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Everything posted by Mangs

  1. I want to make a small suggestion regarding Roy’s promoted sprite. It’s the same as his un-promoted one. However he does have an amazing animation whilst using the Sealed Sword. Could you make it so that his normal attacks always use this attack? (Maybe he could use his old sprite whilst wielding the rapier, as that pretty much looks like he’s using one). You’d have to cut out the fire-engulfing blade on the critical of course. This would make him a lot more fun to use as a Master Lord. Also regarding his Sealed Sword, whenever he uses it in ranged combat, it always burns, making it impossible to predict a critical until it actually hits. It’s a minor issue I know, but I would like for his ranged critical to be more awesome-looking. Edit; answering the questions (I also voted). About master seals; I think that this will severely hurt the FE6 gameplay. Getting promotion items is fun, and having to plan your party around the limited availability of them is also what makes FE6 an enjoyable re-play experience, at least for me. If I could have a team full of just swordmasters and heroes, it’d feel silly. There’s a reason there’s a limited amount of each promotion item. About halberdiers, if they are the upgraded version of soldiers, I support it fully. At least if you let Wendy become one, as she pretty much suits the class perfectly (you’d have to re-do some of her supports though, where she talks about her heavy armor). About rogues, yes, yes and fucking yes. I don’t care how much out of place their animation looks, rogues are amazing and I love them. The thieves in FE6 are so cool, and being able to use them throughout the entire game would be amazing.
  2. I've decided to end the draft as there are lots of votes already, and honestly the results are pretty set in stone as the popular characters are way more voted on than the rest :)
  3. It’s his hack, and he can do whatever he wants with it, but I would prefer if he kept the characters the same. Not because I am a big fan of Roy or anything, he IS quite boring and bland, but once you start taking freedoms to change your characters, it’s a very slippery slope that can easy end up making you change TOO much of the game.
  4. Won't matter if it's slow cause I'll be doing it off-screen. I'll just stop recording before I complete a chapter and get it done. And yes I'll heal with a non-drafter healer (guess one of the drafted ones are just going to have to take a back-seat for a chapter). If people want me to play with Karla, they'll get Karla god damnit!
  5. Oh I'd make sure I throw away whatever money I spend in the arena of course. I'm not going to cheat.
  6. The one of them which has gotten the most votes, the other one will be eliminated from the draft to make room for another character. If they are tied in votes, I guess I'll just make the decision. Same would be the case with Wallace and Geitz. There are defiantly a lot of challenges with this. As it is now, Karla will indeed be part of the draft, but Bartre will not, and he needs to be a level 5 warrior by the time she shows up for me to be able to recruit her. This means I’m going to have to do a LOT of arena abusing with Bartre off-screen. I’ll also have to plan extremely carefully to get the right chapters with the right characters. Leveling up lords accordingly and such, as their level has an impact on the routes you take. It’ll be a challenge to say the least. Also, updated the draft with the most popular characters on top.
  7. Updated the draft for all posts in this thread up until now, keep em comming guys! Sadly youtube is still retarded so my subscribers haven't been able to vote yet. I will, but off-screen. You get a few very good items there such as an Angelic Robe and an Energy Ring, as well as the ability to unlock a gaiden chapter in Hector Hard Mode, it's too good not to do. I won't be frasping though, as Lyn's Hard Mode is still very easy and in my opinion, very boring. If I get enough requests to do it, I might change my mind though, but honestly I would prefer to start right where the game gets good.
  8. Draft video is up, click here to view it! (remember, you can cheat)
  9. You were quick in your response. I changed my mind and scaled the picks down to 3 instead of 5 (I want to give people a hard time picking their favorites), so you'll have to remove 2 of those :) Thank a lot! I so want to play Fire Emblem 5 as it's the ONLY game I've yet to even touch. I have a Super Nintendo standing in front of my TV, as well as the actual Fire Emblem 5 game on the cartridge (got it in Japan for almost nothing, a bargain!). I want to play it first-hand on the actual console, but I'd like to wait for my friend (who speaks Japanese) to be able to play it with me.
