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Everything posted by null

  1. apologies have a Sakura to make up for it, fam
  2. off the top of my head only Elden Ring and Stray? but could be more I just haven't kept up with it
  3. RIP but hey that's good it worked out well enough everything I've heard about it has me crazy hyped to play it folks already calling it GOTY 2022
  4. ikr I can see at least two 3H-type FE games being released a la AwakeFates hopefully 3H followup is closer to Fates from a gameplay perspective at least I'm not regretting not buying Three Hopes at this point, honestly
  5. and that's coming from someone who does enjoy 3H doesn't mean I'm necessarily pleased with the current direction for the series' gameplay
  6. I'd hope to see something new/different/ambitious for FE going forward, but 3H's success doesn't give me hope in that way
  7. methinks the relic doth protest too much
  8. plot twist: Wraith the secretly horniest one here
  9. ------- arrived at Harict Chapel in the lower part of Valak Mountain Valak night theme is lovely
  10. I was thinking emulation through Dolphin
  11. you can bet I'd be playing it on PC if I had a rig that could run it
  12. with how absolutely massive some of XC's environments are, it's easy to forget that it was a Wii game originally wish it looked sharper in handheld mode though
  13. if everything I'm reading/hearing about XC3 is correct, I'm in for quite a ride when I get there
  14. I could, but I already have/started XC1 (and am enjoying it quite a lot), so I'll just do something I don't normally and finish a game I own before buying a new one lol
  15. nice, enjoy~ I'm playing it right now too before I eventually get to XC3, lol
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