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Everything posted by Hello72207

  1. so, to be clear, there is no penalty for bringing -an undrafted unit to recruit a unit -undrafted thieves on the desert chapter/chapters with chests. ok sir
  2. I feel like this should have been expected, but I still had my fingers crossed. Kyle is my choice. alright, goldenblade, your turn
  3. Well, seeing as I don't want to read anything on FE9/10 until I finish Windwaker and play them, I vote for bonus content. I'll read Tearring though.
  4. Quick Query: In #1, you say unrecruited characters may recruit characters and open doors, but in #12 you also say that deploying an undrafted unit warrants a four turn penalty. Is using a thief to open doors or bringing say, Innes to recruit Syrene gonna give us a four turn penalty?
  5. I'll join. I'll probably do Eirika Hard. This should be interesting.
  6. Nope, sorry. Good try though
  7. No, she really isn't. She can easily get a level in her join chapter, enemy soldiers are great kills for her, other kills can be set up. Actually just watch this video: *looks at growth* *visible confusion, seeing as she is literally slower then Bors and Wendy* Innes is actually a fairly good prepromote if you go Eirika's route, he has fairly ok growths too. Gilliam can turn into a monster if you actually train him and don't mind slowing down every chapter for him. Forde is, well: Rennac is very good at what he needs to do, and that is thiefing. Combat unit? no. Thief? yes. Nah, FE6 Swordmaster fixes any problems she could have. Hard mode bonuses help also, +3 in every stat is really helpful. Once he gets going though... Easily surpasses Hawkeye, actually doubles things. Alright then, make a list of FE units that you personally hate and think are ugly.
  8. Banned for saying Shanna is a bad character.
  9. Nether of these are bad units Benice. But anyway: FE6 Lot Gonzalez Wendy FE7 Dorcas Dart? Is he bad? Guy Occasionally Nino if I am feeling like adding 30 min on to the playthrough FE8 Ross Joshua (although I would argue he is pretty good) Lute is a really good unit so she doesn't count Natasha Ewan
  10. I mean, he has 50 attack, so he is actually really scary, and is fairly tanky.
  11. That's probably part of the seal there, it prevents people from teleporting in. But if it can do that, well then.... That's one heck of a seal. Plot. I mean, considering that most people are going to play Eirika mode first, it makes sense that it would be easier. It's L'arachel. One can never be too certain. He's not even that scary in the first fight.
  12. I'm not certain this is a rebalance hack. I suppose something like increasing movement does somewhat balance the game because of the large maps, and if increasing growths are designed to be balanced. But removing characters that are there, replacing them with another character, adding other characters, and changing the dialogue? That is not a rebalance.
  13. He has the rewarp staff. It all makes since, and he just loans it to Riev. Oh yeah, those promoted magic guys at the end can screw you up. Rip Knoll, the dark magic user so bad, I was about to call him the worst shaman in GBA games before I remembered Sophia exists. Rip Colm, the fastest support in just about all of FE.
  14. No you don't have to kill Kishuna in Genesis. You don't. Completely black and you cannot see the terrain at all. Whenever you see a black text box in a GBA FE, you know stuff about to get real. I think I do slightly better then you. Here are my current ranks: Xp is a little low because its the start of the final chapter and level 18 promoted units had to carry me. But look at that 5 star combat. Ha! Assuming you get the sidequest, that is. Getting Nino to talk to Jaffar is fairly difficult. "laughs in 1% crit from merc" Yeah, I had to bolt as fast as I could to get to that dude fast enough. No theives for Benice. I like this plan, as I enjoy suffering. Also you voted on your own poll. I feel like this should be purple, for some strange reason. My ironman had fun. The Sonia sidequest no one died on, but there were some close calls. Cog of destiny, a luna druid CRIT MY JAFFAR and one shot him. Farina got hit by a 23% berserk staff after saving the warp staff village and died in the midst of shamans. Hector and one other dude level, brought Pent, no one else. Got all chests and no deaths. 1 reset due to a mistake. Oh boy, the Ostia defense level. Vaida got slept and died, Canas got silenced (which is why he didn't heal Vaida) and died. Oswin got slept and a lot of shamans attacked and killed him. Harken took one too many hits from the enemy nosferatu druids and died. Raven got trapped in the middle right room and lasted till turn 10 before falling. Serra got attacked by a druid and died, with the physic staff on her, (all three of my healers were silenced for 4 turns and that is where most of these deaths happened, Pent's silence was a NINETEEN PERCENT CHANCE). Hawkeye got berserked during the great silence, and wrecked havok on the enemies before being slain... By Serra. Talk about embarrassing. Rath got slain by a nosferatu druid. Battle preps no one died. Victory or death I got Nino to level 10 to promote because I needed another staffer, got Renault and the sidequest, other two villages were destroyed. Legault held the bottom pass, Nino, Pent, Nils, and Louise held the middle, and Heath, Renault, Eliwood, and Hector steamrolled the top and that was how I did a 13 turn. Hector and Eliwood got an A support. The meaning of life no one perished. Final I will do in a bit.
