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Posts posted by Sunwoo

  1. Who thinks my Eliwood is epic awesome? Because I swear ... I was hoping he'd do good enough to not be a hindrance, but he just surpassed all of my expectations in this draft.wub.gif Honestly, I thought I made a big mistake by not picking any mages or healers, but my team was pretty excellent. Aside from Farina dying repeatedly on chapter 26 before I gave her the robe, Lyn trolling me until she crit the dragon, and Guy trolling me in earlygame, this team was solid. By the time Nino, Athos, and Renault came in I didn't even need a healer!

  2. I don't think Dark Elf/Racer started, but he mentioned something about needing a new HNM save file. I played on a cartridge, so I can't help him there.

    Does ferrying Hector with Marcus really cut down on turns that much? I'll have to give that a try next time. I don't really like my lords to be carried around in people's saddlebags, because I think that having that extra unit on the field helps a lot. Especially if they have power like Hector. But the dude has enough time to hit 20 anyway, so I'll try it. Also, I think having Rath is better for the snow and desert chapter because he moves slightly faster than other mounts. I especially had a fun time getting through Jerme's chapter. I had to get Karel in Jerme's chapter for my Sacae-only playthrough, so running around opening doors like stupid crazy paid off. Perhaps I should have grabbed Geitz/Wallace instead of Karel, but I liked how everyone on my team supported each other. By the way, I did not lose turns getting supports. They just happened. laugh.gif

  3. So ... here are my characters' final levels and stats, as well as my opinions on the team and each of them individually.

    Hector   20/20     53   30   24   23   12   27   16

    What can I say? Hector is Hector, and he did pretty well for me in this draft. His resistance was strangely high, which allowed him to tank magi better than the average Hector. A good thing, too, because he was one of the only characters on my team to have consistent 1-2 range. He had pretty good speed, and that helped him both pre-promotion and post-promotion. His defense was, for a while, a bit on the low side. But hey, this is Hector. His defense was still good, and he laughed at almost everything. Way to go, Hector!


    Eliwood  20/20     51   26   26   23   20   19   17

    Would you look at that Eliwood! He was one away from capping strength and speed. His luck is high, so he dodged a lot. His defense and resistance are both freakishly high. He's tanky. And he pulled his weight throughout the draft. He got blessed early, and stayed that way. I purposely promoted him after Lyn, because I knew that his pre-promotion stats were good enough so that he wouldn't struggle with combat. I absolutely love this Eliwood. He is also married to Ninian. Thanks for turning out epic! wub.gif


    Lyn      20/20     47   19   29   30   25   11   15

    I think Eliwood stole all of Lyn's RNG luck. She had terrible strength pre-promotion (I think it was 9 before I promoted her) and she is really terrible without Lyn's mode. Can't double anything, low strength and durability ... I'm just glad that I managed to get her to 20/20. She refused to crit stuff on final, though, and left things at 1-4 HP. At least she fixed herself somewhat after promotion. Plus, she got a critical hit on the dragon, which allowed me to kill it on PP 1. Thanks for that at least, Lyn. She is also married to Rath.


    Marcus    --/20     46   20   21   14   13   13   14

    Ah, Marcus ... I really don't like using this guy. It's not my style. I purposely avoided using him in the early maps so my lower-leveled units could grab experience. By the time they had all promoted, Marcus was so subpar in comparison that I had to literally remind myself to use him. He got nothing but mostly HP and skill for the first few level-ups. At least his strength is good. His speed is terrible. I would've been far happier if he weren't free, but oh well. Thanks for protecting Merlinus in various chapters, though.


    Nils     16.49     27   00   01   21   21   07   13

    The only one of my characters who did not hit level 20. Ah, Nils (and Ninian), how I despise you (both) right now. I had to spam rings near the end so I could get enough experience, but apparently it wasn't enough. If I had deployed Nils in 32x, I probably would've hit 20 for Nils. But that might have either cost turns, or prevented someone else from hitting 20/20. What else can I say about Ninian and Nils, though? They're dancers. They're handy. Ninian married Eliwood, while Nils went home in shame.


