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Everything posted by Samz707

  1. Well I just beat Chapter 5 in 3H. Anyone feel like Miklan's beast form (cant' speak for any others outside of a few I saw online so I'll just speak for Milkan mostly) is just silly? He practically instantly turns into a giant dinsoaur, that's not exactly threatening and it's just kinda silly, it reminds me of Resident evil 6 where the main villian somehow mutates into a giant Zombie T-rex and back to human form several times in quick succession in his boss fight. I was expecting some sort of horrific man-mutant (like the good Resident evil bosses, like Birkin) and but instead you just get a monster design that doesn't really look like a deformed human and more someone's Dinosaur-hybrid reject from a new Jurrasic Park movie. Looking up the rest of the beasts and they're also super generic like "GIANT WOLF". They don't at all look like twisted humans or anything well, interesting or that would actually make sense, it actually feels like a step-back after SOV had at least some design in their monster, they look more like Gajin knock-offs than any sort of actual monsters and they're not even remotely identifiable as "used to be a person.". (Honestly the game in general seems to lack even a consistent art-style, your characters are more anime than ever but the environments could honestly be slapped into a Unity asset flip modern Military FPS and nothing would change, the game looks like it has several different art-styles at once and not as some sort of deliberate mixing of art-styles but rather completely different art-directors working on their own bits and then jammed together.)
  2. Ahhh great. I really don't like save-scumming in games. (yes I know it's technically rewinding but its the same form of Trial and error to me so it's still frustrating.) So is there more doors that are barely visible due to bad visual design that enemies funnel out of in particular?
  3. Do I have to scan the maps? On chapter 5 and enemies reinforcement spawned at the doors I couldn't' even see since they're cut-away to around my character's ankles, are there many more BS stuff like this? (Since you can not even a see a quarter of the door on the wall.), where there's enemy spawn doors that are barely visible due to bad prespective. I seriously doubt Bernie is going to consistently luck out and tank 2 dudes to the face again.
  4. I know it's unlikely but I really wish Kaga's games would get English re-releases on steam (Even if there's probably some legal/tech nightmare on it) so they wouldn't be as obscure and I'd like to be able to actually support him in the process when I get around to playing them. Echoes, It has death reactions, how in the name of the goddess this story/character driven Perma-death series took this long to make sure everyone has a reaction to character's dying as a standard is a mystery to me as it's a really logical and natural fit, Archers/Mages are actually distinct instead of Archers being the "Worse mages but hey you can buy bows more often generally!" and it's got some of the best presentation (And unlike other games in other series I've played that tried to focus on presentation, doesn't sacrifice good gameplay for it.) on the 3Ds.
  5. Ghost Recon 1 PC. I'm a big fan of old Red Storm video games and their realism. (Even if the enemy AI blatantly cheats, hard.) Anyone played that Ghost Recon turn-based spin-off on the 3Ds? I'm wondering if I should check it out and it's been compared to FE a few times from what I've seen.
  6. Listen, we all know if they kept the Toga, Marth would be the most played Smash character ever. I know my friend who plays Smash plays Roy as his main (Dunno if that's a recent thing or not), I honestly haven't really played much smash. (Only a little bit at his house.)
  7. Optional Objectives that reward the player. I've been playing the OG Ghost Recon and it has perma-death and unlockable unique units called Specialists, for instance, in the first map, you need to clear out a bunch of rebels but the Rebel Leader will surrender if you kill all of his guards first, if you then escort him out to the exit (Dealing with the ambush of enemies on the way out without him dying), you unlock a unit, another mission has you protecting British Soldiers (Who thankfully have the common sense to stay still behind their cover), if none of them die, you unlock a British Soldier specialist. So some maps would have a clearly explained Bonus Objective that fulfilling would give another high-stated unit/good items (I know FE, at least the GBA ones, did occasionally have stuff like this but the game usually didn't make them clear at the start of the actual mission unlike Ghost Recon.), so feature more of these but let the player know clearly ahead of time when say, protecting all those green units is actually worth it.
