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Everything posted by killelall

  1. The concept of white privilege relies upon believing that these hurdles exist inherently for blacks, while also pretending that whites typically don't experience said problems. -- Rather, because drugs can be so addictive, they change a person and cause them to commit crimes. They rule a person's values & cause them to bring harm to theirself and others. This is why drugs need to be illegal. If drugs were legal, most people wouldn't go into rehab. Even more people would partake in them, and more people would suffer. Wherein am I incorrect about why George Floyd was arrested? I said he was targeted because he committed a crime. He wasn't just some random innocent man. Hypocrite, I didn't deny the existence of white privilege. Over and over I even said it existed. What I argued about was the false narrative people are creating by misusing statistics. "Right. Its not a myth." "Again, I didn't deny the existence thereof. I criticized the false claims about white privilege." But yeah. We can't have a good conversation when you are too busy denying facts and whatnot. Facts, but intentionally misusing the data therein. If only 20% of blacks suffer from poverty you can't act like its an inherent problem. What it is is a disproportionate problem & understanding this is important. You, however, don't seem to care. You claim that, but the narrative of the concept is for people to expect hurdles and unfairness because of the color of their skin, while downplaying the hurdles of others. Its a very basic arguing tactic used to bring light to a problem by exaggerating it while disregarding other problems. The concept acts like its a minority of blacks who don't have to suffer from the hurdles, when its the majority that get to avoid the problems. Said hurdles do exist - disproportionately so, but it needs to be treated like a disproportionate problem instead of an inherient problem. But your weren't arguing that. I can get behind those things. I, however, can't get behind a broad sweeping generalization without focus. Sweeping generalizations are bad, and broad inaccurate generalizations won't lead to effective solutions. My gripe has been about the presentation and the use of associative fallacies as they won't lead to proper solutions & will do more harm than good. Do note that I never denied the existence of problems. If people don't make arrests, crimes can't occur. Regarding the cop who killed George Floyd attempting to join the KKK... where is the proof of this? I'm a little surprised in regards to this since in an interview with a friend of George Floyd's, said friend mentioned the cop they were surprised that the cop murdered George Floyd since the cop and George Floyd used to be buddies when they were both bouncers. The protests have gone too far. If it targets the jobs of the community that its trying to help, it harms the community it is trying to help. Protesters need to make sure they target the problem and not their own community. In the middle of live interview a black man had the business who spent his life savings to form broke down in tears as he watched rioters loot & destroy his establishment. This is not right. People like him were not part of the problem. Considering Trump shut down the country early on, crippling businesses and employees to prevent the Corona virus back when people were claiming his actions were unnecessary, I can't agree with the notion that he doesn't care about people's lives. Laws preventing minors from drinking and smoking. Laws preventing drunk driving. Laws exist that prevent the depiction of said substances. Heavy taxes are instilled on these substances, and companies have faced legal actions over and over for attempting to make their products even more addictive. Laws were attempted to prevent the sale of liquor, but the government lost that battle. How someone affects the lives of others is peoples business. Highly addictive substances cause people to steal, scam, and harm others. Your turning a blind eye to how it impacts a lot of people does not change facts. Then how about you pay attention to what I said MULTIPLE TIMES - that it does affect them disproportionately. Aww, but I don't come from a place of privilege. But nice assumption there kid. That ad hominem attack really helped your argument.
  2. Hey, if you want to act like the majority of blacks are poor uneducated criminals from broken families, you can push that false narrative. You can also keep assuming that when you run into a random white dude that he's likely more educated than a person of color, with a good family, wealthy, and that your in more danger around a person of color than a white person despite actual data. I'll just think you're might be a racist if you do so. Aye. And its pretty disturbing when you look at the numbers and see that whites usually commit two to five times the number of crimes that blacks do. It really highlights a very likely potential problem. I won't agree with your views on drugs. Drugs kill people, ruin lives, and cause good people to commit crimes. I have family who ruined their lives because of drugs, and already mentioned what happened to my home as a result of drug addicts turning it into a drug & prostitution den, stripping the metal from within while I was away at work, and how the police were useless. At no point did I promote your racist narrative & say that people should be disenfranchised because they aren't part of the majority. However, people won't receive proper help if the proper solutions aren't provided. Creating a narrative that because someone is a person of color that they are less likely to succeed does not help someone believe in the prospects of their future. E.g., 80% of blacks aren't doomed to poverty. Realizing that one can succeed in life helps motivate one into believing in their future & fighting for it. The hopeless narrative being pushed can be quite destructive, and feeds persecution complexes that will hold people back. This isn't to say there aren't problems, but present them properly so they can be solved without harming the communities one CLAIMS they are trying to help. Its quite possible to show that disparity exists without destroying people's hopes & dreams for the future.
