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Everything posted by FlyingKitsune

  1. You guys have a ridiculous amount of 5 stars. I thought I was super lucky having 34 5 stars, with 4 of them being from free pulls, and 6 of them from hero feathers. I didn't count the 5 stars I was given from IS and guaranteed pulls though... I would've had a lot more if not for the fact that my luck when it comes to IVs are crap. I've ended up sacrificing 12 for cool skills. I haven't really spent any money on the game, and I've been playing since... around the end of book 2 I think. I don't remember. All I remember is Fjorm on the app picture.
  2. I'm living in the west coast. Not much happens where I live.
  3. why have you cursed me with this knowledge why would you make me see my own meme this way
  4. What it's supposed to say is nah nah nah nah nah nah nah BATMAN
  5. Is woefully unaware of the kitsune's secret stash of jetpacks.
  6. Leo turns you into a tree. I invade Nohr with the other Hoshidans.
  7. It's done, but it's a terrible game that everyone hates. I wish that I can actually make a half-way decent Fire Emblem fanfic and upload it, instead of just giving up half-way like I usually do.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQY9ZW-MkKg
  9. Hey, welcome! From one new member to another.
  10. Apparently dislikes FE 15, aka echoes: shadows of valentia
  11. Really, there's only one character that actually has a chance to get in that I happen to like that I can think of. Jibanyan. The Yo-kai watch franchise does fairly well in Japan, despite it not doing well in America due to a multitude of reasons. It's a fun game series though.
  12. Perhaps Villager can pocket a laser or something. That's all I can think of.
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