    Legault  20/20     42   15   26   30   26   16   09

    I don't use thieves for combat, unless I'm playing one of the Tellius games. Legault's strength didn't really go up very often, but with a steel sword and base strength he was able to 1RKO things or finish them off. Better durability than Matthew. He didn't do much thieving after chapter 23x because I was trying to shave off turncounts. His combat was not very good, but I was surprised by how well he could dodge after he was promoted if I put him on a forest. At least he gained levels fast.


    Matthew  20.00     32   06   12   20   12   08   03

    Matthew did most of the thieving utility on my team, because I only really took the time to grab chests in the early maps. I think that was a mistake. Also, I'm pretty sure he cost me about five turns in 19x because I was waiting for him to finish off a sniper with his puny strength and an iron sword. I was trying to get him to hit 20 before Legault showed up. Look at that strength. It's horrible. He is the epitome of why thieves generally should be used for combat. Thanks for the earlygame items and levels at least.


    Rath     20/20     55   25   24   30   19   14   11

    Rath is the first character I actually drafted. Was it a foolish move? Not for me! This guy decimated everything in his path. Even if he's locked to bows until promotion, his high strength and speed really helped me out. I actually had to hold him back later so that he didn't hit level 20 too fast, because I knew that if he hit his level cap too soon that would lead to a lot of wasted experience. What can I say? I depend on this guy a lot when I play the game. He turns out well for me all the time. He's also married to Lyn.


    Fiora    20/20     51   20   25   28   20   15   24

    Fiora is my favorite of the three pegasus sisters. Usually, she's a hit or miss for me because of her strength, but I drafted her specifically for the desert and chapter 25. Her strength was good enough to get me through the game without problems, and she was invaluable in stuff related to flying, like rescuing Pent in the desert and getting the overseas fortress in chapter 25. I also like her resistance, which allows her to laugh at mages and counter them with no problem. Absolutely invaluable. Got a C with her sister.


    Guy      20/20     52   18   29   30   16   15   11

    I wondered at first if drafting Guy third round was a mistake. Much as I like him, I could've used a potential healer (like Nino, who was at this point still available). He trolled me in strength at first, but then he seemed to realize that trolling the person who drafted you is a bad idea and quickly amended his strength. It was passable and enough to get me through the game without causing much problems. Everything else about Guy is excellent. Also was defense-blessed. Got a B with Rath and a C with Karel.


    Farina   20/20     57   23   23   27   25   20   19

    The only reason her HP is so high is because I gave her the Angelic Robe. She cost me turns to recruit in chapter 25 and made me reset chapter 26 numerous times because she kept on dying. I got sick of it and finally gave her the robe. But after she got a few levels and gained key stats, she performed very well. She was my second choice pick after I couldn't get Nino. I'm happy I got Farina instead of Nino, though. By the point Nino showed up, I didn't really need healers. Having two fliers was nice, and no one else had two fliers. Got a C with her sister.


    Karel    20/20     39   20   29   23   17   14   14

    He's the last unit I picked, and I had picked Renault over him at first. Good thing I changed my mind. Karel is lower leveled, contributed more, and I didn't really need a healer when Renault showed up. He performed surprisingly well (better than on my Sacae-only playthrough) and pulled his weight. I'm a little disgusted at his speed, which is good for this game but abysmal for a swordmaster. His HP is also terrible. If Farina hadn't eaten my robe, it would've gone to Karel. Got a C with Guy.


    Athos    --/20     40   30   24   20   25   20   28

    He was my only magic user in the entire game. He used unlock to open Brendan and Darin's rooms, and spammed Fortify when I needed him to. I wanted Fortify for the dragon, in case I couldn't finish it off on PP 1, but due to Lyn getting a crit I didn't need him to use Fortify. I think he hit Darin once. Maybe he killed the armor with Darin? Thanks for being my only healer, Athos.

