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Everything posted by Axel987

  1. I mean yeah, the coup is what I meant with absolute bullshit haha, my bad if I didn't make that clear. The lines straight up change if Ingrid and Felix die at Arianrhod as I said. He's out for revenge because of them, which the original japanese lines make relatively more clear. The Crest Stones thing never gets explained at all, not in terms of where they came from or why they're being used so at the end of the day the -reasoning- is up in the air. They were used which is still pretty shitty yeah. I get what you mean yeah.
  2. He's in it for revenge on Edelgard personally, that is a fact. He is also protecting his country from an invading force and working with a historical ally, also a fact, but let's not act like his motivations are entirely selfless. As far as we know we have no idea if Edelgard has tried to negotiate with the Kingdom, although Sylvain -does- state that he thinks a peaceful resolution would not work out because of Edelgard/Hubert. He is also an inherently biased source given he grew up in the Kingdom himself though. I didn't say it was wrong for them to defend themselves, I'm saying that -he- also inherently brought the war onto the Kingdom. CF Dimitri is basically WC Dimitri if his mask wasn't -forced- to break. He's a lot calmer since he wasn't forced through the absolute bullshit he deals with in other routes, so I think that while still there, the 'boar' aspect of his character is a lot more refined. Heck to see it at all, Dedue has to turn into a literal monster and die, which is consistent with how Dedue -dying for him- is part of what ends up breaking him.
  3. FTR Sylvain is there for vengeance himself irrespective of Dimitri's own grudge against Edelgard, he specifically has his lines change if Ingrid and Felix die at Arianrhod as well as having specific lines if Dimitri dies before he does at Tailtean. Otherwise he's simply there to be leading the Gautier troops as a show of loyalty, given y'know, the empire is still invading. As for the crest stones thing; I always imagined that THAT was reactive to what happened at Arianrhod, given it was completely destroyed by an unknown power instead of simply taken. Incidentally Rhea is utterly unsurprised in any way upon enterring the map if there are crest beasts, so I think she was the one who suggested it in the first place. This IS an extrapolation though, so grain of salt 'n all. Also maybe not use messed up to refer to him like that? I've heard that term used wrt to mentally ill(and he definitely is) people a bit too much, especially when obsessive gets the job done too.
  4. He caused the war to enter Faerghus territory by offering asylum to and later allying with the church in CF. Edelgard's goal has always been to take out the church first and foremost, with unifying Fodlan as a secondary objective at best. I'm not saying he's wrong for doing so, but you also have to acknowledge that he did end up causing the war to enter his homeland.
  5. Arundel was the regent post Part 1, however power was largely in the hands of Duke Aegir before Edelgard took over. After Duke Aegir is imprisoned, Arundel takes control of his lands, which mind you included Hrym teritorry that he excessively already taxed, and bleeds that place dry and places forced conscription with execution as the punishment for not complying. Similar things happen in Fhirdiad where Cornelia is in charge. She needed their power for her cause but she's also kind of complicit in allowing them to abuse her citizens like that. Also again, kinda glad we can actually have a discussion about this stuff without being at each other's throats.
  6. Yeah that's, another jarring thing about TWSITD. Are they the only Agarthans left? If so are we basically committing genocide? Did Sothis basically commit genocide? The implications are there and it's kinda uncomfortable if you actually think about it lol. She doesn't really do anything with that, it's more of her baiting Claude than anything, thinking he wouldn't endanger the people there by attacking full force or something, I guess. Then again Hubert blatantly uses ballistas, magic orbs and onagers that could hit any of the houses possibly, along with Demonic Beasts out on the streets so...??
  7. My strategy was basically to just use Hero Dimitri. Set up Batallion Wrath, give him a Killing Edge, click retribution and just watch the magic lol. Every other unit was just cleaning up the rest. Make good use of gambits too by baiting large chunks of enemies for Edelgard/Hapi/Yuri to stagger.
  8. I'm not even going to try and defend the "killing childrens thing" beyond simply thinking it's hella jarring, given the game calls out that even early-part 2 Dimitri has a soft spot for children. Probably meant to be. I think people over-focus on the fire thing because it isn't being done by the allied party so they feel like they're meant to take it as "Oh no, they're ruthlessly burning their own soldiers alive!!!!" or something lol.
  9. It's a dumb argument, esp when Gilbert and Alois, in AM and CF respectively set Garreg Mach's front yard on fire with everyone still on it.
