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Everything posted by Hello72207

  1. banned for ninjaing me twice in a row
  2. Banned because you ninja'd me also because there are no janky hit rates except for axes really. (and treck) (and sophia) (and the armor knights)
  3. believes that no Fire emblem earlier then FE6 is good.
  4. banned because Binding blade is epic
  5. Banned because the Greil mercs are not from Illia, where all mercinaries come from, so therefore they are not mercinaries.
  6. 8/10 wheeze how do you spell candy with just two letters? c and y
  7. banned because you forgot to watch out for the fried rice while warning others of it.
  8. Karel op because bases<growths. Karel has best growths in series. Therefore Karel OP.
  9. Banned because you drafted Shanna
  10. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/gba/468480-fire-emblem/saves If you still want a save, CharlieF's should work.
  11. banned because this thread gained 4 pages overnight
  12. banned for not being able to speak the language fluently by day 2
  13. 5/10 i got it but it can fly over people's heads. Why did the old lady fall into the well? She couldn't see that well!
  14. banned for being nice while banning
  15. Banned because playing in front of others means you are at a concert, which will help spread corona.
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