    327 TL - (268-275)/5 TC = 328.4

    At least I'm not dead last?

  4. I am so stupid, stupid, stupid. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif My turncount at the end of the credits did not correspond to what I got when I subtracted all the chapters and turns that were not supposed to be counted. I checked my recorded turncounts with those of the game, to find that I had written everything down correctly. So I rechecked my math. For some reason, on chapter 25, I added an extra ten turns to my total. Which puts my actual total at 268 turns, which is enough to avoid a penalty. And I call myself a math person?

  5. Final - 6+1/278

    Here we go! I'm finishing this up tonight! I have some time! Either way, I highly doubt that I can finish endgame in 4 turns or less, so looks like I'm eating a penalty. But I can make it in under nine turns if I plan hard enough, so I'll only lose a point at the most.

    In an effort to finish this as fast as possible, I give Athos an unlock staff and several of my characters door keys. On turn 1, I open every door except the two uppermost ones. Lyn fails to kill an archer. Rath rushes into Uhai's room and crit-kills him with a Killing Edge. On turn 2, Hector parks himself outside Lloyd and Linus' room with a swordreaver and an iron rune. Lyn can't do anything right. On turn 5, I clear out everything but Nergal. On turn 6, everyone but Nils hits level 20. Also on turn 6 -- Nergal dies from a combination of Fiora, Eliwood, and Rath attacking him.

    And then, there's the dragon. He goes bye-bye on turn 1, thanks to Lyn getting a lucky crit after I played Filla's Might for her. Used the three lords to take down the dragon. Thank you for finally doing something right, Lyn!

    And that puts my turncount at 278 turns, which gives me a penalty. Yay, I suck! And to think that if I hadn't slowed down on the earlier maps I would have actually not gone over. I blame Matthew for costing me approximately five turns in 19x, where I was trying to level him to 20 before I had to drop him.

    Final stats and character evaluation to come! But first ... I have to double-check my turncounts.

  6. My midterm is due tomorrow, so I should be able to finish the draft either after classes tomorrow or on Wednesday. It'll be finished! And, yeah, looks like I'm taking a penalty. But if I'm careful, I'll only lose a point at most. I hope. :P Need to work on better turncounts. At least most of my characters are at level 20 promoted. Except that freaking Nils. (shakes fist)

  7. Don't worry, I get what you're saying. You just view Eliwood's characters as being different than I would. I can see why your interpretation of Eliwood is that he would become more cynical. I personally believe that he would mature even more with age, and I can't imagine seeing him be irrational even if he just lost his wife. But if you can make your original idea for Eliwood work, then go for it.

    Also, I'm not sure if you answered this, but I was wondering why Lyn/Rath is not an option. And ... even if Rath didn't marry Lyn, he's still Sue's father so she should probably get at least half his growths.

  8. Apparently, I've been told by a few people on Omni's FE6 hack thread that I'm good with writing and coming up with scenarios ... to the point where a few of them told me to actually start a help thread. So ... here I am, creating a help thread. If you guys need any help with writing any part of your hacks (dialogue, scenarios, keeping characters in-character), then just ask me here. So ... hope I could be of help!

  9. ^^ I like your reasons. Verrrrry well thought out, well played :D That whole funeral business thing also even sounds... I don't know, very true to how Fire Emblem is written by IS. Seems like something they'd put in. With events, you could easily have a flashback scene where one (or both) of them remembers that.

    ^_^; Well, I may not be a hacker, but I do write. I've written several original stories that I want to publish one day, plus a few fanfics for practice and getting characters in-character, so I know how to come up with scenarios and I try to keep characters from being OOC as much as I can.

  10. ^well thought out.

    And why would Ilia choose Lycia over Etruria or Bern?

