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Everything posted by FlyingKitsune

  1. Banned for banning someone over a happy reason.
  2. Banned because I don't know what a crusade of indulgence is.
  3. Doesn't know who the 4th fighter of the 2nd fighter pass is.
  4. What the fu- Anyway, this is a very strange timeline we live in.
  5. I once followed the wrong person instead of my dad and almost got lost.
  6. Banned for not saying "banned" for once.
  7. https://www.piskelapp.com/user/5195498653220864
  8. Looks like there wasn't any leaks for CYL 5 this year huh? I guess we'll all find out the results on tomorrow's FEH channel. If FEH channel is tomorrow and not Tuesday that is.
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