  8. While the game admittingly doesn't make it too clear that Roy's relying on his army (Since it's only said in a few supports) I do actually enjoy having a subpar Lord that I have to protect for gameplay (It's like escorting a Green unit but they're not a suicidal idiot.), really it's only a problem IMO due to how he needs to always capture something at the end of every map, for a series about the "POWER OF FRIENDSHIP" having a Main Lord that well, actually relies on his friends is something I feel fits. Granted, you can make the argument Roy's a little too weak but if I had a choice between Roy or "I am become death, destroyer of worlds" Robin soloing the entire game, I'd take Roy as it's more interesting on a gameplay aspect.
  9. Honestly most games don't do Racism well, the only ones I can think of that somewhat do it well just sorta have racist characters and don't try super hard to say the obvious "RACISM IS BAD M'KAY!" message. I'd rather have racism metaphors since at least then it feels less peachy. (yes, I think Racism is bad, that doesn't mean I like any hamfisted "RACISM IS BAD" messages or games like Arcanum (which granted use a metaphor for Racism) where the game just features racism and doesn't try to set out to make a point about it. (Down to allowing the player to engage in said Racism if desired, down to telling poorly paid essentially-slave orcs that it's "Better than you deserve!".) I know TH apparently tries to tackle Racism and frankly I have no hope for it not coming off as hamfisted morals when I get around to Claude's route, the game's already fairly hamfisted so far in certain elements so I seriously doubt Racism will be treated well. (Plus keeping to a 12 plus Rating, since Racism frequently isn't exactly PG12.)
  10. Yeah but on a GBA game I can understand most of it being portraits or when the supports are like Echoes where it's just them talking or when supports take place in the battle maps. On a console though? I expect more than that, There are good console games with unique/well-detailed animations, if someone's swinging their sword in a 3D game, such as Petra/Lindhardt support, why can't they just use the Sword swinging animations Petra has in combat? It feels like it stopped being a tech limitation and more lazyness/being rushed, it feels like the supports have less budget than GMOD animations made by one dude, if you're going to have supports be in their own little menu with their own little cutscenes, put the effort in.
  11. Yeah, while I don't think a protagonist needs to always fail, it is kinda...bad that Celica's forced to make dumb mistakes and Alm doesn't yet Alm apologizes at the end. (I guess maybe you could argue if Alm considered finding Mila first instead of invading Rigel, maybe he'd have ended up in some situation where he went straight to Duma without having to kill his Dad first but that feels like a stretch and the game doesn't suggest it.)
  12. Is there a bit in Echoes that assumes you've done Side-content? I didn't notice. Yeah Three Houses is just...it doesn't feel finished, at all, there's awkward pauses (Why do you need to fade to black when Bernie punches Ferdinand you literally have unarmed punching animations, why does none of the supports/monestary use battle animations when they'd fit more than awkward standing.), I like some of what it does but honestly, it just reminds me of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness/Driv3r when I'm playing, namely in that I can tell that I'm playing something that was clearly rushed out the door and not finished. (Except arguably worse? those games at least have a polished early game and the "we had to get this out by our Publisher's dead-line" aspects only come into play at the Half-way mark at least While Three Houses feels like it's missing scenes when Byleth becomes professor not even 2 hours into the game.) Granted, those games did have bad bits that I'm pretty sure 3H won't rival, I highly doubt we're going to find out a villian's name in the final boss because Byleth inexplicably knows them and calls their name because the cutscene where they met got cut. (Actual thing that happened in AOD.)
  13. I wasn't even aware Paralogue's were avaliable yet, I thought they were all after the time skip and you really shouldn't write your game on the assumption someone's done optional side content. It just bothers me how such a basic mistake slipped through, it really feels like TH's story so far is a REALLY rough first draft. (Such as just skipping over the students barely knowing Byleth at all, as if they never got around to actually writing introduction scenes as if the writer never got around to writing them, forgot about them and the game shipped that way.), this feels like what I'd expect FE7 to be written like honesty. (Since early Japanese to english games around the PS2 Era tended to have...spotty translations and Fe7 does have translation errors.)