    Well, I thought that made more sense than changing Eliwood's character to make him hold a grudge against Ilia. Also, as for Ilia choosing Lycia over Etruria or Bern ... (shrugs) I have no idea. But I'm not the creator of this project, nor am I trying to have Eliwood recruit Sigune. So, if the creator wants to go with my idea, that's fine. But it's not really my responsibility to come up with a reason as to why Ilia chooses Lycia over the other two.

    Also, a quick unrelated question. On the pairings poll, I'm just wondering why Lyn/Rath isn't an option, since Sue does exist in the game (unless you took her out ...), and even if you don't like Lyn/Rath, Sue is still (most likely) Rath's daughter so she should at least have half his growths.

  11. Yep! Even if I take a penalty, I want to get this done with ... and now I know where I have to shave off turns. Believe it or not, my team wasn't the problem. It was because I delayed a few turns to grab items in the early chapters, and because I just don't move fast enough.

    But! That will have to wait for a while. Before I do any more playing, I have to finish my take-home midterm exam for hydrologic law. -_-

  12. If I may offer a suggestion to the whole Eliwood/Fiora/Sigune situation ... the problem I see with the current scenario is that it kind of messes up Eliwood's already-established personality in FE7. He's shown to be a kind-hearted guy who tries to take on everything himself and is very righteous. This is the guy whose father died in his arms just as they found him. They were THIS close to getting Elbert out of there alive. He was sad, of course, but he picks himself up and trudges on in the next chapter. To hammer that point home, Eliwood is FORCED on New Resolve, even in Hector's route, while Lyn isn't. Usually, all three lords are forced or none of them are forced except the main one. Forcing Eliwood on Hector's mode New Resolve just shows how strong Eliwood actually is. When he accidentally kills Ninian, he is distraught. Even if they don't have an A support, he is crushed when he kills her. Imagine how much more upset he would've been if he actually did love her. And yet, he is forced again in the next chapter. He does not let his sorrow stop him from doing what he must do. In the end, he wants to defeat Nergal not for revenge but because Nergal has destroyed many lives to achieve his own crazy ambitions and must be stopped. In other words, Eliwood does not give in to despair, hatred, and anger.

    Why would this part of his personality change because Fiora died in an accident that was not caused by Ilians? Even if they were only together for a few years, even if they've just had a child ... I still can't imagine him breaking down and threatening to pull out of Lycia if Ilia joined because his wife died in Ilia, saving a group of pegasus knights. It makes no sense. He overcame his sorrow when he accidentally slew Ninian. He was able to move on after the death of his father. Why, just WHY would he give into despair because he was married to Fiora? Why would he hate Ilia, which did not cause Fiora's death, if he did not hate Nergal, who DID cause his father's death and hunted Ninian and Nils?

    If you want to go for the angle where Eliwood recruits Sigune into the Etrurian army, here's my suggestion. First, you'll have to throw out the idea of Ilia joining Lycia. It doesn't work for Eliwood's personality. Second, Fiora would have reason to visit Ilia even if not for diplomatic means. She has her sisters. Since only one of Farina and Florina can marry Hector at a time, if one of them is married to Hector then she could go to visit the other. If neither are married to Hector, then she can visit both. There are lots of reasons for Fiora to go to Ilia. Visit her family? Nostalgia? It doesn't have to be diplomatic. Once she gets to Ilia, she sees the pirates/bandits/whatever attacking Sigune's unit and dives in to save them. She dies in the process. Sigune and Eliwood meet at her funeral, where Sigune approaches Eliwood and apologizes for "being responsible" or whatever she would say. Eliwood tells her, "It's not your fault. You're not the one who delivered the final blow" or "She always put others before her own life" or something like what Eliwood might say too assure someone that it's not their fault. And then, years later, Eliwood and Sigune recognize each other on the battlefield. Eliwood says something to persuade Sigune to join them. Maybe Sigune remembers Eliwood's kind heart and true vision, and decides that if anyone was going to fight for the sake of another, it's Eliwood, and joins him. That keeps true to Eliwood's character (and maybe Sigune's) then this whole Lycia-Ilia idea.

