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Everything posted by Whitfield1999

  1. Shadows of Valentia and Three houses doesn't have it (although there are skills that mimic it's affect).
  2. Interesting question... If I had to pick a good game to vibe to, I'd say Genealogy of the Holy War. Mostly because of how good the sound track is, I can just zone out and vibe with the music during enemy phase.
  3. Don't get me wrong, in FE4 the weapon triangle made a lot of sense. Every game afterwords however, the weapon triangle feels tacked on and kinda just screws with the balance of the game. I always felt like weapons naturally balanced themselves out anyways, Axes have a lot of might but are heavy and slightly inaccurate. Swords are very light and accurate with relatively low might, plus there's a ton of specialty swords. And lances are in the middle between axes and swords in term of accuracy, weight and might. What are y'alls opinion of the weapon triangle?
  4. @willl Hey, love the software. Been having a super fun time with it. I was just wondering if it is possible after you randomized your mod, to find out what the growth rates and stuff end up being for each character. I was just curious as to what they turned out to be. Edit: nvm, figured it out. You got to tick the log box when you randomize.
  5. Heck yea dude. A linear fire emblem set in Fodlán would be so sick. I'd buy it in an instant. Probably not very likely, but it would be cool to get a midquel set inbetween the 5 year time skip, like you said! For protagonist, I'm partial to dimitri, cause it sounds like he did a bunch of fighting against the empire in between those 5 years.
  6. I really hope they set another game in the world of Fodlan.
  7. I really hope this sets a precedent of releasing old untranslated games. Come on Nintendo, Time to give us mother 3!
  8. My advice is to not think about training units. But using units in areas where they are strong, and have them grow naturally. EXP in old fire emblem isn't a means to an end in older games like it is in the more RPG focused games. It's more meant for allowing units to not fall behind the newer units when you get them. Don't feel bad ditching units once they fall off/aren't useful anymore and don't focus on growing units and I think you will have a less stressful time with the game. Hope this helps!
  9. This is a good point that I haven't really thought about. The way the devs usually balance magic being strong, is having mages be weak physically so they can't stay in the frontlines. If you have mixed classes, then they would bring out the best in magic, without having the negatives associated with being a weak mage. I think the best way to balance magic is to carefully limit who's able to use it. Maybe have it so that AS always gets bogged down by magic weapon weight no matter how big the units CON is, like how they do it in FE5. or maybe have a weapon level cap on mixed classes so they don't get access to the stupid broke tombs.
  10. I personally like white magic as Staves cause I think it's better for balancing the more powerful spells, and it gives the game an interesting short term/long term dichotomy between using broken magic now to make your life easier this chapter, and saving it for a later chapter that you know the spell will be useful for. That being said I do wish newer games would come up with more unique spells. Maybe there could be a staff that allows you to trade items from far away! Or a staff that will show you who the enemy AI will be targeting. I think having staves like that with limited uses would be super interesting in a linear style fire emblem game.
  11. Exactly. Thieves save a lot of the travel time marth would have to make if you didn't field any thieves!
  12. Being a glorified lockpick is so useful tho! Not every unit has to be a combat machine to be good. I've never once used theives for combat on purpose in FE1, and I still consider both julian and rickard great additions to the army.
  13. I mean, you could do this but I have no idea why you would ever want to do this. It's wrys. He's just a healer for the early game until you get better units later.
  14. Idk but if you ever find a patch, let us know. I'd would love to play a 0% growth patch as well.
  15. I kind of don't like the idea of personal weapons since A. they kind of don't make sense and B. It adds way to much value to units when the point of fire emblem (in my opinion) is that you use units when they are useful then if they die or they fall off, they are replaceable with other units. Perfs give some units heavy favoritism to some units, which makes the temptation to reset and the urge to not diversify you army way to strong and that kind of bogs down the game imo. What I do like the idea of is that one specific type of weapons (axes, swords etc.) are tied to a specific class. For example in mystery of the emblem, Heroes can only use swords and cavaliers can only use lances when mounted (the only exception to this rule is when mounted units dismount they turn into the Knight class and they use swords). Since there isn't a weapon triangle this isn't as limiting as you may think. This gives classes like armor knights a unique niche since they are the only unmounted unit in the game who can use lances, which is good because you can bring gradivus (the legendary lance) to the final chapter using armor knights. Same deal with fighters in book 1. they're the only units you have that can use axes so that gives them a certain niche as well. tl;dr: me no like perfs me like weapons tied to class
  16. This is kinda off topic, but I've always thought that getting that sword early safely was impossible since fighting the whole hero army seems like suicide. Would you just have to fly in with palla and hope for a crit, then seize immediately before ending your turn? Also thanks for agreeing with me lol
  17. For me I just got a pair of needle nose pliers and wiggled them out. Then I used a hand file to sand it down a bit. Looks freakin amazing, on book 2 chapter 3 right now, but i'm not even that frustrated with it. Maybe the pleasure of playing fire emblem on OG hardware is overwriting the pain of chapter 3 lol.
  18. Pretty cool huh? Just thought I'd brag about getting a physical copy hehe.
  19. So I was playing fe3 and the game froze whenever I put Julian on the spot to get the lote shield by the throne. Maybe this is just my emulator? I'm using Openemu on the mac to play this so maybe that's why this is happening.... I'll try to figure it out, but here's my savestate if you want see the problem. Save-Game-3 2020-05-25 203833 -0500.oesavestate.zip
  20. Yea probably not possible. Lack of one range means no enemy phase and you need someone to draw the draco knights towards you on enemy phase. I just don't know how you could do that with gordin only. Actually it's probably even more impossible then I thought because in fe3 book 2 there are those mountains he can't cross cause of his 5 move lol
  21. I would really just like them to at least just translate FE4 into english and release it on the eshop, like they did with earthbound beginnings. I don't see a reason why they couldn't just do that.
  22. I agree with you for most games, but In thracia and FE3 stat caps are locked in at 20 (units can't get much farther ahead then the rest of your army) and the fact that mounts can't be indoors and movement penalties are a big concern means that sticking with the same people for every map is a less then optimal strategy. So for those games at least, having a core team of guys you fall to every chapter tends to be less then an optimal strategy.
  23. FE1: Battlefield Player's turn; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1R0fN5S-LY&list=PLEOQ0YA_1DWmVNhFGVFT9r7qNRzAfOELH& FE2: Battle Map 2; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBbf1V8MKbU&list=PLEBEB90247BF68D44&index=11 FE3: Expedition; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tViQwXrslLc&list=PL4439ADD4E978570F&index=17 FE4: Light Inheritors; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_qGh9kJaOE FE5: Adversity; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YajJZHw7g60&list=PLCA2086FB7F1AFF40&index=12 FE6: Behold Nature's Beauty; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N37i_lfA5I&list=PLYOLPb7kjJ3JWW2HYS2tjW_Vz6bJPkT8m&index=12 FE7: Winds Across the Plains; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHCq5x8a8qg FE8: Land of Promise; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbpnzcGXC8Q FE9: Crimea Attacks; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofwT1xh25v8 FE10: (this might be cheating but) Unused Map Theme; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsT9eUO9N80 FE11: The Time To Act; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMtcHw_ZqsU FE12: Endless Battle; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD9h7kF6e3s FE13: Don't Speak Her Name; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFY5TPI-kaU FE14; haven't played FE15: DCL Map 2 AKA Holy War; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10txRoqDKS4&t=14s FE16: God-Shattering Star; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cbyuMzt04k
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