  14. I got 2 fish at once from fishing. somehow. EDIT: Wrong thread.
  15. Three Houses is either really badly written or somehow suffers from more translation issues than past games. Sothis said that the Sword of the Creator is "Different from the other relic's we've seen", I've only seen one at this point, Thunderband. I've never been left thinking "Did the writer seriously just fail basic math?" before in a video game and that's a really dumb mistake to make among other really questionable writing I've encountered.
  16. I can handle a bit of stat inflation, I just know that modes like Lunatic plus massively over do it, so I don't mind it if it's not too absurd but I would prefer if it's mostly from changed enemies/added enemies, so it's mostly from stuff other than increased stats, doesn't Hector Hard mode add a ton of flying enemies?
  17. I'm not really a big fan of strategy games where the hard mode feels like it's just unfair stat changes. (And I can add Ambush spawns to that.) Are there any Fe games where the "Hard" mode actually keeps the stats somewhat the same as Normal but the difficulty is primarily increased by more enemies (within reason.) /Enemies getting swapped by more difficult enemies? (So say, a regular Swordmaster is now packing a Lance Reaver.) , so your chances to hit and such are mostly the same, it's just the enemies are swapped around to be more dangerous mostly via changed weapons and classes rather inflated stats? So the difficulty comes more from say, an enemy healer or a few extra Armor knights/mages now existing rather than ambush spawns/enemies seemingly taking half a dozen stat boosters. Ideally also one that doesn't require any absurd "Outside the box" tactics, Like using only a small handful of power levelled units or absurd amounts of grinding.
  18. Honestly it wouldn't surprise me at this point of the old Gaiden requirements were to sell strategy guides and the only reason they're gone nowadays is that the unfair hard difficulty modes can sell Grinding DLC instead.
  19. At least the Nergal backstory thing is a second playthrough bonus thing (even if I admit it's dumb), you at least get a proper resolution to the main plot regardless. I'd argue that for Chapter 16, it's not really well designed, Nothing says that killing Douglas isn't just losing a potential recruit (he's not even the one who tells you where the Shrine is so it feels non-sensical his survival is required, he's not even mentioned in the cutscene afterwards regardless if he's dead or alive.), plus you have to get Zeiss, who's behind a very strong wall, I would have had to restart if Douglas had followed Melady instead of Roy when I had them split up at that point and I only even went for Zeiss since I accidently found out he was required, I would have just left him alone to focus on killing Narcian first if I didn't accidently see that when I was looking up the Purge spell to talk about it with a friend so I actually nearly got screwed over.
  20. Spent around a minute trying to select Jeralt at the start of 3H and confused why I couldn't actually get him to move.
  21. Change the requirements of certain Gaidens and more explicitly state when the player has locked themselves out. (at least pull a Morrowind and tell us when we've messed up.) Stuff like Chapter 16 is sadistic. (So don't kill the Armor Knight who charges across the map at you and make sure to stop to recruit a dude behind a breakable wall while Douglas is charging after you and if you don't, have fun losing the true ending without any indication at the time you messed up, Douglas doesn't even tell you where the Shrine is so it just feels like trying to sell those strategy guides.) I don't mind a game letting me mess up but there's a difference between "Mistake in current chapter" and "Oh that seemingly important dude who died nearly 10 chapters ago is now needed to recruit a vital character." In FE7 you just missed Gaiden chapters that weren't too important for the most part/ the odd character with some of the harsher requirements, you never got locked out of the game's ending for it.
  22. Byleth literally has save-scum powers so at least if we're going by gameplay, Byleth could probably just Divine Pulse spam til' they get a crit. Dunno enough about both for if we're running on story-logic. (Since then it's plausible Byleth would literally burn through Divine Pulse.)
  23. Kinda, in the sense that you have options, again, such as destroying walls or floors, the game is still level-based.
  24. Eh that's honestly part of the reason I want it? I dislike the sheer volume of stuff Three Houses pours into it. (I swear navigating the status screens of characters is the first time I've wished I could plug a mouse into a console with the amount of stuff present and the time it takes to scroll through it.) and I've kinda always enjoyed the more basic FE games. (Such as FE7 and to an extent Echoes, since Echoes drastically simplifies the actual pre-battle preperation.) And I'd rather have simple characters that are inoffensive than...certain characters in more character-focused games that are really, really bad.
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