  13. Cormag rocks, and he's the only wyvern rider you get in the game (although Tana and Vanessa COULD promote into wyvern knights if they wanted to ... please don't say I mixed up the two wyvern promotions). He's a flying tank. His speed is a little shaky, especially when you first recruit him, but it should pick up and be good enough to pass in FE8 with some levels. He flies, of course, and doesn't die easily to physical hits. However, he has a weakness to bows like all fliers and to magic like all wyverns. He's rather underleveled when you first get him, so you'll have to train him and not just throw him into a bunch of enemies and expect him to live. Not going to count his recruitment against him. Ephraim route is his best one, but even then you have to get to him with Tana (who may or may not be underleveled and frail) or a character who can't fly over ocean. Still, not going to count it against him.

    8/10, because he shows up rather late and underleveled (where were you when we needed you EARLIER in the game?!), but his contributions once properly leveled more than make up for it.

  14. I did not realize how bad my turncounts were compared to everyone else's. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Better get my act together, now.

    Chapter 29 - 10/227

    I send Rath and Legault to the left, towards Murdock's village. Lyn can handle the cavalier and nomad reinforcements alone to the north. Eliwood, Marcus, Karel, and Guy go down the middle. Fiora and Farina will fly around and help wherever they're needed. Hector is still useless, so he gets to stay behind and wait for Vaida. If she pops up, I can recruit her and stop wyverns from messing up my clears. I desperately need weapons. Last chance to spam Ninian!

    Rath and Legault go kill stuff on the left. Eliwood takes his group up, while Lyn and Fiora head north. Farina follows Eliwood. Things decide to suicide on Rath, not Legault. -_- Lyn can take care of herself, so Fiora goes to help Eliwood's group clean stuff up. Apparently, getting Legault experience is going to be harder than I thought. I move Rath out of the way so things will attack Legault. Guy and Karel get their C support. Vaida shows up on turn 6. I decide not to get the Warp village, costs me a turn or two. Legault does pretty well, running around at less than half health and using forests for cover. Eliwood attacks Lloyd on turn 8. A berserker decides to be a jerk and climb a mountain, so that Legault can't reach him. I'm forced to kill him with Rath. A myrmidon decides to be a jerk and not suicide into Legault. This costs me a turn. -_- Rout on turn 10. Ninian hit level 14 before she left. Legault got 9 levels in one chapter. :P

    Chapter 30 - 9/236

    I deploy Hector, Legault, and Eliwood since they are my lowest-leveled characters. Hector can handle the upper part of the map by himself. Eliwood takes Legault and goes left. Eliwood uses his last steel sword use on a thief and 1RKOs him. Hector gets nothing but HP on his first level up. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Legault got strength at least once or twice on the previous map, but he is still dependent on silver swords to do damage. Silencer is too risky when I want low turn counts. I decide not to bother with any of the chests, except for the Elixir one if I can grab it. Legault gets poisoned. Eliwood gets poisoned. I get the elixir. I reach Kaim on turn 7 and hammer his face in on turn 8. Clear on turn 9.

    Chapter 31 - 11/247

    Oh, great, another defend chapter. My turncounts are horrible, I think I'll be taking some turncount penalties by the end of this ... Rath, Legault, and the pegasi are on the "island" part of the map. The others are up north. I take the chance to get everyone as much experience as they need. Marcus gets poisoned, criticaled, and misses stuff with ~80 hit. Karel, stop blocking stuff with your face. You are not Edward. I accidentally provoke Denning on turn 4. The enemies are retarded and won't stop suiciding onto Farina. -_- Seriously?! Farina and Fiora block Denning and try to stop things from suiciding onto Farina. Denning falls on the last turn to Eliwood. My swordmasters and Hector are the lowest leveled characters I have.

    Chapter 31x - 5/252

    Shopping chapter. Couldn't use arena. Bought stuff.

