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Everything posted by Hello72207

  1. *sad Joshua noises* 4 lords would be a little much, but an Innes or L'arachel mode would be interesting to look at. The problem is that then you would have to make a Sieglende/Siegmund type weapon for L'arachel and Innes without retracting from anything else.
  2. Allance overrated, the main advantage they have over Noreck is showing up a few chapters early. Umm what? They have a few more advantages. Showing up a few chapters early is an extremely huge advantage, and easily lets Lance and Allen out-level Noreck. Even if they were at the same level as Noah, Treck is still underleveled this far in the game, struggling to avoid being doubled by some enemies and hit those enemies even with a sword, while Noah is slightly better off, and I will admit can compete with some units and having some utility. Let us look at how a level 7 Lance and Allen face off against Treck and Noah. Noah has these stats: Level HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res 7 27 8 7 9 6 7 1 Not even gonna bother showing Treck's stats. Allen has these at level 7: 7 26.1 9.7 6.4 8.7 5.4 7.5 0.6 And Lance has these: 7 24.8 7.4 8.7 11 4.1 7.2 0.9 Noah has a slight hp lead on both, but Allen has 2 strength on him and Lance about ties. Allen about ties Noah on skill, and Lance has a 2 point lead. Lance also has a 2 point lead in speed, while Allen has the same speed and luck as Noah and slightly higher defense, maybe. This is assuming Lance and Allen are only at level 7, when by this point in the game they will most likely be level 11-12, lets assume 11. Lance has: 11 28 9 10.5 13 5.5 8 1.5 and Allen has: 11 29.5 11.5 8 10.5 7 8.5 1 All similarities are almost completely gone now. Both Lance and Allen beat Noah in hp, strength, speed, skill, and defense. They still about tie on resistance but that really does not matter. Lance and Allen also get 7 additional chapters to work on weapon levels, supports, and to get statboosters. In terms of growths, here they are: Name Hp Strength Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Allen 85 45 40 45 40 25 10 Lance 80 40 45 50 35 20 15 Treck 85 40 30 35 50 30 5 Noah 75 30 45 30 40 30 10 Treck barely competes on hp and strength, while winning in luck and defense. His resistance is almost Barth-level, and has a terrible skill growth. Noah is beaten in hp, strength, speed, which are pretty much the best stats to have. He competes in skill and luck, and wins in just one catergory: defense. By 5% on Allen and 10% on Lance. I wouldn't say Allance is overrated, I'd say they are rated above Noreck for a reason. Allance can double and kill more, hit more attacks, and have a longer time to contribute and train weapon levels, which are very slow in this game. All of them are fairly solid units by Binding Blade standards, (with the possible exception of Treck), and all are usable. But Allance perform better. Also guys I may have soft-locked myself on Battle Before Dawn.
  3. I'd be good. This is a good suggestion. I support the simultaneous chapters.
  4. Nah dude, Hero+devil axe is the way to go. I want to see some entertainment.
  5. I ender pearl over the defenses, warp staff Nino back to battle before dawn, and claim the hill (and the defenses) as my own. I surround the hill with barrier blocks on top of that.
  6. No, they still target units at the bottom of your deployment over others, I believe. OR I COULD USE THE WARP STAFF!
  7. They disappear if you enter the skirmish and immediately retreat. Vigarde hired some FE6 druids to protect him. Smart dude. Yeah, they do that. They just charge the nearest unit. Why do you even want to steal lockpicks? Rogues don't need them. Oh, to dual wield thieves. Smart. Imagine actually having a game that grasps the concepts of space and time. That would be a little weird.
  8. umm this is it Comes with a vulnerary, blue gem, and mani katti
  9. As far as I know, the same glitch does not apply to Tiki. If there is a different way for it to happen, I don't know, but it does work on Bantu.
  10. If you attempt to use a promotion item on him, it gives you the standard error message and, for no reason whatsoever, +11-12 to his defense. repeat it enough times and you can actually cap out the defense at 99, not 20 with this glitch, making him immune to every weapon in the game.
  11. I'm fairly certain this is the most up-to-date patch: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/1593/ Also if this is your first time playing through, don't be stingy with money. You literally get about 30k in the first 4 maps and it never stops coming. Aside from that you can only trade by selecting give, and you can't take any items, and there is no rescuing. Aside from that it plays similar to most FE's, minus a few things. Also there is a glitch with Banutu that can make him op as heck, but I won't state it if you don't want it. Edit: actually this one might be even more recent: https://forums.serenesforest.net/index.php?/topic/60620-fire-emblem-1-updated-translation-patch/
  12. OH MEEEEKKKKKKAAhHHH Laughs in FE8 troll short bow. All the enemies have long-range staves and spells, and Kishuna warps out about 5 turns in. Normal mode is basically as easy as you can get, but HHM makes bearable maps complete and utter BS sometimes. Nah dude, Kenneth's you don't actually have to deal with the snow because almost everything is inside. Jerme's you slug through the snow, opening doors and hoping to not die, waiting for the few turns you can actually move. I don't know what you are talking about, on normal mode this chapter is EASY. On hard mode, BS. When you do it, have caution going to the right. There is a high level hero in the immediate corridor waiting to slay your units with his silver sword. I got to promote on like 17x, you haven't gotten to promote yet. Least its not Thracia fog... URG. INK OF WAR, Benice, this is why the pen is mightier then the sword. I guess raven is summoning a Raven with the shape that sword is making. Maybe he can be a flier for you? she does have a 40% growth in it, more then Fiora but less then Farina. 18 defense will hold him until the end of the game, even. They would have had to change them because ballistas can move in this game, so they would have to change the sprite, the data the sprite is attached to (because in FE6, ballistae were tiles but in FE7&8, they can move). Horse+1-2 range=perfect in Mekkah's book. And shaking them incredibly quickly. The closer the target is to a staffuser, the higher the hitrate. For status staves, at least. No mention of the fact that HE'S A GREEN UNIT.