  10. I do hope I'm not coming across like I'm dismissing it, I just think it's genuinely a player perspective thing. They think Claude didn't do it but don't have the time or resources to check, given that whoever -could- have done it is possibly still in the area. Assuming the worst case scenario and not attempting any more communication is largely a bad move, but given his paranoia, single minded focus and the circumstances I don't think it's out of character either. Again, I hope I didn't come across as thinking it was 100% the right thing to do or whatever. As I said, basically everything surrounding Gronder is one of my -least- favourite parts about the game, including this lol.
  11. My point is that they simply have no clue as to whether their message reached Claude in the first place(It did, the soldier was killed on the return journey as implied from the player's perspective by Claude invading imperial territory.) They know that Claude likely wouldn't do that but again, they're just about to hit Gronder and they have other soldiers dispatched in the area that they have to worry about, so they assume the worst case scenario of expecting no further help because they have no way of knowing who was actually behind this. Gronder in general is dumb as fuck, the lack of Fog of War makes basically everything that happens there make no sense whatsoever.
  12. IIRC the dialogue is the same in VW so could it be that the map was intended for that route primarily? Either way I hate it myself since it just, kinda fucks over Claude and Dimitri in both routes it appears in. As for the Edelgard thing, honestly it's probably because she's just straight up the game's main character(lol bye Byleth. Good riddance). Major role in every route, poster character of the game, intro and credit song is sung by her, etc. Personally wish we could have more discussions about these characters without people dragging other ones into them and or character assasinating them.
  13. Just rewatched that scene and it...doesn't seem that dumb? They're literally just about to head into a major battle when they find this out, they requested aid from the Alliance once again, but their messenger ends up dead with no clue as to what happened, who killed them or if their message was delivered. They don't have the reason to expect help from them, nor the time to investigate it all properly. The actual weird thing is that Claude attacks you regardless of if you actually go after him.
  14. Didn't know about the library thing, when is that stated?(Is it just an NPC line?) Dimitri had been researching Lord Arundel pretty freely there, so you'd think everything in the main section is largely open access. Either way, a good thing to note is that the age thing probably isn't too big a factor for him, remember that he grew up in the harsh north of Faerghus and had himself been putting down rebellions at only 14-15 years old himself, again a point where I feel dramatic irony tends to crop up, ESPECIALLY for players that went through Black Eagles for obvious reasons. The Insurrection of the Seven is super underplayed by the game despite honestly in theory being one of the most interesting events in the lore. Funnily enough you could completely take TWSITD out of it and it'd still stand on it's own if expanded on.
  15. Honestly I didn't think it was sexist but I recently saw a thread that straight up said that they'd like her more if she was a male and I finally understood why people said that. Perspective really does make you see things in a different light. From Edelgard's perspective he was refusing to listen to her -actually- telling the truth in that she had nothing to do with it, no matter how many times she said it. From his, a good few bits of circumstantial(Good bit of dramatic irony in that the player definitely would think it wasn't her despite the characters pointing towards it) evidence had piled up, between Thales saying it was all done for her, her continued allegiance with them in the holy tomb despite disowning TWSITD's actions and saying she would've stopped them if she knew what kind of depravity they were up to, her being directly related to one of his own prime suspects in Lord Arundel. He just doesn't see any reason to believe her because of those things, especially with how much of a dark, self harming, place his mind is at that moment in time, looping back to the whole point of terrible communication from everyone's side.
  16. Yeah I've seen that. Would've been genuinely cool to see them not side with Dimitri and how the betrayal of his childhood best friend affects him. Similarly there's a ton of cool politicking(Claude's ACTUAL thing, not tactics) that Claude is said to do but the game always cuts to black right as it happens.
  17. Honestly with how similar they are I feel like originally each route was meant to focus on something different? But dev time ended up making 3 of them a bit too similar with CF being the only vastly different one since you're on the side of the aggressor for once. What -unfortunately- ended up happening is that AM focuses a lot on Dimitri as a character and the things surrounding the war going on, but ends up not really going into the lore at all, in part because TWSITD are horrendously inconsistently written. Like, was the Pillars of Light thing added later into development? Was Thales the only one that could use them? I could go on about how much I dislike them honestly. As a big Blue Lions fan it's a flaw I've largely come to terms with and while I like her a lot as a character, Hapi's stuff(and honestly Cindered Shadows as a whole feels like a genuine band aid for most routes.)feels kinda bittersweet.