  15. I actually lost Duessel in a +10% ironman of sacred stones I did where I attacked Valter with him after noting that Duessel survives a ~10% crit and another ~40% hit. Valter got a pierce crit and down went Duessel. I love rng so much. eirika is easy mode either way.
  16. Treck's bases are high for his level, with stats more inline with a level 5 or 6 Allance (depending on rounding), so he isn't as bad off as his level makes him look, and the lower level nets him more xp for the same contribution. The problem is Treck is still way slower then either Lance or Allen, so his extra tankiness isn't as much because he gets doubled. His stats in skill and speed are below average, and using swords for the next couple chapters is harder because 7 and 8 have very few axeusers, meaning he has to use the much less accurate lances to avoid having the majority of enemies have weapon triangle on him, which would decrease even further any advantage he has in tankiness. Where are you getting these level estimates from? Them having a level lead isn't unheard of, as they are popular units to show favoritism, but that looks like a lot of xp investment for chapter 7. Unless you are heavily lowmanning chapter 7 Noahs level is about in line with average level (looking at the average levels for deployed units of 5 ironmans of chapter 7 it was consistently between 6&7 (assuming Marcus is level 10 promoted for determining average level) ), and if we look at what level Allance's averages compare toTreck's bases, even he isn't far behind that curve. Another thing I will point out is the ability to show them the favoritism they need to get that kinda level lead is the result of the one advantage I stated before, showing up a few chapters early. Getting to level 11 at that point in the game does not require that much favoritism, seeing as they would have to get about a level and a half each chapter, which is fairly reasonable if you are not LTC-ing. It's fairly easy without favoritism to get them that far, considering all things. Treck is close on the curve on hp and strength, but he is getting destroyed by Allance in speed and skill, which are two very important stats in Binding Blade. Skill for Treck is very difficult with his 30% growth, which is the same as BORS' who is known for being inaccurate. Treck can't be very useful with swords until chapter 9, so he is pretty much locked to lances and ~85 hit rate at a point when enemy avoid is in the 20's or 30's for mercs, meaning he has around 60% hit on them. Even then Treck has survivability problems from taking a hit, so if he wants to avoid that either you have to give him the very last hit, which is not guaranteed to hit, or use javelins, which are even more inaccurate, weigh him down even more, and reduce displayed hit to around 50%, meaning he will be forced to attack enemies with a coin flip whether or not he actually hits them, with poor damage. Treck does level fast, but exp gain will still slow for him at around 9 or 10 to a normal unit, and at that point he still only has around 65% hit on enemies with an iron lance, and a whopping 9 speed. with an iron lance he still gets doubled by enemy mercs, but he now does not have the risk of being doubled by enemy cavs. He can double most knights, which is a small accomplishment in binding blade, and double soldiers, but even in binding blade that is a very easy task. His 30% skill growth will hamper his accuracy throughout the entire game. He will most likely not even get the knight's crest in this chapter because of three other cavs that all want it just as much. so he can get the next knight's crest-from the end of chapter 15, seeing as almost nobody recruits Percival in chapter 13. Let's take a look at what a Treck promoted at the start of chapter 16 and about level 6. Assuming he is promoted at level 20, here are his averages: Let's assume that this is at chapter 20. 45.85 18.4 14.3 16.35 15.5 16.3 4.05 With 14 skill and 15 luck, he finally breaks 100 with lances, and 16 defense makes him fairly tanky. Treck with a lance has: 25 attack is a large amount of attack and is commendable 106 hit is enough to finally be able to hit mostly reliably, but he still will miss here and there, and he is no bosslayer 16 AS 16 attack speed is enough to double slower enemies and avoid being doubled by all unpromoted enemies. He is not doubling much, but he is avoiding being double by everything except enemy swordmasters and heroes. Lance at 20/6 has: 42.2 16.6 18.8 22 10.4 12.8 6.6 He is beaten by treck in hp, luck, defense and strength, but he wins by a whopping 6 in speed, which 22 speed allows him to double all but the fastest enemies, and he has 4 more skill, meaning he gets more crits and hits more then Treck. 