  13. I'm not really that much better then you are. The dread isle is going fairly well for you, but for me I lost 3 units on Fargus's ship, 2 on Uhai if you count being unable to recruit Fiora, 1 on 19x + the silver card, and then both the member card and my stat-screwed Lowen on 20. (seriously the guy leveled like luck and skill and that was it. Not even defense). Of course no resets but still, you are doing much better then me so far in the dread isle. Also what is with the Leila thing.
  14. banned for referring to another topic
  15. Priscilla and Clarine were too broken in their games, this was their way of fixing it. At least I think so. Yeah its next chapter where you want 2 (preferably 3) people able to use restore staff on Ephraim's route. Ah yes, the sleep and berserk druids with 20-21 magic and are basically taken straight from fe6, minus the op formula. Apparently, his growths are identical to Raven's. And you will DEFINITELY want to bring many restore staves and cavalry units to rescure squishies out of the way; 14 EPH is hellish without a staffbot, to be perfectly frank. It's a bit like Oliver's map in RD, actually. Oh come on Benice I did it just fine, but it was hard and it was just two ludicrously overpowered trainees waltzing through, but still.... Yeah, just bring some restores. And Cormag has a much better defense base then Raven, so he is better off. But he kicks butt in the game.
  16. angreee girl vs laid back dude with an actual backstory, which is better? 10/10 hakeng skeel. I wouldn't taunt the rng gods. Why an axereaver? And more dangerous luna. I mean, considering that enemies start deciding that weighing themselves down by 4 AS is worth having a steel lance, yeah! Classic FE dodge: just barely shifting out of position to avoid a column of flame. hOArDiNg iS A PitFaLl Nah, mine is level 17 and is running around with 1 res and 3 defense. Risk his life? I think, at most, those thunder mages would barely do 1 damage to him. BAD HACKER CHEATER CORRUPTED RUN I VOTE YOU KILL FLORINA AS PUNISHMENT. I made it there, but Matthew had died two chapters before. That hurt. Why not insta-promo? Don't you need a healer? He doesn't have a guiding ring. The next guiding ring he can get is chapter 20. Dang, this boi has the same speed as my promoted at level 20 eliwood, but mine has 20 strength. Oh I know but leveling Canas to level 20 is... just why? I mean, he should promote as soon as he gets the Guiding Ring. He said chapter 20, not level 20: ch. stands for chapter, but I can see how you could misinterpret this. oh yeah, I continued mine Benice. Genesis I remembered the BS that it is in HHM, and mine cheesed, getting Lyn to 17, Hector to 20, and Eliwood to 20. I also trained Heath to level 18, because the amount of promoted units in this chapter gives ridiculous xp to units you want. In fact, on easier difficulties, I consider it a here, level up your units as much as you want. Four fanged offence I got Linus, and killed Geitz (sorry Geese) Isadora perished because apparently she can only take one hit from the wyvern riders without dying. Crazed beast I got Farina, my last hope for a flier, and thanks to selling that ocean seal for that tasty 25k gold I had the funds. On the Vaida chapter, Rebecca finally perished, a level 6 archer that had survived some of the more difficult chapters in the game, through sheer luck. Eliwood promoted. I got Jerme's version of the next chapter, which I had never seen before, because all of my guiding ring users were dead except Serra, and all my Hero crest users were dead except Raven, and Raven is whipping stuff while Serra isn't. And now Battle Before Dawn. Two resets, because Zephiel dies on turn 6 to the two fighters, the archer, and the mage, and I cannot do anything. I HATE this chapter on HHM. My current stars of the show are: This monstrosity, who is a level 7 Wyvern Lord, doubles and kills everything, and has NINETEEN defense. Unkillable, undefeatable. Raven the level 11 hero, who has the body ring if you can't tell, my screenshots are having difficulties, and who also doubles and kills everything in an edgy fashion. The scammer with good growths, who is going to be very helpful. Oswin the level 9 general, who has started to fall off, but is still helpful. These guys are carrying me rn, and I actually got Harken out of curiosity, because I have never gotten him before because I play the chapter extremely fast and Karel almost always shows up, but Harken is really good and better then Karel actually.
  17. banned because balisticans from fe1 are best
  18. Banned because I am a knight that says ni
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