    Chapter 32 - 10/262

    I'll have to complete this chapter, fast, if I want to avoid penalties. I have to finish the next three chapters in 23 turns or less. Yikes! The three lords go up to get Renault's village. Guy, Karel, and Marcus head towards Sophia's village. The others take the center route. Because Marcus now sucks in comparison to the rest of my team, everything insists on suiciding onto him. He will be level 20 anytime now. Strangely enough, enemies would rather suicide into Guy than Karel. Marcus hits level 20, but I'm angry at him so I ditch him while I move Karel and Guy up. Farina is sniper bait. Marcus gets Sophia's village. Legualt draws out Limstella's Bolting. Nils plays for Renault for experience. Legault reaches level 20. I seize on turn 10.

    Chapter 32x - 9/271

    I deploy Eliwood, Lyn, Karel, and Guy. Nils the little effer is not hitting 20 unless I waste turns. Hector and Eliwood blaze on through to get to Kishuna while the other three try to gain experience. Karel, Guy, and Lyn all level up strength! Eliwood is freakishly tanky, but I'm not complaining. ^_^ I reach Kishuna's room on turn 7. Eliwood and Hector team up to kill Kishuna on turn 9.

    Oh, man, I have to finish the final in 4 turns or less or else I take a penalty? That's not happening. I'll do that ... as soon as I do something else first.

  15. Chapter 23x - 13/152

    I reshuffle items and move characters around the map. Eliwood, Ninian, Marcus, and Fiora go left while the others go right. Hawkeye is forced. I'm going to stick him in the corner.

    So, once the map starts, I move everyone around the map to do their various things. Fiora kills a bishop and Marcus kills a sage. People smash through walls to advance through the map. Marcus continues to level up skill, but doesn't get much else. I decide to let Marcus handle everything on the left side of the map, and have Eliwood, Ninian, and Fiora join the others. The group (except for Marcus) gets together on turn 9. Lyn and Rath get their C support. Fiora hits level 20! I chase away Kishuna on turn 12. I rout on turn 13. I also got all the treasure.

    Chapter 24 - 7/159

    Obviously, I end up on Linus' map. I promote Fiora at base and sell stuff that I don't need. Afa's Drops go to Rath, I don't feel like holding on to them until Farina shows up (even if it's only one chapter later). I deploy Dart for Geitz.

    Marcus and Dart head off towards the Earth Seal village and Geitz. Everyone else heads up towards Linus. Marcus FINALLY gets a point of speed. Lyn hits level 20! Dart recruits Geitz and they both run away. Marcus gets the Earth Seal village. The others advance towards Linus, cutting through everything in the way. Hector gets the Orion's Bolt village but falls one space short of getting the Silence staff village. Oh, well, no one can use it and Athos certainly won't. Legault gets a point of strength! Linus falls to Guy, Fiora, and Rath on turn 7.

    Chapter 25 - 9/178

    I get Farina on this chapter, and I'm happy about that. I could use another unit. I give Fiora an iron sword and send her to the rightmost part of the map. I am so happy to have a flier. :P Rath and Lyn go down to fight off pirates, although Rath will probably do most of the work since Lyn is already level 20. The others head up towards Pascal. Legault hits level 20! He also gets strength again. Fiora visits Karla's village for the second Elysian Whip. My characters are all set to promote! Marcus draws out Pascal on turn 2, and counters him with a spear on the EP. Unfortunately, he wears through the spear on the cavaliers that attack him. Marcus throws a javelin at Pascal and levels up everything but strength! Guy crit-kills Pascal. Farina! Would you show your face already?! I recruit her on turn 6. Eliwood and Ninian get their B support! Rath hits level 20 and promotes. Farina gets nothing but HP on her first level up. -_- I capture the third fortress on turn 9.

