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Princess Peachar

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Everything posted by Princess Peachar

  1. Okay. As long as we agree there's no bad blood between us. And it's his contest, so it's really dependent on his opinion, so if he deems it close enough, it's close enough (for the sake of the contest). It's a solid sprite. <3
  2. No problems at all, ever since the beginning. It's just not readily recognizable as Fire Emblem style. My mission is also not to get you disqualified, just to voice that opinion. Buuuuuuut if you truly think that you are correct, who am I to say otherwise? I'm not the owner of the sprite, and I honestly don't care about it. But, again, it's not terrible. <3
  3. It's like a weird hybrid of both styles. You said he was large, but he's like...way large. [spoiler=Stats] The official Pokemon stat's say that Keldeo is ~4ft. By fire emblem proportions (1 pixel ~ 2 inches), Ephraim off the horse would be about 5'10. Keldeo reaches a whopping 9'5" from hoof to horn, 8'5" from hoof to the crest of his mane. You can also see that the scale is more or less exactly like Keldeo's Black/White sprite. It really is like a hybrid Ruby/Sapphire style with FE, but closer resembles Pokemon if they had shadows, more outline, and FE saturations. Again, I think it is a solid sprite, just not quite FE style. <3
  4. Looks pretty good as a pokemon sprite. I don't think it's very fire emblem style, but it's definitely a solid sprite work.
  5. That might be a good idea, adding a few dings in the armor. I'm glad it's liked <3 In other news...I also did a little bit of derping on a mug originally done by Mew bby that was originally meant to be just a palette adjusting...which turned into too much. Oops. *original on left
  6. "My right arm is stronger than my left arm!" I'm not too big of a Tryndamere fan, but here it is! If I could, I'd do more colors than that to blend more, but inserting is the devil.
  7. Maybe you can use this as a reference as to where to go with that head. I obviously didn't finish the hair shading, but there's a block so that you'd be able to finish yourself...that is if you use this. (I messed with the hair palette, so I left my cubes for reference) Just because the art is flawed doesn't mean you can't fix it. <3 That's the fun of doing your own rendition of something-- you can improve the artwork and take pride in that.
  8. I'm guessing it's a lightning bolt, much like the vanilla Wrath icons are...except more metal. The medium version looks pretty good, but it's a bit too busy on the smallest. Maybe just leave it to the bolt itself without all the fraying?
  9. I liked this round. Turn out looked like it wasn't going to be that great, but then everyone popped out entries last minute; that extension sure helped! lol Had to go with the dragon bulge.
  10. So here's for the battle sprite competition. Two OCs from FEOC. The red haired woman is Vyrneis, the demigod of compassion. Demigods have their own natural form and the ability to alter that form into a human appearance. Vyrneis chooses a soft, elven-esque form. Very earthy and natural. Her weapon of choice is a staff with a blade on the end. She uses it to heal/bless. She also has the ability to shoot magical bolts like a bow and arrow from it. Her true form is that of a dryad. Ra'shari is the wolf standing behind her. Demigoddess of honesty, she boasts the power of the sun. She loathes her human form and only uses it when she must, if ever at all. She prefers to be floofy. However, in combat her fur ignites and her corona shines mightily. In human form, her weapon of charge becomes an axe...but honestly she just sticks to her fangs and claws in wolf form in battle. This pairing is kind of a crack pairing, really. Vyrneis is meek and tender where Ra'shari is fiery and bold. Were they not sisters, Ra would probably just eat Vyrn up. Luckily, Vyrneis has Kleisvarta, one of the oldest Demigods, to keep all who bother her in check. She's protective of her little sister. (Also, Ra only messes with Vyrneis because she has a fixation with Kleisvarta and that's the only way to get her attention) <3
  11. oh, hey! I did something! Have human form demigoddess Vyrneis and her also demigod friend Ra'shari. Ra hates human form... she much prefers being floofy. <3
  12. You can't slam someone for using the word incorrectly when they are actually using the word correctly. I'll say it again, a literary writer is not the ONLY definition for the word Author, regardless of it used most commonly as that. A sprite is most commonly a mythological creature. Or it is a 2D pixel art. OR it is a lemon lime soda! It's one of them, and it's all. Your "correction" of "[it] should be "spriter" not "author" lol. An author is a writer. :P" really was unnecessary, much like our little rally here (rally is used in reference to tennis in which the server serves the ball [like a tennis serve, not a waiter serve] and the athletes hit the ball back and forth until one side makes the point[point as in a tally of the score, not a sharp end of an object]). Regardless of your retaliation, I'm finished on the matter. <3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- So when will the next theme come out for us to participate? 8D
  13. [spoiler=Here's the rest of it]noun 1.a person who writes a novel, poem, essay, etc.; the composer of aliterary work, as distinguished from a compiler, translator, editor, orcopyist. 2. the literary production or productions of a writer:to find a passage in an author. 3. the maker of anything; creator; originator:the author of a new tax plan. 4. Computers. the writer of a software program, especially a hypertext ormultimedia application. Just because it's the "primary" meaning doesn't mean that it's the only meaning. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Congratulations to everyone! The turn out was great, and the products were pretty good as well! Sadly, I wasn't able to join in on the fun as well, but there's always next round!
