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Princess Peachar

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Everything posted by Princess Peachar

  1. An idea on the more mugs: Throw in more mugs to the set, but still limit mug usage. (Eg. have 5 mugs in a set, but only allow 3 to be spliced from) Adds variety to the entries.
  2. No chance, no way. I won't say it, no. No!
  3. I won't say I'm in love...
  4. He's so happy! I approve! And by rust, I meant the orange color. I think the lighting in the splash makes it look kinda orange, but the cloth parts are deep red.
  5. Suddenly, this topic turned into the wonderful argument between Flora and Merryweather...except pink is red.
  6. Claim Edit: It's me, your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Prof. Curl.
  7. Red may support our life, but blue is in our veins!
  8. Dat Zed though. I do wish, however, that the rust was more Red...but I know how much of a pain red can be to work with :b
  9. Thanks, guys :b I am, however, having hurts with this one though. [Colors are WIP cause I actually use colors that are easy to work with while spriting; color palette is done after finishing*] WHY MUST YOU BE SO BIG, HAND OF NOXUS?
  10. Anselm's arms are almost non-existent. The expression is pretty cool, though.
  11. so...like lol. Credit to Merc for doing the body cause I was so over it...and I don't do hands XD ...and then there was this one, too. So, yeah. Ahri and Varus. :D
  12. Voted for Merc because of that stoic face. haha Honorable mention to 4 because it looks very retro.
  13. So like...that Elise. I approve. :D makes me feel bad for not finishing Ahri...
  14. Still can't be bothered with Ahri...sadly. :C But here's a splice. Rather rushed...but again, can't be bothered! 8B Edit: Updated colors
  15. Here's an entry from a zombie. [spoiler=JIC anyone was wondering...] Edit: Updated colors.
  16. Better. The ear is still a little wonky, though, it is better, too. lol
  17. Changing the ear might help out leaps and bounds. Unless it is an elf ear, you'd want it tilted more towards the top left corner of the box. The hair part also isn't working for her. The bangs are fine, but the other part isn't cohesive to the rest of the do. OH. And I'd probably lower the eyes a pixel to give her a bit more forehead.
  18. Long time no see/sprite/free time! I'll just drop this off here. I may or may not finish this in the next few days. :b
  19. aaaaaaaand added in the wings to Aatrox.
  20. Zombies are fun butbutbut... Aatrox and Ahri please?
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