  10. Allright so my Fire Emblem 7 Let’s Play is long overdue, and it’s about time I get it started (after I’m done with the Last Promise). I would like you guys to draft characters for me. The difficulty will be Hector Hard Mode. Here’s a list of all the characters in the game, you can pick 3 each. The characters who gets the most points towards a certain time period (a few weeks), will be drafted, regardless of how much it screws me over. I’ve included the lords. Even if I have to take them with me to most chapters, I can still avoid using them. (I will also be asking my subscribers to contribute to the draft, if you are one of them, you can cheat and get double votes, see what I just did there?). Edit; The draft is complete, check out this video to see what characters made it to the roster!
  11. This sounds great. Fire Emblem 6 is my favorite game. I’ve played it probably 10+ times, and also have a Let’s Play of it on my youtube channel. If you don’t mind, I’ll just deliver my thoughts on what could make the game better. I’m just spitting out thoughts here if that’s okay; -Earlier promotion for Roy is defiantly a nice change, though it would be nice if you could avoid a forced promotion by giving him some sort of item such as a master seal or heaven seal so the player could choose when to promote him (he could still get the sealed sword at the same time in the game though, just not gain his promotion from it). -There is absolutely a lack of promotion items. The second knight’s crest you get especially late in chapter 16 (unless you manage to recruit Percival early, which is close to impossible, but if you by some chance manage it you get it in chapter 13, which is still pretty late). You do get 6 knights crests in total though (7 if you take the Sacae route), if you open all chests and have your thieves steal everything they can so the amount is no problem, it’s just the second one you get which should happen much earlier, as there are both many cavaliers and armor knights awaiting a promotion long before then. You get 5 hero crests in total. One you have to steal (but you don’t get it until chapter 22), another is extremely difficult to obtain (save all villages from being destroyed, a VERY tricky objective on hard mode). Overall I don’t think this is a huge problem, but it would be nice to perhaps gain the second one a little bit earlier. However, worst of all are the guiding rings. You don’t get your second one until chapter 18 if you go the Sacae route, or 20 if you go the Illa route. It is possible to find one hidden in the sand during chapter 14, but this requires you to keep Sophia alive (which can be a pain), and actually get her up northeast in a sandstorm on a map full of wyvern which also has a time-requirement for the gaiden chapter. In all there are 4 guiding rings (not counting secret shop), and the last one you have to steal in chapter 23. The amount and availability of Elysian Whips and Orion’s Bolt are fine imo, unless you want a pegasi trio for triangle attacks. -You get one measly secret book over the course of the entire game (2 if you take the Sacae route). I really think the game needs more secret books, especially with characters like Gonzales around. -Thank god for better axes, but steel weapons in general are terrible in FE6, they should all get a major overhaul. A slight reduce in weight and maybe a single point increase in might would be a real blessing. -The fighters Lot and Wade are both very underpowered. They have far lower growths than most other characters in the game, even though they get massive promotion gains when becoming warriors, but honestly who wants to waste the precious hero crests on these guys when there are so many good mercenaries and myrmidons in this game? Wades growths: HP 75%, Str 50%, Skl 45%, Spd 20%, Luk 45%, Def: 40%, Res 5% Combined: 280 Wades growths combined are much lower than most other characters in the game who are not pre-promoted. Also his 20% speed makes him near useless, as speed is a very important stat. increasing his speed to 40% would make him a much more viable fighter. Lot’s growths: HP 80%, Str 30%, Skl 30%, Spd 35%, Luk 30%, Def: 40%, Res 5% Combined: 250 And then we have Lot who’s got even lower stats than Wade. His strength and skill growths are especially horrible, and his speed, while better than Lot’s, still leaves a lot to be desired (pun intended). I think his strength growth should be at least 50% for him to be even considered viable, and maybe his speed upped to 45%. -The armor knights, Balls (yes I call Bors that) and Barth also leaves much to be desired. Balls growths: HP 90%, Str 30%, Skl 30%, Spd 40%, Luk 50%, Def: 35%, Res 10% Combined: 285 Balls is just on average pretty poor. His HP and luck