  14. So? It's a competition. Casual, yes, but still a competition. This isn't an "everybody gets a trophy" thing. People will probably post with honorable mentions and the such, but really allowing unlimited votes can get rather messy. Easy way to solve it is just a single vote for the fave and then can have an honorable mention poll where you can click whatever you want but it doesn't count...like the mug competition. Or might as well have it as a showcase congratulating all the participants and then voting for next theme as a community. loljk
  15. Think about it this way-- The romance has to show up spontaneously in the S support, which is why it seems so out of the blue first crush kind of love stuffs. Otherwise, you would run into problems where you are already paired with someone and then the character is out flirting with other characters. It would be nice to have another same-sex interested character like Heather. She was amazing, if a bit obvious.
  16. It was rather wordy and lengthy when I considered entering. It was a lot of reading and honestly slightly confusing. But as these two ladies said, I rather agree. For a casual contest, there is almost too much going on to the point of being overwhelming. It's cool that you are trying to think of things to make this unique, but... "We're artists. We don't need a reason. We just fucking do it." -Aeo
  17. Thank you, guys! EVERYONE JOIN THE VILLAGE! SERENES VILLAGE! It's all mouse. I currently can't find my tablet...and I'm not that great with a pen, actually. I break it down into pixel by pixel work. I find it easier to manipulate, personally. Sometimes. LOL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- wut are you talking about secret club...i have no idea wut u r talkin bout
  18. The animation for the archer is actually pretty nifty. I would suggest to fix the leg anatomy, as said above, to spruce it up. Another thing might be to give him a quiver to pull an arrow from after shooting? As it is, the arrow just...appears when he resets. At least, that is what it looks like.
  19. I guess I'm not dead. School and work...but weekends are a blessing. Anyways... I wanted to join the village. <3
  20. I'm still not 100% sold on the Igrene, either...mainly the reasoning justifying her buffness to being Hawkeye's blood. Just because dad is OMG HUGE doesn't mean that daughter is also going to be omg huge. Hormones are hormones, and men and women have different ones. Feel free to compare wrestlers and their daughters. Women would have to work very hard to do so [which is, though I don't agree with bodybuilders--male or female-- for aesthetic personal reasons, I respect females so much for their dedication, discipline, and hard work]. I'm not saying that it's not possible, either. I respect that you were going for buff Igrene, but I think it's a tad too much. Just a tad for her (which would probably be remedied by lessening or ridding of that triangle of shading for her bicep, really). Then again, she is training to be guardian of the desert. And, again, that is what you do-- buff women. Aaaaaaaaand Arch is ok with it. So I'm not trifling over it. lol. Who are outsiders to dictate the visions of the dev and hired artists? I will say, though, the neck needs some help. Those single two lines just wonk the neck out. You know where to find me if you'd like some help with it (or other people. LOL) Either way, it's not a bad piece of art. <3 Oh also hair part is off with the bangs.
  21. Guys please...you're too kind o////o @Deerhands- gogogo Glaceon! That way I can edit the sig with Glaceon and Espeon! lol my reasoning for putting Eevee in the middle was just that- Eevee is default, so it's fitting. Luckily I made the tallest sprite as well-- it just worked well with putting the mugs in tall to short at the ends. It kinda looks like we are in a V-formation.
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