  3. As I said, it totally wasn't acceptable that it happened. However, the police weren't just picking off random innocent men. Its actually the more normal way of looking at them. When only 20% of blacks suffer from poverty and stereotypes want to assume the majority of blacks suffer from poverty that's what's odd. And if one wants to look at poverty, illiteracy, crime rates, and so on by theirself, one sees that whites make up the majority of these by percentile. However, people want to push stereotypes, so... Because he's portraying them as people simply going to a store or such, and not people being targeted because they are committed a crime. Because Lord Raven's phase isn't more relevant. I never said one should die for that reason. In fact, I condemned the murder of George Floyd. What I pointed out was that he wasn't just some random black man getting singled out for no reason. He was someone who committed a crime, thus police acted against him. I never said someone should die because they are a criminal. In fact, I even stated being a criminal doesn't justify someone being murdered. Because drugs were found on them, because the autopsy says meth and fentanyl.
  4. Drugs being illegal is something that deters people from obtaining them and makes it so they can't be sold & easily obtained. It likely wouldn't save money as the government makes a lot of money by prosecuting people, fining them, and so on. Especially areas with revolving door policies wherein drug addicts who pay fines often find that the charges against them are dropped. (Lovely bit of government corruptions.) The claims regarding drugs and racism tend to revolve accusations of drugs being used to harm the black, with them being imported into predominately black communities. Legalizing them wouldn't solve the problem. It would exasperate it. Unarmed black men is not what Johann claimed and is not relevant to the discussion as neither Johann nor I said such. Were not talking about a court of law here. You are the one arguing semantics. Johann tried to create the narrative that innocent blacks were being victimized by hyper violent police. Such is not the case. No it doesn't. If it was happening, there'd be FAR fewer African Americans in the U.S., and it would be the normal to hear of such atrocities occurring. However, its not the norm, and when it occurs people tend to be surprised, disgusted, and horrified that something like that would occur. As for the "Which part of the analysis is inaccurate?" response, it depends what's being argued. Yeah, I know how statistics work. However, its NOT the broader reality. While blacks suffer a 20% poverty rate, as opposed to whites who suffer a 10% poverty rate, the fact is whites make of the majority when it comes to poor, uneducated, divorced, and so on. A narrative that ignores the existence of the majority is flawed. "I didn't "pretend" like it exists like it did back in the day. I stated that it exists. I didn't pretend anything." You're actively pretending now. That, or you are a clueless kid who doesn't know how much worse things used to be when racism was acceptable. Speak with some people who actually experienced the past. Used to, depending on the color of one's skin, things restaurants not serving one could be the norm. No I am not ignoring it. That's why I specifically stated money is a deciding factor. If you make good money, you can live elsewhere. This wasn't always an option. The archaisms of segregation still exist; however, one is not bound by it like in the past. Its not a dog whistle. You are just a prejudiced nut job who's deluded yourself into believing police are hyper violent monsters that prey on innocent black men. Again, my point was innocent black men & women shouldn't have to live in fear, and that police aren't the monsters prejudiced nut jobs like you want to believe they are. SOME are disgusting people who have no business being allowed to wear a badge; however, not all of them all of them are the monsters you want to believe they are. Again, I wouldn't be bringing up a black doctor who went above and beyond the call of duty & was shot if I wanted to push such a narrative. You, on the other hand, do seem to want to push a prejudice narrative. The first link is a gripe about landlords having an anti-criminal policy. This is not a race based policy. The Second link talks about WWII, complaints about the IRS not penalizing churches and whatnot for racist practices, and so on... not laws... Tracking isn't a segregatory practice in itself. Rather, a specific school is accused of using it for such, and there are concerns others are doing that as well despite the law. However, the article also brings up how the 'no child left behind' act uses tracking to force schools to teach failing children. The fourth is a pretty good link. Schools no longer being forced to prevent segregation wasn't something I heard of before. Well, as a native there are tax breaks I can claim, land I can live on that others can't, things I can say in social situations without fear of backlash, scholarships, pride in my heritage, and so on. Again, I didn't deny the existence thereof. I criticized the false claims about white privilege.
