action it's hard to nail in characterization without being creative.

    The funny thing is that Yakuza is really good at it in pretty much every other game, both before and after 5; 5 specifically messes up the pacing so catastrophically that's it's almost funny. It also doesn't help that after the really long prison segment, you have another few hours of an Idol simulator rhythm game.

    6 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

    Tell that to the Natives.

    Our home on native land.

  4. On 5/4/2023 at 12:37 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

    I'm still bitter over the fact that I spoke from the heart and the game told me I was wrong,

    I never thought I'd see you be devastated by the fact that you're not a good dominatrix.

    On 5/4/2023 at 12:37 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

    Xenoblade designs bad.


    I will say that even though there are certainly a great deal of designs that miss (at least in XB2), those are a byproduct of how much they try to do cool things, and they sometimes succeed.

    But there's also Nim, so...

    23 hours ago, Armagon said:

    On the contrary, the characterization is the plot. Characters make the story (usually, I know there are some stories where it doesn't really matter).

    Indeed, characters are an important part of almost any story- A Raisin in the Sun is an incredible story, for example, and it has basically nothing but the characters talking in it over the course of a couple weeks. However, I would like to refute the idea that characterization is the plot, at least in XB2's case, and the reason for that is how it builds its main characters: They're mostly being characterized by events that happen outside (or at the very least, beside) the primary conflict of the story, and therefore feel weirdly removed from it (though alternatively, maybe it's the other way around, with the main plot just kinda being tacked onto the characters- One way or another, my overall point doesn't really change).

    Even in character-driven stories, characters and plot are closely intertwined; they do not exist separate of each other. The Great Gatsby is a story about the falseness of the American Dream and the cruelty of the upper class, and the characters and their actions exist to serve this idea. A Raisin in the Sun is a story about housing discrimination (and many other things), and its characters are reflections of the harm it causes. Yakuza 0 is about how money, regardless of the context of severe poverty or obscene wealth, distorts the value of human life, and its characters and their actions are reflections of this. 1984 is about leftist governments trying to restrict your speech and its main character is a reflection of a typical American hero struggling against the LBTQ minorities which threaten good western values and woke writers who have characters who aren't white in their stories. 

    Writers don't create a plot and then independently create characters to put into it or vice versa: Characters are part of the plot and the overall artistic vision, and most good stories build their characters both by and while advancing the story, as opposed to doing them separately, one at a time. I could list any number of stories which are primarily focused on characteres that do this without stopping cold- Wicked, the Percy Jackson series (+other Riordan series), LAD, and so on and so forth.

    (Anecdotally, the Yakuza game with the worst pacing, 5, borks the pacing/character building ratio up magnificently by having a three-to-four hour long prison segment which is pretty much only dialogue with three other characters and no actual gameplay. It also still takes over an hour in the speedrun. I don't need to tell you that XB2 was never even close to this bad)

    So I suppose what I criticize about the story is a lack of focus; if it were simply trying to be a story-focused road trip type story kind of thing, I think it could have done it quite well, and if it wanted to tell an epic story about whatever thing it's kind of building up to, it could have done it quite well, but what I've seen is a strange mix that leaves me rather unsatisfied on both fronts. I know it's been a long time, but I really can't remember much about the characters or the impression they left on me, (Except Zeke and Pandoria, and that's because my standards for humour are low) and... Well, we're on this topic of discussion because I'm critical about how long the build-up is to the action part.

    ...Also I got spoiled for the plot twist they talk about in the bathhouse scene because of the silly green fanart website  


    In summary of that incoherent stream of words, characters and plot are closely intertwined, and I don't think that a story should have to stop advancing the plot to continue advancing the characters- Many stories do both at the same time, and plots that don't often suffer for it. 

    (Unless we're talking about "plot", in which case I must succumb to my degeneracy and agree wholly that XB2 has many magnificent plots.)

    23 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Oh I agree on this.

    World peace achieved.

    23 hours ago, Armagon said:

    do have it downloaded


    You fool, you shouldn't have said that! I shall now hound you 'til the ends of the earth making you bend to my will and forcing you to play the games I like!

    23 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Well you also talked about the varying enemy levels in the world. Personally, it's what truly makes the worlds feel alive but some people are put off by it.

    It's not so much the level variety so much as the aggro range that enemies have. Probably also a skill issue though, to be honest.

    23 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:



    They will soon be reinforced.

    3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    I just have to wonder. How horrible are trains in the US that Burgerlanders think this shit is great?

    You think we have trains over here?

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