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Everything posted by Hello72207

  1. Banned for dragging me back into this by quoting me
  2. banned for banning for a person's mental thoughts on an action.
  3. Yeah despite having some parts that are clunky and/or annoying as hecc, Gaiden does have some components that I like. FE1 I have also played, and the endgame of that... Is very easy to cheese by purchasing a billion statboosters in the secret shop with the dumb amount of gold that it gives you. It takes a while to do, but it makes the endgame that much less annoying.
  4. however, there is some entertainment in Interestingly enough, in the first two FE's, they did not show pre-battle forecast. Kaga did other things also to make the game less number-based. Most people think it is a clunky and bad mechanic but you might like it.
  5. Banned for talking about technical things such as frame rates.
  6. Banned for giving positive feedback
  7. Considering that i've only played the first map of FE1,2,4,5,6,7,8, and 9, I really liked FE6 HM first map, expecially if it is your first time playing HM. Why? Because it shows that HM is gonna be, well, harder then normal. If you try to play like you could on normal you will quickly find yourself in a bad situation. Another first map I enjoyed was FE4's because it does a good job of showing off things without being hard and it has a big map for most games, but small for FE4. This helps the player get used to big maps. One that is not listed, but that I enjoy personally, is the first map of Hector mode, especially on HHM. There is so much going on that you can risk your units by fighting all of the enemies to try and get the gem and the xp, or you can just run straight for the boss and kill him. One of the worst ones are: FE7 lyn mode first. Way to simplistic and the map is far too big for two enemies, one of which doesn't even move. FE8's is also very few enemies, doesn't really prepare the player for the rest of the game, and can be one-turned.
  8. Banned because you forgot to mention that Byleth has a story excuse for having the personality of a plastic cup.
  9. Banned for causing doubt that you are a spy from IS.
  10. Not three houses, but this RNG screwing was so bad I just have to post it. A 20/12 Rebecca from FE7 with 12 strength.
  11. Thanks for saying hi to me!
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