  5. No they aren't. You are just pro-drug. Drugs can ruin lives, and addictive drugs can cause even good people to commit crimes so they can obtain their fix. Their habits can bring harm to the people around them as well. (Personally, I had a family member who ruined their life and health due to their addiction. Since I was always at work for 15 hour shifts my house ended up getting taken over, leading me to losing almost everything and having to flee to & live in a trailer for years until I was able to repair the damage to my house so that I could move back into it after they left due to making it uninhabitable after having stripped it of the various metals within. (Though, admittedly the cops were useless throughout, claiming they couldn't do anything even while groups of people I didn't know were running a drug den and prostitution service in my house.)) -- The claim was innocent black men were being killed. Someone committing a crime is not an innocent man. The victims aren't just upstanding black men being unjustly targeted by police like Johann claimed. The victims were criminals. However, in George Floyd's case this doesn't change that their death was disgusting and unjustified. However, innocent black men should not expect to be plucked off the street by blood thirty men with badges. Its not side stepping the issue. Its arguing the importance of accurate analysis so that problems can be solved properly. Read what I just quoted to see what false assumptions were being made. For example, "Black people deal with extra hurdles throughout their entire lives. To have a practically identical resume as a white person requires the black person to do more or endure worse at nearly every turn." Just as a black person can grow up in wealth or poverty, a white person can be as well. Just as a black person may or may not grow up in a broken house, the same applies to a white person. A black and white person may also attend the same schools, receiving the same education. Because someone is black does not mean they will encounter more hurdles at every turn, and just because someone is white doesn't mean they will avoid every hurdle. Ones race simply means one is statistically more likely to experience something. Not that they are guaranteed to. Johann's narrative made & relied upon a false assumption. No they don't discredit the points I've made. They prove them. Though, in regards to segregation - your pretending it exists like it did back in the day is rather bogus. Where one lives is largely decided by money... that and the community within a city. (Which is more-so social rather than due to the government.) At no point did I attempt to call black people shot by police thugs. I even brought up the black psychologist who was shot, so how about you quit making up lies in a pitiful attempt to discredit me. Name some of this recent legislation that still exists. Right. Its not a myth. In a like manner there is black privilege, native privilege, Asian privilege, and so on, and to all of these there tends to be disprivileges as well. However, a lot of the claims surrounding them revolve on false claims and misused facts, and said use of said privileges or disprivileges often revolves around a racist rhetoric wherein one makes false or exaggerated assumptions about people of specific races.
  6. If you actually want to work in the medical field that's likely a great place IMO. I always see hospitals hiring. However, I've never wanted to deal with the stress of knowing someone's life could be in my hands. But you'll need to make sure the college teaches you what you actually want or need to know... but finding out what you need to know in the future can be hard or tricky. In addition, just because you go to college to learn something doesn't mean the college will provide you the education you were looking for. You'll need to make sure they have decent programs... (And unfortunately, I can't tell you how to find out if a college is actually good.) (Personally, I got a degree in computer programming and analysis... but since my college's programming classes were rather limited in what they taught gave up on working in that industry... luckily being able to fall back on the AutoCAD I learned in highschool.)
