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Imuabicus der Fertige

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Posts posted by Imuabicus der Fertige

  1. Fanfiction is head-canon-eering (?) and as such should stay where it cam from.

    If you don´t have the courage to show the thing that you made, then why bother with the thing that you copied? And I hardly have the want to read someones "But actually" version of someones elses story.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    To a slightly lesser extent, all of this also applies to staff bots as well. Staff bots usually just have more competition than dancers and what they do can be replicated by other methods, but they're still pretty vital. A no-staffs run of Sacred Stones will probably force you to play more intensely and intelligently than a no-Seth run. I once made a thread for the best overall unit throughout the entire series, and someone layed out the criteria for a unit saying the best unit should have fantastic availability, useful throughout the entire game, equally good for new players and veterans alike, has a niche that can't be replicated by other units and the game is harder if you don't use them. I said, completely unironically, that that means Safy is the best unit in the series, because it was all completely true for her and how she functions in Thracia. But look up a list of Top 10 best Fire Emblem units and you are very unlikely to see Safy appear there.

    The point about Safy may have more to do with the amount of people that can rate Thracia and Geneology unity, lel.


    And the discussion about quality of Dancers is just the aftereffect of LTC/10 discussion regarding units. Or that´s what it looks like to me at least. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Barren said:

    I was looking at Zoran’s video on demonstrating Mozu as a Bowfaire Kinshi Knight from at least 3 years ago and I noticed in the description that he S ranked Corrin with Ophelia and she was able to get the Diviner skills even though Corrin’s talent is Mage not Diviner. How is that possible without Corrin picking Diviner beforehand as a talent? Is there some kind of class overlap in marriages between an avatar and a 2nd gen child?

    It should be because children will get the other Nations class, if their base class and their variable parents class are the same.

    So since Ophelia is DM at base and can´t inherit Nohrian Noble, she´d recieve another instance of DM, instead the game says: You Omnyouji now.

    I think, don´t quote me on that.


    From: Class Sets - Serenes Forest


    In general, children inherit the first class option from each parent for a total of three class options including their own.

    If A) the child’s default class option is the same as their parent’s first class option or B) their parent’s first class option is Songstress or C) the child would inherit the same class from both parents, the child will inherit their (in the case of C, variable) parent’s second class option instead.

    Following from B), if the child’s default class option is the same as their parent’s second class option, they will gain a parallel class corresponding to their parent’s first class option instead (or second class option if the parent is the Avatar or if case C would apply).

  4. Eh, I think the easiest, that is, the best use you´re gonna get outta Flora is staff bot.



    That being said, her physical potential isn´t the worst, problem being 1) she´s more Res than Def, 2) not a lotta Spd and 3) she joins at the earliest at chapter 19, where shit is about to get real, so unless you have some paralogues to get her up to snuff... staffbot and staffbot with shelter all the more, is good.

    Keep in mind, in any class she would be struggling with Weapon ranks I believe, unless you throw a Scroll at her. 

    Her PS isn´t worth building around imo, other than chapter... 26? Bait for the sorceror room and that´s better done by the likes of Kaze, if you´re using him. 

    I guess she has 3 class sets, but I don´t see any combination that´d make any use of it? Support auras from Maid/Strategist with DM´s -20 Evade Aura/+2 Mag Dmg + Rallies and staff utility, I suppose, but that´s a lot of reclassing for not a lotta gain you don´t already have.

  5. 23 minutes ago, lvrossem said:

    Also, do you mean to tell me my character roster is uninspired?

    No, for it is I who shills Mozu and Camilla!Velouria, Ophelia!Elise... though the latter two are less disputed than the Bowzu in any case.

    I was gonna write a section on how you robbed yourself of the best shapeshifter experience available in FE, that isn´t a hyper powered cat, but then I read the last part.


    Granted, I hardly ever use Leo, but that may be because I use Dragonstone Corrin alot, for the magic tankiness and the rest of my magic needs are covered by Ophelia and magic weaponry.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

    I've not played the DS games but even in Echoes I kinda wish I could just use buttons instead of a touch screen.