12-13 defense is still enough to take hits without being in danger, and slightly more resistance never hurts. Allen at 20/6 has: 44.4 19.8 15.6 18.8 12.6 14 5.4 About 1 less hp, but 2 more strength, 2 more skill, 2-3 more speed, and 1 more resistance. Allen is hitting harder and more on enemies, and doubling enemies that Treck cannot. He is also comparable in terms of tankiness, but all three take a lot of damage from mages. Allen and Lance are still more likely to be a higher level at this point in the game, because a seven chapter lead is something that never really goes away, so the differences between the two are even larger, seeing as one of them can use that early knight's crest, even if promoting at level 20. Promoting earlier at level 16 is more likely because of xp slowing, but that still is multiple maps that they are helpful for as a rescue-dropper, combat unit, and rusher. How? The images of your units look capable enough to deal with that chapter (you even have mounted units alive so you can keep a good pace), assuming the NPCs don't act like idiots. Just ignore the left side, focus all of your units on the right, kill Ursula as soon as you can to stop reinforcements, while sending some of your fastest forces to hold Zephiel's door. You might loss some nice stuff, but your units don't look bad enough for that to be a softlock on a soft ironman. The strat I was using was not optimal. I changed it and successfully beat the chapter. Undeploying freaking Serra and using Louise instead also was helpful. I still had to rig a double miss from the merc that gets there on turn 7, which had a 5% chance of happening. The problem was that even with focusing all my units on the right means that I still have only two mounted units, which if I rushed, means that they still have to get through multiple enemies. Eventually what I did to get everything was give Heath the killer lance, have him bolt down the left as fast as his wyvern could fly, wound Maxime who then could get killed by Raven, Pent, and Louise. Harken went to the right with a swordreaver to deal with the high-level hero over there, Canas goes with him to heal, Farina to kill Maxime and stop reinforcements, and Hector to recruit Nino. Legault went to the left to steal a lockpick (I had none), and I actually got all the treasure and got Nino to talk to Jaffar. Even still, getting Lance and Allen an average of 1.5 levels per map is really easy. Rutger does not need to many kills, Deke is basically another Jagen that I normally use as such and other people do, and Shanna always gets kills because she is the best GBA flier. Roy always gets extra survivability because otherwise he is screwed, but still even at a normal xp distribution between these units, even if you plan on using deke long-term, they can still easily be level 10-12.
  17. True, but even when he is not dead, he never mentions it, he doesn't ask about the queen, he doesn't speak up at all about being the prince of Jehanna, and I don't know why they left it out in Ephraim route. Fairly certain Calleach and Valter are the only bosses in the game who do that. I don't know why.
  18. It seems this glitch is caused by dealing damage to an enemy before their HP bar has finished decreasing. The minimum amount of damage dealt by the first strike that is required to freeze the game is as follows: Ranged Pierce followed by a normal hit: 31 Ranged Pierce followed by a critical hit: 35 Melee Pierce followed by a normal hit: 60 Melee Pierce followed by a critical hit: 78 These are the bars for the pierce glitch to freeze the game. They are fairly hard to hit and I've never had them happen to me, but they can happen. I'm fairly certain you can see all boss quotes in this game just by attacking with differing units. Surprised you didn't mention at all through this that on Ephraim mode Joshua never bothers mentioning that oh by the way, he is the prince of Jehanna, and the epilogue just kinda... Says it in his ending, and that is the only mention of him being prince of Jehanna in Ephraim mode.
  19. Yes, but both of those sacred twin weapons are normally given as S-rank weapons that any unit you want can use. Making them personal would take away legendary weapons for other units.
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