growth are quite good, but his speed, skill and defense can get screwed over pretty harshly. I suggest lowering his HP and luck growth and increasing his strength, skill and defense slightly. Barth’s growths: HP 100%, Str 60%, Skl 25%, Spd 20%, Luk 20%, Def: 40%, Res 2% Combined: 267 While his HP, strength and defense gains are all great, his other stats are just abysmally bad, and what’s up with the 2% resistance growth? All he will ever be is a brick wall, which I think can be fine for some characters, but at least a small increasing in skill, speed and luck would be a blessing to this guy. Wendy’s growths: HP 85%, Str 40%, Skl 40%, Spd 40%, Luk 45%, Def: 30%, Res 10% Combined: 290 And then we come to Wendy, whose combined growth is far superior to her two counter-parts, but 30% defense on an armor knight? Her growths aren’t bad; they are just not befitting an armor knight. What I would actually truly love would be to make Wendy a soldier instead of an armor knight (I have no idea what she would promote to however). -The archers Wolt and Dorothy are also extremely under-used, and for a good reason. Their growths aren’t bad, but archers are a pain to level up in the early game, especially on hard mode. You could claim archers are important because of the sheer amount of wyvern riders in this game, but we have mages (and the FE6 mages are ever so good) with Excalibur tomes for that. This game does have good pre-promoted Snipers though, as both Klein and Igrette are completely viable choices, but I would like to see some love for Wolt and Dorothy, maybe not in the form of growths, but perhaps some increased base stats. -Bartre, Echidna, Garret. All amazing characters, but with horrible growths. They are pre-promoted, so they obviously should not out-class their un-promoted counter-parts, but they should get a little love, especially Echidna who’s a god damn female hero. I actually used her in my Let’s Play by request from Mr.Entinen, but boy did she get out-shined by the rest of my party. Even feeding her with stat boosters didn’t help. -The cavaliers Noah and Trek certainly aren’t bad, they just get so massively outshined by Alan and Lance, who in addition to amazing growths also have one of the fastest supports in the game. If you pair them up with Roy, you have a trio of death in a part of the game which is extremely challenging; it’s almost too good not to do! You can certainly support Noah and Trek as well, but they just don’t come close to the awesomeness of Alan and Lance. They should get slight boosts to their growths to compensate for this, and maybe a faster support. -Speaking of supports, they are just punishingly slow in this game. Some takes over 200 turns just to reach A rank (not even joking). If you thought FE7 supports were slow, they don’t even come close to FE6. There’s also no support screen which lists available ones, you’ll just have to figure it out on your own (or read a guide). -If you somehow manage to give thieves a promotion, it would be insanely awesome. Assassins are cool, but if you could somehow incorporate rogues from FE8, that’d be even cooler, I love rogues (even if you don’t manage to give them their pick ability, as long as they just gain the ability to level up after 20). -I’m not a big fan of Fa, and not of mamuketes in general, but I think it’s stupid that you get a unit that can perform 30 attacks and then do nothing. Maybe decrease her growths a little to not make her insane, and give her either a divine stone with more charges, or the possibility to obtain more. -When you play on hard mode, the first half of the game is dreadfully punishing, with enemies far stronger than your own characters. The first 3-4 maps in particular are just pure hell, even with heavy usage of Marcus. Once you get deep into the game however, it becomes a breeze if you’ve played it correctly. The last map in particular is a joke, as the dragons cannot perform ranged attacks, and you have a whole array of dragon-slaying divine weapons. The last map needs more enemies than just dragons (even if it goes against the lore), some ranged spell-casters with some sleep, silence and berserk staves would go a long way. -The final boss and Yahn should both really get a massive boost. They are both a complete joke, and can get one-shotted by Roy with the Sealed Sword. Adding stat boosts to their weapons (like they did on the dragon in FE7) would help out a lot. They could both use at least +20 defense and resistance, so they won’t go down instantly to the first divine weapon that points in their general direction. Whew, that’s a mighty long post I just wrote. I guess you can tell that I really like this game. Anyway, just me putting my thoughts down on paper, do with them as you will!