    Granted, the first two 3DS games having way too tiny icons in awkward sections of the touch screen are fixed in SOV by both moving the icons and making them larger but I'd still prefer actually being able to use buttons to check things rather than tapping icons.

    It always felt finicky and gimmicky to me. 

    I literally don´t know what you´re talking about. I´ve never used the touchscreen in a FE game? Everything, if memory serves, is applicable through buttons.

  7. 4 hours ago, Jotari said:

    The reference goes over my head,

    The Fromsoft Games have a lot of VERY loosely connected lore, and having something appear once or twice, or even just be mentioned once seems entirely in line.

    4 hours ago, Jotari said:

    though I will clarify that I don't think your suggestion for more draconic dragon civilizations is bad, it can certainly be done, but I just don't see Fire Emblem doing it.

    To be clear, i didn´t mean a pure dragon civilization, though that could certainly be interesting - I´m more so interested in the way a Fire Emblem would look like, when the Top Dogs are Dragons, y´know? Nagas Holy Kingdom before during and after the Wars against the Earth Dragons, or Duma and his sister whose name if forgot and some such.

  8. On 5/18/2024 at 9:53 PM, Hrothgar777 said:

    The way Fire Emblem presents map info isn't very good and could stand to be improved.

    I think the Dual-Screen games were the best at presenting information - the TH arrows could still change during your turn, and I vividily remember someone on this server getting ransacked by Stealth shenanigans and lines that didn´t appear, while 2 screens present closer info directly to what´s on your screen, whilst the other screen either informs you of the overall map position, or the specific enemy.

  9. 15 hours ago, SnowFire said:

    The problem is that the audience of people buying and playing the game are humans, and while humanoids are fine (put some cat ears on a human face, etc.), a lot of people tune out for too many truly non-human critters.  (Well, you can, but you're probably playing them for horror / The Other / etc.).  We have some hard evidence on this: Riot Games has said outright that "monster" champs are routinely ranked as the least popular in League of Legends, with popular monsters merely being below-average, and unpopular monsters being among the least played in the game + the fewest skin sales. It's already a struggle to convince your boss to include some non-beautiful anime teenagers, including really alien monsters who don't mope around in human form at all is a tough ask.  (Unless they're just monsters to beat up and not think about too deeply.)

    I think there´s a pretty important difference between League and Fire Emblem, in the way and the amount champions and units are being presented; let´s also not forget that controlling an Actual Dragon - with appropriate stats ofc - would be cool as fuck... in my most humble opinion. One would have to look at the pickrate of something like Skarner before and after his rework, as well as how OP the League community thinks a character is and how some such influences pickrate.

    I´d argue Camilla would be significantly less popular if she hadn´t also been a Corrin-thirsting Hoshidan destroying ball of stats - I feel strange talking about this, but I think being a "good unit" carries quite a bit of weight in how well a "character" is being received, i.e.: I don´t think Orochi is ugly in any conceivable way, but who the fuck talks about Hoshidos slow mage? Right. Noone. Kagero? Charlotte? Iunno, I don´t play Heroes.

    As for people tuning out for critters... unrelated, but Pokemon is the highest, or one of the highest grossing franchises to date? I dunno where I´m going with this other than: Pokemon x Fire Emblem crossover when?

    13 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Imagine if for a moment after coming out of the dragon's gate it had a Yahn looking design, even if for only a moment with no dialogue, and then transformed. Suddenly the characterless generic final boss would be a mystery. There'd be a face to attach to him and there'd be a "who is this guy? What's his story?" element to the appearance. 

    Live Dark Souls Lore moment.

  10. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    We don't get much in the way or urban design, but Dolhr and Goldoa are full fledged nations of dragons in the Fire Emblem series. More so Goldoa since brink of extinction (and probably class balance for enemies) has put a lot of humans in Dolhr (who themselves deserve more focus). Though in both cases the dragons are still taking human form. I think Weredragons aren't something Fire Emblem is going to abandon any time soon. Because it's just more functional for gameplay and portrait stuff etc, it also let's the dragon characters be easier to relate to from a visual design stand point. Not that you can't make a big honking lizard artistically emote, but it's going to be harder and, well, making them have a human form means you can also market them as cute lolis.