    Chapter 26 - 11/189

    I get a Heaven's Seal! Lyn gets to promote and become useful. Also, after several attempts at this chapter, all ending with Farina's death, I decide to give her the Angelic Robe. -_- I promote Lyn on turn 1 and put her in range of the mages. Farina moves down towards the Hammerne village with an axereaver. Marcus takes on the rightmost part of the map. I get Pent and Louise out of my way. Guy and Rath get a C support! Farina gets the Hammerne staff. She also survives this time around. Good thing I gave her that robe. Rath and Lyn get their B support! I survive all the turns and get experience for people. Farina is almost ready to promote.

    Chapter 27 - 13/202

    And my team is just about ready to be complete. Of course, I ended up on Jerme's map and I have to recruit Karel, which is a bit more difficult for me. At least my Sacae-only playthrough gave me practice on running around like crazy opening doors. And since I have two additional FLYING units, this shouldn't be as hard.

    I open the first door with Legault, and have Rath attack the warrior in there. He and Lyn clear out the room on PP 2. Everyone else attempts to move forward. Good thing the snow stops on turn 3! Eliwood and Ninian get their A support! Farina levels up everything but resistance on her last level up. Lyn reaches the room with the archers on turn 5. Legault gets to the treasure chest room. Lyn gets a good level up. Rath opens the door to the room with the mercenaries and hero. Rath levels up everything but defense! I recruit Karel on turn 10. I clear the map on turn 13. Farina gets the boss kill. I miss the Hero Crest in the last room.

    Chapter 28 - 15/217

    Standard defend chapter. Merlinus promotes. I send the Sacaeans and Legault to the left side of the map, while the pegasi, the Lycians, Ninian,and Legault go the other way. Jaffar does stuff and stays alive. I want that side-chapter. Lyn gets strength! Rath lures out Maxime and weakens him. I am able to avoid making Ursula use Bolting. NPC Nino decides to be an idiot and run in the range of Ursula and her bolting, so I have to rescue her. She then avoids being killed by a mercenary. I then recruit her. Eliwood gets hit by Bolting, but he lives. :P Jaffar runs out of Killing Edge uses. Ninian uses her rings to gain experience. Farina 1RKOs Ursula with a silver lance and gets a horrible level up. I talk to Jaffar on turn 10. Farina and Fiora get their C support! I get all the treasures before the map ends.

    Chapter 28x - 16/217

    I take Nino's Elfire and promote Eliwood at base. I give the boots to Hector so he can stop falling behind everyone. Fiora goes down to kill the pegasus knights and Farina kills the sniper. I have to keep Nino and Jaffar out of trouble. -_- Eliwood kills stuff. Fiora and Farina head towards Sonia. Hector and Eliwood get their B support. I have Farina use a pure water to help her avoid the sleep staff. Fiora uses the pure water a few turns later. I get lucky and Farina crits the wyverns that suicide into her. Farina and Fiora reach Sonia. Fiora finishes off Sonia with an inopportune crit (I wanted Farina to grab the kill). I have a few turns before I start taking turncount penalties, so I run to grab stuff in the treasure chests, especially Thor's Ire. Lyn and Rath get their A support. Legault takes the Fell Contract and promotes. Fiora rescues Hector and is danced towards the throne. Once Hector is there, I proceed to do all sorts of shenanigans. Guy and Rath get their B support. I seize on turn 16.

    Unit 	Level 	HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
    Hector   20.00 	33   19   16   13   08   15   07
    Eliwood  5.72      43   19   18   20   14   13   11
    Lyn      20/10 	39   14   27   26   19   10   13
    Guy      20/10 	44   13   26   27   15   12   07
    Fiora    20/14 	45   19   21   26   17   13   21
    Rath 	20/10 	47   23   19   25   14   14   09
    Karel    --/11     33   16   25   21   16   13   12
    Farina    20/11 	49   18   21   23   20   16   17
    Marcus    --/16 	43   18   21   14   13   13   13
    Legault  20/1      35   11   18   19   14   11   05
    Ninian    12.71 	24   00   01   19   20   06   09

