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Everything posted by Hello72207

  1. read my status, it tells you the answer Why are you so suspicious of clearly innocent bystanders?
  2. Banned because ike bab because swordlocked unit.
  3. I've had Lyn max strength at like 20/10 Sail since when was the wiki right on anything? Berserkers op. Thanks for the lovely background musick
  4. Finn vs Canas is hard, but I'm gonna go with the cav for this.
  5. Banned for killing off Lugh while he had forblaze on him.
  6. The problem with that is that if Ninian is his mother, Roy would have horrific str/skl compared to the other mothers due to a 0 base and 5% growth from his mother, while having absolutely ridiculous Res and speed, making him an overkill version of Fiora or Lyn mother. I'd really in a remake just like it if Roy got a horse on promotion and they mentioned the mother's name with a link, without causing ridiculous stat changes. In a BB remake I'd really just like it if Roy promoted after even chapter 16, and got a horse on promotion, along with slightly better bases.
  7. Here is how it works. They are coded as their respective weapons, because if they were not they would be unusable. If the lancereaver was coded as an axe, it would be: Normal against axes, have the disadvantage against swords, and have the advantage against lances. But the lancereaver is normal against swords, not axes, and loses against axes. It is a sword with the weapon triangle reversed on it. However, if two reaver weapons face each other, the triangle is actually swapped back to normal, and your lancereaver will lose to the axereaver.
  8. Saul and Flayn are neck and neck. Fun times! So you'd rather have Gheb, a filthy egotistical fat boy who the fandom has turned into someone who raeps lolis, over Anna? I agree!
  9. We could give him a horse like Eliwood. Promoting him in ch 16 to a horse would do wonders for him. Giving him lances would help too. But why would he have more skill in magic if his mother was Ninian? There is no evidence given I believe in FE6 that dragons are necessarily better at magic then humans are, and Ninian doesn't exactly know magic herself. OOHHH!!!! If you want a good save-link, why not have it this way. If Fiora is Roy's mother, Roy promotes to having a pegasus and getting lances and swords. If Lyn was Roy's mother, then Roy promotes to having a horse and bows. If Ninian is Roy's mother, then he can promote to a horse and lances like he would with no mother specified, but he has a slightly higher speed and resistance base at the beginning of the game. If no mother is specified, then he is normal and promotes to a horse and lances.
  10. The problem with doing that is that in the original FE6, Ceclila states in her support with Lilina that Roy had almost no skill with magic, so changing it in a remake would change what is canon. And that was only half-dragons. Roy is a quarter dragon if Ninian x Eliwood is canon. I can't see Roy riding wyverns, because wyverns come from Bern, who is kinda the main protagonist for the majority of the game, and Roy had never really been to Bern, so he would never have had training riding one.
  11. That really doesn't make much sense, considering that while Ninian x Eliwood is fine, Ninian is half-dragon, making Roy quarter-dragon. Sophia is half dragon and not a manakete, so why would Roy be a manakete if he is a quarter dragon.
  12. Banned for daring to have an opinion on the internet.
  13. Banned because Edelgard bad, so therefore Nils is good.
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