  18. Yep that is indeed a thing. Back to the main topic; I found it really neat how each ending cutscene has some real nice thematic imagery calling back to the characters and their growth. Claude risks his neck for someone else so that they can win, Edelgard fully opens herself up to another person and genuinely cries for them. Dimitri's final scene with Edelgard directly harkens back to the first scene of part 2. I'm not quite sure if I can find one for Silver Snow's however.
  19. I mean as much as I like Rhea(which I do a fucking lot. She's a great character with so much more potential that goes unexplored because she's a goddamn mcguffin most of the time in part 2); She's the one that came up with the mythos with regards to the Crests being blessings from the Goddess. Yes, she is not the one who made these people nobles but their claim to power is inherently steeped in her religion's dogma. As revealed in CS; Rhea only persecuted the 10 Elites themselves, their families were entirely cleared but she hunted the Elites down with unyielding wrath. While she herself does not promote Xenophobia and Racism, she's complicit in allowing it to go on instead of cracking down on it. People from Almyra, Dagda etc are treated as demons in Fodlan and people abuse them endlessly. She allows the blatant abuse of power done by nobles such as Count Gloucester and others. Slows down the progression of human advancement. And arguably more. Edelgard prosecutes her for THAT, and she's completely right to even if you may not agree with what she does following that. Also that post is lowkey shit-stirry in a thread that had actual mutual respect and good discussion going on. Why do that. I have my own misgivings about her actions but this certainly isn't the thread to discuss that and shit on her.
  20. Great write up! Will say that I find it quite odd how the; Aside from that I think the game could've possibly benefitted from more scenes like the one with Claude and Edelgard that you mentioned too, where they kind of try to reach out in their own ways to each other but thing's simply don't work out. It'd make things all the more bittersweet really. As for the good place for discussion bit; We're not jumping on each other's throats for our preferences for one, it's also much less likely to be an echo chamber. This was only my second Fire Emblem game but I'm honestly already tired of various paths like Fates and now Three Houses. Especially with all the -genuine- negative discourse that has surrounded this game with people, again, being at each others throats rather than actual productive discussion surrounding the game, as well as the frankly terrible split of resources resulting in all routes feeling genuinely incomplete. At most two paths, but preferably one solid game is what I'd want next time.
  21. Dark Merchant was clearly the strongest member of TWSITD and Thales got sick of his shit so he kicked him out. So he decided to sell to their sworn enemies in those paths.
  22. Maybe make a lord equivalent of Gryphon Knight, replacing Dimitri's Great Lord Class with Gryphon Lord. After all, the Faerghus Flag has Loog riding a Gryphon and it'd be an interesting way to mirror him becoming "The Savior King" to his people. Lance/Authority/Flying.
  23. Done GD and CF maddening so far, currently on BL Maddening, only up to chapter 6 in that though. CF Maddening felt a lot easier since I knew what I was getting into now and I was entirely spared the actual killer of Maddening; Chapter 13. CF also likes having quite a few "Defeat all Enemy Commanders" maps but Raging Storms on a Wyvern completely neutralises that, especially with Stride, Warp and all that nonsense. Black Eagles are definitely the weakest house overall IMO but they're quite capable nonetheless. Oh and Jeritza is free, very low investment and stupidly good out of the gate. God bless. BL Maddening so far has been very smooth because Dedue and Dimitri can consistently tank hits well and hit back like trucks. Ingrid is the only real dead weight so far and I'm contemplating either putting her through Brigand for Death Blow for some time or dropping her down the line, but the latter idea doesn't seem attractive what with Chapter 13 forcing in-house only.
  24. Very interesting character, if part 2 didn't screw her over by making her a literal McGuffin until the last 2 chapters, I'd actually argue she's the most interesting in the game. That being said her flaws have already been mentioned above and I gotta reiterate, she's her relationship with Byleth is all KINDS of fucked up.
  25. I dunno about Fleche(PROBABLY a Flayn replacement though.) but honestly, Randolph, Ladislava, Rodrigue, Judith and Nader being unrecruitable is an actual crime. I find the later 3 to especially be potentially very interesting characters, with Judith having made a big name for herself, ending as a parralel to Rodrigue. Idk, I'd have preferred Rodrigue over bloody Gilbert at least... OH AND Holst. Mr. I hold back the Almyran Army's periodical invasions practically on my own, himself.... And Count Bergliez too, y'know, the guy who apparently could have turned the tide of the war by HIMSELF if he was actually fought.
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