  16. Chapter 21 - 6/132

    So ... last time: Fiora get; Hector hit level 20; Guy promoted; I dropped Matthew for Legault; and Lyn sucks. Wait, the last one's not anything surprising. She's really bad without Lyn's mode, and she's trolling me. -_-

    I deploy all of my drafted characters. Fiora and Marcus have superior movement, so they hang back to get the villages and shop. The others advance to the right. Who wants to see me try to marry Eliwood and Ninian in a draft?! I'll try it, but no promises! Lyn is so getting that first Heaven's Seal so she can stop sucking sooner! Eliwood and Lyn get poisoned by pegasi. Lyn continues to troll me with her level-ups. Ninian dodges hits and barely avoids dying. Marcus gets the all-important Elysian Whip. Fiora is rather close to promoting. Oleg pops up on turn 5. I steal his Hero Crest, even though I don't need another one, then I smash his face in on turn 6. Eliwood accidentally got the kill. He crit with a steel sword. mellow.gif I ... kind of wanted Fiora to grab that kill. At least Eliwood got a good level-up from it.

    Chapter 22 - 6/138

    I love this chapter for three reasons.

    1) I get to recruit Rath

    2) I get to recruit Heath (although I can't use him in this draft, boo)

    3) the map ends early if I kill Eubans, plus I get a nice spear for doing so.

    First, I rearrange everyone's items before the map. I have Rebecca trade her iron bow to Lyn at base, so she can trade it to Rath after I recruit him. Then, the chapter actually starts. I kick Isadora to the top of the map to avoid penalties. Then, I move Eliwood down as far as he can go, have Marcus rescue him, and Ninian dances them over to the leftmost part of the map. I want Heath for his items, especially that axereaver. Fiora will appreciate that in the desert. Legault follows them, so he can open the door and loot the chests. Lyn moves to the rightmost part of the map to recruit Rath. Eliwood recruits Heath on turn 2, and he runs away. I recruit Rath on turn 3, and he immediately shoots a fighter that an NPC armor knight weakened. Legault kills the enemy thief and pilfers the chests. Eliwood hit level 20! Eubans go bye-bye on turn 6.

    Chapter 23 - 14/152

    It's the desert chapter! Fiora, this is why I drafted you (aside from liking your character and your pairing with Kent). Go out there and make me proud! I rearrange items again. Fiora gets a new shiny axereaver and the spear I took from Eubans. I'm really happy I have Rath, because he moves a little faster in the desert than normal mounts. So ... I start off by moving Fiora towards Pent, and have everyone else move up towards the grassy plain. NPC Hawkeye kills a mage. I decide that NPCs can do whatever they feel like. I then recruit him on the following turn. Lyn gets a point of strength! Good for you! Everyone then moves into the desert, towards Jasmine. Fiora rescues Pent, then starts flying back towards the others. Everyone else takes the time to heal if they need to. Guy lures in Jasmine, so Legault could steal his Guiding Ring. Fiora avoids a wyvern and takes no damage from a mage while ferrying Pent, then she gives him to Hawkeye. Guy kills Jasmine, much to my annoyance. Hector digs up a body ring. I wait until turn 13 to dig up all the treasures, then I kill Paul on turn 14 with Rath. Eliwood and Ninian got a C support!

    I accept chapter 23x! Bring it on! I will do my utmost best to finish you in 20 turns or less. :P

    Unit 	Level 	HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
    Hector   20.00 	33   19   16   13   08   15   07
    Eliwood  20.00 	35   17   16   17   10   12   06
    Lyn      19.16 	29   09   20   20   14   06   05
    Guy      20/3      39   12   21   22   13   11   05
    Fiora    19.25 	30   13   16   20   12   08   15
    Rath 	13.44 	29   13   11   14   06   09   03
    Marcus    --/6      36   15   17   11   09   11   10
    Legault  16.39 	28   08   14   18   12   09   03
    Ninian    3.35      16   00   00   14   11   05   05

    What can I say? I love the way my Eliwood turned out.wub.gif

    Edit: ... WTF. I'm not Yune anymore?

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