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About 𝐍𝐲𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐥

  • Birthday 08/02/2005


  • Member Title
    Ace Defective

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  • Interests
    - Video Games (Obviously)
    - NBA and College Basketball
    - Writing
    - Watching anime
    - Eating
    - Scrolling Through The Forum
    - Listening to music while I procrastinate on school work

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Shadow Dragon

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  1. I believe they shouldn't. When I played through Three Houses for the first time recently, I thought to myself "Why could I rename Byleth but not actually customize his appearance?". I think interactions with your students and the other characters would feel a lot more personal if the protagonist had a set name, instead of constantly being called Professor. If you're going to have the option of changing the protagonists name, you minus well go all the way and let the player customize the appearance as well. Only having the option of changing their name just seems pointless to me. (Just realized a similar post was made last month, good job me.)
  2. Give the rights to Fallout to Obsidian Because the Fallout games haven't been good since Black Isle Studios were behind the games. The Bethesda Fallouts suck and Todd Howard should be ashamed of himself. Fallout New Vegas blow Fallout 3 and 4 out of the water and it isn't even close, it's a no-brainer because Obsidian obviously cares about the property way more than Bethesda does but sadly I don't think Fallout will ever go back to their original owners again, it just seems unlikely with how popular Bethesda is.
  3. Literally the best era in MK history, especially compared to the era that followed starting with MKvsDC. MK hasn't been the same since the 3D games but MK1 looks promising so I'm looking forward to giving that game a chance
  4. Direct was kinda lackluster, barely any actually new games. Unicorn Overlord seems.. interesting, I guess? It has a stupid name though. Out of all the games ATLUS will be releasing in the next few months I got a feeling this game will slip under the radar and will be overshadowed by Metaphor ReFantazio and Persona 3 Reload.
  5. It sometimes just doesn't load at all or it takes like 5 minutes, been like that for the past week
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