  7. Considering The Princess and the Frog being the center of several racial controversies for Disney, as some groups accuse it of using black stereotypes, I have a hard time picturing this being something done because of racial tensions. For the most part, more people don't associate the current ride with the movie... If anything, it looks like Disney is going to be opening theirself up to backlash instead. But that's not what's happening. George Floyd was being arrested on drug charges. The man shot outside of Wendy's beat a cop , stole his weapon, and then shot at him before the beaten officer opened fire (all of which is on camera). These aren't innocent men being killed. Admittedly, the death of George Floyd was wrong and the officers involved deserve to be punished, and charges were immediately being brought against them. Likewise for the officer who was violently assaulted and beaten, as well as against his partner. Something in which neither of them should have been charged with, and once that case is dropped, we can expect riots in outrage by people who don't care about the facts. ...not to say that there haven't been incidents wherein police haven't shot innocent people (such as the black psychologist who went above and beyond the call of duty a to help a mental patient & was non-fatally shot a few years ago). However, most people aren't rioting over the actual problems. They are using their prejudiced towards the police, blaming ALL cops because of the disgusting behavior of SOME cops, demanding wide sweeping reforms against ALL cops and harming homes, jobs, and businesses of the communities they attack. There is a difference between the word privileged and the concept that is white privileged. Just because someone is of color, doesn't mean they will be poor, of a broken house, live in a bad area, suffer from a poor education, and so on. Likewise, just because someone is white doesn't mean they won't suffer from all of these things. If you are black and you go in a predominately white neighborhood, depending on the area, there is a chance police will single you out believing you are there to commit crimes, and in a like manner, if you are white and you go into a black neighborhood, depending on the area, there is a chance police will single you out, believing you are there to buy drugs. Though, this isn't to entirely deny the concept, but its highly flawed. Especially since it doesn't acknowledge that there are other types of privileges as well. You'd be wrong about it not being a widespread practice. Multiple television channels are based around the practice, and certain conglomerates like Google have had very visible impacts on the entertainment industry & many have been critical of Google's practice because for the reason you mentioned. In countries like the U.S., more whites are in the industry because: 1. There are more of them. 2. Archaism . Because they were able to establish a foothold during racist times. 3. There are more wealthy white people to fund things. 4. Social racism. A lot of people still dislike the idea of people of different colors mixing with one another, so in the event of a romance or couple, people of like skin colors are usually hired for the roles. This however doesn't disprove the existence of said practice. And its more than an issue of semantics. In fact, the concept tends to be rather racist. "Because someone is of a certain skin color they therefore have certain experiences" is a flawed assumption, and trying to solve something based around a flawed concept will often result in poor results. But they aren't. Your creating a false narrative to give credit to your false claims. While there have been a lot of corrupt individuals, they don't make up the majority. Some areas may even be overrun with corruption because crooked people allowed or helped a problem to grow & fester, but they still don't make up the majority. The problems that do exist need to be solved, but wide sweeping changes against those who are not part of the problem are flawed. No. People aren't always confronted by there race. In certain areas its simply not important. (Though, regarding college applications, whites and Asians are disprivileged there. Personally, I can receive some nice scholarships thanks to my heritage that I wouldn't be able to receive if I was simply white.) No. No. No. Just because someone is black doesn't mean they necessarily had to have such experiences. Likewise, just because someone is white doesn't mean they didn't have to deal with the hurdles you are assuming black people faced. You're buying into a false narrative you created.
  8. If the term is used properly, I find it useful as its calling out a character for being an author's blessed self insert gifted in all manner... but it seems to almost always be used improperly... I'd argue that its more than a few. Its quite often. Early on, she heals a child, passes out, and then because of her actions even more people are killed. Her compassion leads to Daein's capital being set on fire and many of the people killed. Edward aids in a genocidal war against the Laguz because of his faith in her. To protect her kingdom, she commits war crimes (as far as the game's narrative is concerned). There is also the fact that she NEEDS help to do anything. A good deal of her events revolve around her having to escape, be it the opening cut scene, a back alley, a prison, or forest. Plus, with how punishing that game is, victory isn't handed to you on a platter thanks to who she is. In the end, rather than Micaiah, its often Yune who aids everyone. ...not that she doesn't remind me of the lead female in a reverse harem anime... but that's not a Mary Sue.
  9. I'd say I am pretty meh about the character. I wouldn't say Byleth was badly written... but poorly directed. Aye. And they also changed the script quite often throughout the game. There's a LOT of subtle changes that are easy to miss unless you are looking at dialogs side by side so you can take note of the subtle differences.
  10. While I have had plenty of laughs thanks to my Sophia being an amazing tank mage, since that's now semi-common, I guess I would say when I was using an under-leveled team that was entirely slaughtered save the new Minerva, who was completely incapable of killing a single enemy without dying. Turns out the enemy and I took her lightly as she managed to take out the entire enemy team only because of the specific order they attacked in, causing her to gain exactly the level up she needed so that she could survive each attack, have her Dragon Gaze activate at the right time, barely killing all five foes while having only ~3 HP left, leading to a victory when I had moved her into a spot where I was certain she'd die at.
  11. I'm quite pleased with the game & its generosity thanks to free orbs being so common... ...but the more recent units look like they will heavily force power creep, and look to be marketed as though they are concerned about their income, being obviously much stronger so that people will want to whale on them.
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