  12. I know, this is basically how you can end any online argument, and if people did that more often the internet would be a better place, but damnit it is hard not to respond when someone is being so blatantly stupid. OT though (which stands for on-topic, not off-topic), I think the writing in Sacred Dawn is great. It was hell to voice act it in my LP because of the sheer amount of it, but I didn’t really notice any lack in quality, but then again I’m no writer myself.
  13. You make it appear as if I was actually stalking someone's sister in real life. As I said previously in this thread, I had no idea she was even based on a real person, let alone someone’s sibling. Besides, if someone is really that overly defensive that they can’t even tolerate someone making a joke on the internet, a forum full of people with opinions wouldn’t be the ideal place to hang out. For the love of god, it was a joke. You’re allowed not to laugh at it if you don’t find it funny, but are you going to attack everyone who makes jokes not 100% appropriate to you? Some of you really just need to take a chill pill and stop acting like I violated a real human being. If you are really that easily offended, I’d imagine you’re having a very tough time dealing with actual problematic situations. Sorry for turning this thread into a stupid discussion. I should probably just not respond to these idiotic posts, but it’s extremely difficult when people are acting like I'm some sort of sex-offender.
  14. Oh for the love of god, you act as if I kicked someone's puppy. Stop being so god damn butt hurt.
  15. Well it all makes sense now. Thanks for shedding some light on that, I was really starting to wonder why people got so up in arms about my comment. I had no idea Amy was based on a real person. I just have a big thing for cute cleric girls, and I loved Amy’s sprite and portrait, thus my crush on her. Had I known she was based on someone's sister, I would of course have kept my dirty thoughts to myself.
  16. It was a joke, stems from my fandom of Amy from my Let's Play of the Last Promise. It was directed towards Mageknight and I’m sure he’ll see the humor in it. No need to get all worked up over it.
  17. While you're at it, draw me some pictures of Amy in a sexy night gown will ya?
  18. I am under no illusion that the way I do things are the “right way”, only that it is merely “my way” of doing it. It should also be said that there are channels on youtube where people with terrible microphones and horrible voices gets praise for their content, so don’t worry; I do not imagine myself sitting on a golden internet throne just because there’s a few people singing my praises. I am well aware that people can read, but there’s something pleasant about someone narrating to you either way. It’s like a sports commentator telling you someone just kicked the ball, you have eyes and are able to see it very well for yourself, but you still don’t mind a guy telling you what’s going on. I also think that voice-acting dialogue connects me to the game and the characters, and thus the viewers as well. Giving them different voices allows me to “get to know them” better, silly as it sounds. I also like to think that my voice is not horrible to listen to, and I’ve invested into a good microphone (which I think any decent LP’er should). That being said, you are the creator and I will respect your wishes. If you have a strong desire for me NOT to voice act your hack, then I shall refrain from making a Let’s Play of it (as much as I want to). However, I think I might get you to change your mind about voice acting if you me a chance!
  19. Here's a random video (Yes I am aware that the Kelik voice is a little over the top, but my subscribers seemed to love it, so I kept doing it) Link to my channel You can check out my latest Last Promise or Sacred Dawn videos for some more examples. I always voice act dialogue, as people have been giving positive feedback about it, and I also feels like it connects both me and the viewers more to the game. It wouldn't feel the same to simply just read quietly through dialogue.
  20. This looks amazing. I would love to do a Let's Play of this hack once I'm done with The Last Promise! Fully voice acted in true Mangs style of course! You know, as fun as this level seems to play, I would like to have myself a word with the architect of that fortress. Why would he create a stairway leading up into a corridor with no end or doors on the eastern side? It seems like the crack in the wall stems from someone being frustrated and trying to make their own doorway xD
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