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Everything posted by Hello72207

  1. Update: Thany/Shanna flexed on everyone by leveling strength three times in a row, and one of those times was a perfect level.
  2. Ah, but RNG is god over fire emblem, and when it screws you over, it screws you over.
  3. Yeah, it uses the same AI as the enemy and green units, and goes for whatever does the most damage, no matter what else pretty much.
  4. Alright, I'm keeping my promise to Unknown Gamer, and showing unit progress. I have beaten chapter 4. Our boy is pretty much a jagen, and he can double and one round some cavs with that rapier of his, which is extremely helpful. Before we got Rutger, he was single handedly the best unit to take on ax-users. Bors has found use, and he can tank hits/kill sword users. Healer=gud. Ward has been getting skill and speed like a good boy, and he is doing well. Thank you Benice for giving me two beginning game units, one a somewhat-useful knight, and one a very useful engine Pegasus Knight. Mage that can support with healer=gud. Rutger=so god he doesn't even need a picture.
  5. As big as gru is Why is it that all the money he had had, had had no effect on his life?
  6. You know what, Imma let anyone that sees this decide Ewan's promotion between summoner and mag knight. Here is the link: https://www.strawpoll.me/19527130 I will give one week to vote, and then upload chapter 13 with that Ewan.
  7. Summoner maybe because having extra units to lure others away is a much better thing then anima magic. Although, if I do mage knight, and then give Ross the boots, I have a highly mobile team, so I'm still thinking.
  8. Galileo was right, but that doesn't mean you are. Guys guys, Galileo was right about a scientific fact,. which has a solid right and wrong answer. How you like the length of a person's hair is a personal opinion, and there is not a right or wrong answer.
  9. AcTUalLy, heresy is a belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine. So heresy can be the truth. As for hair length, I will remain neutral in this war.
  10. Chapter 12! I take Cormag, Duessel, and Ephraim to chokepoint the right side of the ship and send Ross and Amelia to the left. Ross goes down to kill gargoyles, and Amelia finishes off a cav. Ross then goes up to kill a shaman and Amelia moves into the range of another one with a javelin. Duessel and Ephraim move back to the two pathways on the left of the ship to hold it, and Ross and Amelia kill units. Amelia levels from killing a dog. Ross goes back to the ship to help with the hordes of enemies. A spider falls to Amelia's lance and grants her this levelup. Cormag dies, but whatever. Ross and Amelia start clearing out enemies. Ross levels. The trainees are one with the Res stat. Almost got all the bottom enemies taken care of. Now Ross and Amelia start moving upwards. Amelia leveled hp, skill, spd, and def while I was not looking. Where is all of this Res coming from? Ross visits the inn. Duessel visits the village and gets Ewan! Our party is complete. Ewan uses the dracoshield, and then gets behind Ephraim to snipe at a nearby bonewalker. Tanky Amelia. Ewan time. Duessel visits the shop and buys a lot of vulneraries and elixirs. Ephraim and Duessel support. Duessel lures Marisa in, and Ewan recruits her. Ross and Amelia go in front of Ewan to protect him. Ewan assaults a Entombed, and levels. Assault=levels. I have gotten lucky with all three trainees. Ewan tries to dispute by leveling one luck. Ross supports Amelia. One more level! And that is that for Ewan. Amelia and Ross rout all the enemies, and Amelia gets this level for it. Amelia gets one final level from killing the boss, and that is that.
  11. Banned for having thought about cheese dust particles.
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