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Everything posted by null

  1. I think I cracked up most with XC3 names at "Dome of Stahl" bc FE
  2. not gonna get through this boss tonight guess I'll come back after farming some red orbs
  3. that's the almost unfailing advice from every DMC fan I've talked to not even worth trying it
  4. 5 minutes in and DMC3 already blowing the first game out of the water with pure style
  5. Been taking a bit of a break from RPG'ing and clearing some shorter games in the old backlog. Devil May Cry was next up after finishing Touhouvania. I knew pretty well going into this one what I was in for. And DMC1 delivered on a game that's about as much of a mixed bag as it gets. For every good and fun moment, there was also a moment or three that felt tedious and frustrating. Most notably, the fixed camera consistently worked against the kind of mobility the player is given to mess around with, often being entirely disorienting. Backtracking wasn't particularly enjoyable, nor were the numerous tight corners and sections you have to trek through and fight in. Boss quality was also all over the place. Not only were a small pool of boss fights repeated again and again, but the quality of the fights never got to a point I'd call great, or even good for the most part. That said, my overall opinion on the game is still positive, because the basics of what DMC1 established are very solid. Dante's movement and combat feel consistent and fairly snappy, despite the player having to fight with the camera. Mixing gunplay with swordplay is never not satisfying, and Devil Trigger makes you feel as powerful as you'd expect and want from a character with abilities like Dante's. Likewise, the music and tone capture decently well the kind of over-the-top edge and camp I can vibe with. There are a decent amount of items that can reduce the frustration of certain boss designs (thought it doesn't excuse them, it just helps ease annoyance). And the generally short length of the missions prevents any tedium from getting too overwhelming. DMC1 is a classic example of a first entry in a series. Flawed potential, through and through, especially when its age is taken into consideration. And it's that potential that makes me want to explore more of DMC as a series.
  6. Beat Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony. Not like it took long to do that. It was alright. Action platformer through and through (100% Castlevania inspired, which is admittedly a style of game I'm not terribly familiar with, I'm just aware of the design inspiration), but nothing exciting or special to make it feel anything distinct beyond simple Touhou fanservice. A couple of the later stages have some questionable design, and a few bosses do as well. Felt a bit too close to BS for my liking. The presentation is the strength here. Music is banging, sprites/portraits are very nice, and the voice acting is a nice touch for a remastered fangame. Terribly short for $30, it should only be $10 tops (especially when the original was free). I beat it in a couple hours. That said, it was still fun enough. It's just not a game I'd really recommend, regardless of what kind of fan you are. Castlevania, Touhou, or otherwise. Love the opening song.
  7. the variety of accents is definitely one part of Xeno that I thoroughly appreciate gives a lot of personality
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