    Eh, pretty sure the SD Manaketes have a on-map sprite they transform into in combat - Medeus anyway; my suspension of disbelief is strong enough for 1 tile dragons, just as it´s strong enough for 1 tile horses etc pp.

    2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    it also let's the dragon characters be easier to relate to from a visual design stand point.

    Why would a dragon care for that. Don´t grin at chimps and, I dunno, don´t blink 3 times at a Dragon on a Saturday. If there is a difference between a dragon and humans then this here too is a chance to showcase such.

    You don´t really need to see Medeus make weird faces to know he´s up to no good, yes?

  11. 19 hours ago, lenticular said:

    But I don't really agree with this either. I like a good hard fantasy setting as much as the next woman, but I don't think that Fire Emblem would be a good fit for this sort of thing. The important parts of Fire Emblem (at least for me) are the tactical combat and the character-focused storytelling. I mostly want the setting to be there but largely stay out of the way. Exploring all the ramifications and consequences that dragon worship would have on urban design would make for a fascinating novella but not, I think, a particularly good TRPG.

    I think you missed my point: Rather than generic Medieval World (TM), I´d want IS to have someone develop a world centered around the existence of Dragons: speech, imagery, classes, buildings and whatever else I´m not thinking about - not the idea of The Dragon as a symbol or idea of power, but Dragons as active participants in the world, not the 1000-year-sleeping-solution-that-we-woke-up-because-we-are-the-chosen-ones to our problem. 



    And let´s keep Dragon-Degeneration out of the picture for once. Rather, the naturally ocurring prcess of Dragons growing up would surely have ramifications, from arrogant and overconfident Fuck-around-and-Find-Out Youths to the old and grizzeled Big Fucken Dragon, who doesn´t move all that much anymore - cuz they´re too damn large and you can´t just tunr off the sun with yer wings, that makes the silly humans unruly.

  12. Not gonna lie, I´m against any and all inherently real world inspired story settings, regardless of which age, people etc be elected. Rather, whomsoever makes the next FE should think of a world where dragons are, for once, real (in a numerical quantity kind of sense) and here and not at all inclined to live in inferior human forms. 

    I.E.: Imagine how wide a cities streets would be, if Big Fucken Dragons (TM) decide to take a stroll downtown? And how everything might look, following the worship of Dragons, who might just have very real, very serious and very arrogant opinions on whether or not your service was adequate.

  13. 33 minutes ago, A.G. Zhark said:

    And about Attack Stance and Pair Up, I find those useless in this game. It's completely inferior to Awakening. Cohorts cannot use offensive skills, cannot do follow-up attacks, etc.

    Yes, it´s an attempt at utilizing, but reining in Awakenings Pair-Up mechanic, which may well be the most broken shit in Fire Emblem, right after Lena with a Warp staff. You use Defense Stance (Pair-up) with your units if you wanna lure in enemies, as it prevents eneemy Attack Stance Follow Ups, and you use Attack Stance (adjacent to each other) if you wanna kills someone.

    1 hour ago, A.G. Zhark said:

    I would explain more about the maps in Conquest but I have not gotten that far for obvious reasons... and elaboration would not be best considering that this is the Fire Emblem community I'm associating with, not everyone is the nicest when it comes to casual gaming. Not to mention that I do not have an elaboration. The maps are just complicated and gimmicky.

    On 5/12/2024 at 8:57 AM, A.G. Zhark said:

    Lied about beating Awakening on Hard/Casual as to soften the blow of my rant. Changed it to beating the Japanese version of Blazing Blade- which I did actually do, and which is actually a challenge.

    Why interact with a community if you´re so afraid of it.


    Fates but especially Conquest isn´t a game where you can stat check everything and be good, unlike Awakening, paricularly if the only means of increasing stats you find is pair-up... unlike most FE games pre Fates. 

