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Everything posted by X-Naut

  1. Steel and Silver go into circulation when they're available. I never fully switch but Iron gets rotated out in the second half of the game outside of building weapon rank.
  2. Gharnef, the unstoppable Dark Pontifex, defeated by a little redheaded girl. (Maria best Gharnef slayer) And on the other end we have this:
  3. It depends on the context. There are people who throw it around as an insult, but there are also those who identify themselves as such to say that it's how they got into the series and/or it's what they're most familiar with.
  4. That's nice, but I need product laugh more than I need sum laugh. (I've already seen this before)
  5. Swordmaster and Rogue/Assassin are redundant in games where the Thief promo lacks a sidearm, and the SM class is pretty meh in itself outside of being flashy. I say bring back the Thief Fighter class with the traits of both the SM's combat and the Rogue's utility; there's plenty of precedent throughout history of swordfighters using dirty tactics to gain the upper hand in battle. And drop the Myrmidon class, Mercenary and Thief give us enough sword infantry. If Halberdier returns, give it an exclusive skill that lets it act out of mobility assists (Swap, Shove etc.) and gives it a few of these commands for free. Give Sniper or whatever the bow-lock class is Range+1 as an exclusive skill, Archer too if Hunter a la Archanea returns. In fact I think every class needs an exclusive skill to it to give it niche use, and some skills should be more limited in what classes can use them.
  6. It's fine as long as the game is balanced around Classic, it keeps players with anxiety over permadeath from feeling isolated.
  7. Uh this would be why Genealogy is a good example of skills > stats, they're a huge factor in what makes a unit good at combat. It's far from the only broken skill though: there's Adept with its crazy activation rate, Wrath doubling your Atk at half health or lower, and Astra turning one attack into five.
  8. lol Con argument You're forgetting that GBA Constitution is a direct translation on promotion; an archer is going straight to warrior's 13 Con +/- their personal deviation from archer, same with myrm to hero. In games without access to good 1-2 range swords a bad hand axe is better than none, and with their high skill/speed chances are they still make better use than the unpromoted axe infantry. Heck even ignoring Con archer to warrior would be rad, even in FE6. Axes may not be reliable but unreliable 1 or 1-2 range trumps no 1-2 range, and they'd have instant killer axes because warriors have base C. Also that pegasus argument is silly, a cleric is promoting to peg knight for a longer staff reach before she does it to fight.
  9. I hate it when the harder difficulty takes away deployment slots. (Looking at you, Hector Hard Mode.)
  10. I like it, and in the event that branching promotions are absent it's a great way to keep promoted class diversity without bloating the unpromoted class pool.
  11. I can see Book 1 and Book 2 using different sets of stats for promoted/unpromoted units a la PoR and RD, potentially with a higher level cap (30 instead of 20) in place of third tiers.
  12. Axes helps them stand out from Pegasus Knights more and gives us a mounted tier 1 axe class in a series where those are typically absent.
  13. Well, if I need to take the bus to get somewhere and walking is insufferably slow... sure I could always take a different bus or mode of transportation, but it's not like those aren't without risk! Stop giving so much weight to very slim chances, they're annoying but they don't render the game unplayable.
  14. Remove uncertainty for the sake of uncertainty. No more 99% Hit cap; a minimum cap is fine though, but I think it should scale with Skill (makes that stat more relevant). And please don't weight the crit/dodge formulas towards always facing crit rates without a scroll... More consistent enemy stats. I don't mind a little random variance, but please not have them be wimps by default depending on random large stat boosts to be good. A more complete magic system; there are gaping holes in the magic types that weren't present in Genealogy and they feel extremely bare bones as a result. (Even if you're only using the basic magics 95% of the time...) Dismounting should stay, but they could maybe give us a little more leeway with weapons? Capturing, stealing, fatigue, Escape objectives, hot potato trading and minimum deployment are all lovely Thracia 776 staples that should absolutely stay. Tweaked a little maybe, but no way should any of them be removed. 99% Hit is still hitting 99 times out of 100, a Wrath crit is gonna OHKO just about any non-boss enemy, and you're not going through all 60 uses in one chapter. If you tank ten enemies at most there's still a 90% chance of success. You won't trust her enough to use it much pre-promotion anyway, and by the point in the game where you double down on its use she'll be fast enough to double the main target (Endgame with its Hel+Jormungandr Dark Mages). The plot promotion is also not as bad as people make it out to be, with scroll stacking she still has solid enough stats where you can get by without promotion. All you're losing is an easy staff rank (grind it yourself if you're in no rush) and the ability to use Wind (Thunder gets the job done most of the time).
  15. Enemy growth is so bad and reliant on unpredictable variables that only a scant few enemies will reliably reach the benchmarks needed to give a trained Sage a hard time. Those scant few can be singled out as targets for the game's other mechanics (critical hits, status staffs, stacking Hit/Avoid buffs...)
  16. Tome weight is based on spell complexity, not the physical weight of the book. Even if it acts that way for thieving purposes... Might have just been a way to weaken magic users considering universal 1-2 range that targets the typically weaker defense stat is very powerful. I can totally see magic running off a different weight system than weapons.
  17. I like the new banner! It makes the forum look brighter.
  18. My preference is (3)DS > GBA > Consoles DS used to be in the back but my perspective has changed, and I now I prefer a less is more approach to ranks. I can count the number of Fire/Thunder/Wind (pick any one) tomes in a given game on my own two hands and in many cases I only need one. That's not enough to justify dividing them all into separate ranks. Anima can occupy the Tome rank, and Dark and Light can be class-locks that work off the Tome and Staff ranks respectively. The magic triangles can still exist in this setting. Magics tend to be very samey and the spell pools are all thin. Unless this issue gets resolved I don't see the point in divvying up the magic types and Mages in general. Jugdral sort of gets a pass due to worldbuilding but you gotta admit the magic pools are still bare bones.
  19. It depends on the setting, but I personally think it's the "other side" to Light magic, drawing from the human spirit but in a different way. (Elibe has it as faith vs knowledge.) With Nosferatu flip-flopping between the two there's gotta be some connection.
  20. It's understandable to have stats "decay" over the peace period, but I really think the level curve should have started higher in Mystery. Have Marth start at level 10 and scale people up accordingly (Gordin level 9, Draug 10 or 11, 7th Platoon 5-7, etc.) Enemies are mostly 3-5 in chapter 1 for story reasons but then they jump to 8-10 in chapter 2, and it goes on from there. It would make the extremely early prepromotes look less out of place and would give the game better pacing overall. Also alleviates the issues from adding the Prologue, which makes the noob portion of the game drag out. Just do what Lyn Mode did and give the 7th Platoon two sets of stats, one for Prologue and one for no Prologue, and let us skip it if we want. EDIT: Also, the thought of FE12 with FE10-style transfer bonuses is entertaining.
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