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Everything posted by Hello72207

  1. When a pegasus knight's speed is lower then their strength, you know you did something wrong. Fiora has more strength and skill then Florina. The nice part about Oswin is he has growths to keep up with everyone else for the entire game. Good job Shin! about 30 years too early, but good job. Although, may I ask, what happened to Rath? Yeah, but he would be better if he had his hard mode bonuses from 30 years later. Just in time for Heath to take the reins and carry you to victory. HAHAHAHA No hard mode bonuses. Smells like FE6 chapter 21 but without any scary wyverns. BAD BENICE
  2. Banned because to err is to be human, therefore you are banning him for being human. Since this forum does not want bots, obviously it wants humans, so therefore you are in the wrong.
  3. @goldenblade, @Fraven Pooth, you still with us?
  4. I swear I'm not going crazy, but I follow your instructions to the letter and yet the level here is different then shown, and after that stuff gets more weird. Not only that but moving Lucius 1 south and 4 east would not put him where pictured.
  5. Eh, that's only 25 more then what I got, and I had a endgame flier and two warpers. Good Job! Franz is one of the best FE8 draft units because early cav with great combat. 10 DEATHS HAHAHAHA 15 DEATHS? DISGUSTING. Shame, Lute is usually really good. Also 14 deaths, even without including savestates. Congrats on finishing though. Guess my first place lead will stay for now.
  6. Yeah for the last fifth of the game where half your units have legendary weapons and can one-round with other weapons.
  7. Fun fact: Eirika is bad in general!
  8. Now that is impressive. That is a big screwing over.
  9. Friday in what month exactly? IK you are also doing the HHM thing but dang, this has been a long wait. Did you give up or something?
  10. Umm, if this is still available, I can join.
  11. FE7 would actually probably be better then FE8 for 0% growths because of how many good prepromotes the game throws at you. Pent is basically what happens when Percival and Niime mix, and Marcus can easily cheese the early game. I have tried both FE7 and FE8 0% growths, and FE7 not HHM is probably better. FE6 might be best to LTC because of how easy it is to abuse cavalry and how easy most of the end game maps are to warp-skip.
  12. Fathers are overrated anyway. is it a brave eclipse nosferatu iron axe? I yune randomized a game a few times with random weapon abilities and got that monstrosity. What is this sorcery? Impossible. I promise. It's called difficulty, my man. Gotta make it hard somehow. And light magic reduces the damage by 1. FE6.PNG SUFFER MORE. That's how the saying goes right? x3 x4 Or you can hack in another mine, and do that sorcery.
  13. Damn, that's a shame. I was rather enjoying this. Softlocks on randomizers get more likely the more things you change, and you changed a lot. Maybe you could try re-randomizing, and try again?
  14. Angree boi. Devil axe has 18 wght I think. Bad unit. Its an A in staves, and that is that. He is the Niime of FE7 but with amazing combat on top of it. Nah, Dart gets the normal Zerker animation. Is he staying ded this time? I don't know if you want to do the gaiden. Without the restore staff, I'm not certain if it's possible on HHM because Kishuna leaves turn 5, and just leaves you in a maze full of 20 Sages and Druids straight from FE6, Berserk and Sleep staves included. DAMMIT STAY DED YOU STUPID ARCHER.
  15. Serenes has a limit to the total amount of files. I just use Discord as an outside host, and have a server for it.
  16. YOU GET ONE IN LLOYD OR LINUS MAP ALSO. THAT MAKES TWO. and Lyn What do you mean? Heath crushes everything! Isadora tanking? What a funny joke. I did it with no deaths, HAH. I even got the treasure. About as tanky as Lyn. YE
  17. But Fargus gives you one near the end. Not as hard as HHM, but it offers some challenge. He is slow, and that hurts him a lot. One round? Don't give her too much credit. Lyn gets one shot. NO NOT HELEN No, he wouldn't. Jaffar, if he was a paladin, would be top tier, just because his bases are so good. Class is the only thing holding him down. Has Wolt and Wendy come to save the day? Oh wait, wrong game. Here you go. Fix your problems. Sad triforce bird noises intensify. I dunno, last I checked, he died. Do you know the difference between chip and kill? I guess not. I wouldn't know, she could get a crit. For almost no gold. applause intensifies.
  18. banned because cats do not exist
  19. I feel like FE1 Jeigan, gameplay-wise, falls off really early, but while he can fight he can actually almost one round enemies with an iron sword, leaving a kill, or one round with a silver lance. He is your best shopper for a while, and if it weren't for Sheeda being able to use his silver lance better then him, would be fairly solid. I put FE6 Marcus because gameplay wise he functions like FE1 Jeigan, but he falls off later, the game is harder, and no one else can steal his silver lance.
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