  14. Herbalist class, that has a Weapon Rank% chance + Luck to pick up herbs and otherwise useful stuff (maybe a +1 stat boost variant?) and who can either go be sent out to gather more herbs during Prep Screen, or you use them to mix something good~ tonics, vulneraries and obviously a base % and Weapon Skill chance to add beneficial effects. (the weapon being a sickle, Getafix anyone?).

  15. 12 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Doesn't CQ increase difficulty by stacking enemies with skills? Which BR and Rev are reluctant to do.

    Yah. The higher the difficulty, the higher the amount of skills - thus, composition. Dunno a better word to put it, especially when thinking of stuff like chapter 17, or Takumis Big Fucken Wall.

    Not 100% if it affects enemy inventories, but wouldn´t surprise me.

  16. 1 hour ago, A.G. Zhark said:

    None of my units aside from Ryoma, Corrin, Kaden, Kagero, and occasionally Oboro could ever make follow-up attacks, aside from when holding weapons that prevent them. The speed stats of the rest of my units were painfully low,

    Of the top of my head, the units of FEF:B that don´t double are Subaki, Orochi, Hinata, maybe Takumi, Saizo, Silas, Rinkah, Azama and unused Hayato/Mozu for being obvious lvl 1s.

    What difficulty did you play BR on?

    1 hour ago, A.G. Zhark said:

    Not only do I blame the map itself, but again, the way the game handles difficulty and stats.

    Can you elaborate on this? I think it´d be interesting what your thoughts are here, but as far as I can see, you never make specific mention of the issues you faced.

    1 hour ago, A.G. Zhark said:

    But this leads me to a final question. If I were to purchase Fates: Revelations, would the difficulty be any worse, and are there any other maps aside from the infamous endgame Takumi map that I need to watch out for?

    Okay so how the Fates games handle diffculty is approximately as follows: Birthright: Spams you with enemies. Conquest: More difficult and lethal enemy composition. Revelation: Stat inflation. I think in Rev you fight your first promoted units in chapter... 11?

    Considering your issues with the other games and, heh, the question of availability... yes.

  17. Righty-O, kinda forgot about them but Dragon Veins... or just about anything that let´s you interact with the map. Bridge Keys, wind for fliers, swamps for horses, just, anything to affect and include the map rather than treat it as a prepared chess board of prefixed enemy positions.

    I also seem to remember... some dragon randomly appearing in a NMotE (certainly in VS1)? Yeah, include random ass wildlife appearing... even if it´s a fucken dragon, or ugly undead guy, or random monster on a X% per map.

  18. Pikeman > Halberdier (I know, I know Halberdiers have existed). Baisc Infantry, with no Armor Tag.

    Pikeman gets +1 range on Lances, but at 2 range only 1 attack (2 pokes close range, 1 poke at distance) and innate Anti Horse.

    Halberdier gets... Topple, reducing an enemies movement to 0 for a turn (usable from 1-2 range), and innate Anti Armor.


    I want to see a FE game with the balls to put god into their game - literally just Naga or Sothis throwing hands, maybe as a unit you get after beating the game once.

  19. Found it.


    Anyway, I stand by Blacksmith:


    Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances 

    Growths: HP30%, STR20%, SKL30%, LCK10%, DEF15%, RES15%


    Emergency Repair: Restore 5 durabilty to any non-Regalia weapon. Can only be used 8 times.

    Improve Weapon: Target ally with weapon eqipped. This weapon deals +6 damage, Hit+10, Crit+10 and effective damage is improved to x4 (*presuming it´s x3; if x2 -> x3). Does not stack.

    Upgrades: If targeted ally has a shield equipped: Double it´s DEF/RES and reduce weigth by x. (Dunno how much x would need to be to be good)

    Hostile Craftsmanship: Reduce an enemies DEF  to 0. Their equipped weapon acts as if broken for 1 turn. 

  20. 2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    All you need to do is believe in him. Look at my sig - that Matthis killed "greatest knight in the continent" Camus so fast, he couldn't even say his battle quote. No rigging or any other shenanigans involved, I just believed in him and he rewarded my faith.

    He killed the least worthwhile simp? Are you... really proud of that?

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